Directory MSDOS/BATUTL/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== ANSMAT10.ZIP B 80583 920518 Write BAT files to change colors/function keys ASET10.ZIP B 80283 930519 Ricki's enhanced SET command ASK11.ZIP B 13714 910810 Asks questions in BATch files, with timeout ASK3.ZIP B 16870 880615 Timed Ask from BAT w/config. errorlevels ASKMEP.ZIP B 26061 920715 Batch file utility to prompt for Y/N question ASK_BAT.ZIP B 15051 890217 Timed response to Y/N prompts in .BAT files BAT2EX15.ZIP B 37146 920131 Converts BAT files to EXE files BATCHART.ZIP B 32312 891030 A well written article on Batch files BATCHSEL.ZIP B 8373 910527 Do DOS cmd /w file selection from BATCH file BATHINTS.ZIP B 41973 910521 Collection of hints on using BATch files BATMEN.ZIP B 29336 890630 Scrollable menus/windows in DOS batch files BATMNU21.ZIP B 36295 930111 Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows BATSCRN.ZIP B 22034 910815 Full screen pop-up pause/answer for BAT files BATSEC.ZIP B 12230 920530 Batch Secrets: Elementary color/key text info BATUTIL1.ZIP B 215838 900402 Manipulate environment/get input in BAT files BCSRCE2.ZIP B 133347 920330 Wenham's BATCOM-compiled .BAT source code BED11.ZIP B 57181 890630 Batch Editor, edit files in batch BTCHROOM.ZIP B 4253 901228 Corrects COMMAND.COM problem w/MARK & RELEASE CALLBAT.ZIP B 12798 930119 CALL command emulator for DOS < version 3.3 CATSIG.ZIP B 25630 911209 Audible & visual alarm for ending a long batch CDTECT.ZIP B 2718 901013 Check for modem carrier detect in BAT files CHECK160.ZIP B 22584 920721 Cmdline util to report on system; errorlevels CHKTD15.ZIP B 13217 930130 Check current time / date and set errorlevel CHOICE17.ZIP B 45598 900314 Ask multi-level questions in batch files CLRKEY13.ZIP B 10614 930130 Clear 'n' keystrokes from keyboard buffer CNTDWN1.ZIP B 6024 930216 Countdown from n minutes, returning ERRORLEVEL COUNTFIL.ZIP B 6032 920312 Execute specified command after 'n' executions DAT13.ZIP B 11535 901118 Display date and time for program logging DATEINFO.ZIP B 17019 930612 Date reminder pgm for AUTOEXEC/Win3.1 startup DOMENU13.ZIP B 6780 911230 Adds window menus to any batch file DPV12.ZIP B 10348 901223 BATutl: Search drive/path/volume return errlvl EBL405.ZIP B 52099 910506 Extended Batch Language version 4.05 ECHSYS10.ZIP B 32495 890925 ECHO/SET-like utils,include sundry system info EL.ZIP B 3293 901017 Set errorlevel to value on cmd line, w/C src ENVTIME.ZIP B 12400 930103 Set DOS envir. variables based on system clock ERRLVL13.ZIP B 10511 930130 Set the DOS errorlevel (return code) EVERY15.ZIP B 11223 920312 BATutil: Execute cmd if given time has passed EXISTDIR.ZIP B 5824 930108 Check existence of files and subdirectories EXITTIME.ZIP B 34415 890824 Exit batch file at specified time FDATE68A.ZIP B 53708 920925 Date manipulation utility for batch files FUNKY.ZIP B 6596 930223 Batch file ask, input F1-F10 function key ans. GET24.ZIP B 73084 911111 BATch enhancer inputs from user, DOS, environ. HIT.ZIP B 16578 890801 Graphic alternative to DOS's PAUSE-Color reqd. HMRHM11B.ZIP B 11159 901229 Returns to start DIR in batch files HOLDIT10.ZIP B 6910 930506 Like DOS' PAUSE w/timeout & errorcode w/srcTP INT11.ZIP B 6726 920324 Execute DOS/BIOS interrupts from command line JUMPEXT.ZIP B 13029 890630 Extended batch file decision maker KEYCHK11.ZIP B 7192 930630 Control batch file decision making from keybd KEYSTF.ZIP B 941 900523 BAT util: Stuffs characters into kbd buffer MAKEMENU.ZIP B 85806 890716 Construct MENU Batch files automatically MAKMNU18.ZIP B 25875 930130 Self maintaining menu utility MENU0891.ZIP B 17119 911015 Creates batch files which present nested menus MFWRITE.ZIP B 11095 901223 Write cmd strings to console w/escape interp. MICROBAT.ZIP B 14068 910207 MicroMacroBat, extends functionality of BATs MS_ASK.ZIP B 3428 930303 Ask user for input in a batch file. w/ASM src NIGHT.ZIP B 39765 880801 Schedule batch files at specified times PWRBT14J.ZIP B 147766 920530 PowerBatch: Compiles batch-like files to EXE RAMBAT1.ZIP B 6144 920322 Use RAM for Batch files, save hard disk space RAP101.ZIP B 234002 920508 RAP v1.01: Powerful Batch programming language RESET23.ZIP B 10301 930130 Presses the reset button and/or CTRL+ALT+DEL RETURNTO.ZIP B 2311 930407 .BAT files for auto-return to starting drv/dir RING14.ZIP B 13889 911209 Ring console bell, optionally on error RONSET25.ZIP B 64958 910226 Multi-function batch enhancer by Ron Bemis RUNAT10.ZIP B 10156 910825 Run command against each file in a given list SASK135.ZIP B 13781 920426 Asks question in BAT file, returns errorlevel SAVPTH13.ZIP B 12960 930130 Save current path setting to a batch file SAVSCR27.ZIP B 14177 930130 Save/restore current text screen contents SCRTYP13.ZIP B 12898 930130 Return screen type in use SECBAT.ZIP B 74619 920825 The Secrets of Batch files: Color and macros SETENV13.ZIP B 21789 891219 Set environment variables from .BAT file SLEEP25.ZIP B 12420 930130 Sleep for specified period SPARKL28.ZIP B 44218 910531 Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows SPRBAT3B.ZIP B 35008 900519 Winchester Computer Systems SuperBat utilities SPUTILS.ZIP B 102076 910302 Batch & screen-save utilities w/mouse input STACKEY3.ZIP B 120603 900402 Place keystrokes in keyboard buffer -- BAT aid STFKEY15.ZIP B 12895 930130 Stuff keys into the keyboard buffer. Non-TSR STRINGS2.ZIP B 82478 921207 Adds 70 string handling functions to BAT files SW_42A.ZIP B 54126 930811 SW v4.2: BATCH file enhancement utility TBT310.ZIP B 45823 920324 TurboBat: Compiles BATch files to COM binaries TESTIF.ZIP B 12329 901203 Controls batch files through error codes TIMESTMP.ZIP B 55525 900128 Display current date & time on standard output TOADFR12.ZIP B 4346 910427 Return disk free space as ERRORLEVEL TSBAT43.ZIP B 93963 930509 Collection of useful batch files by Timo Salmi VC10.ZIP B 5294 920526 VolumeChecker: Batch utility checks disk label VIDTYP14.ZIP B 31648 900831 Set environment variable to video display type WAITER.ZIP B 11459 930306 Batutl: Counts down, allowing user to bail out WHAT150.ZIP B 10477 901203 Set DOS environment to show system information XECHO11.ZIP B 9218 900525 For batch files: A smart echo with options XSET300.ZIP B 106570 930407 Put ANYTHING in a variable of current envir.