MAKE.EXE Public domain MAKE MAKE.INI Init file for use with MAKE UE31216M.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - MS-DOS DPMI executable UE312ANS.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - MSDOS w/ANSI graphics UE312CMD.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 command and startup files UE312DOC.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 docs in MSS format UE312H.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 Header and assembly files UE312IBM.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - IBMPC MONO/CGA/EGA/VGA UE312SRC.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 C language source UE312WIN.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 for Windows 3.1 (EXE package) US20DOC.ZIP MicroSPELL spelling checker, docs & dictionary US20EXE.ZIP MicroSPELL spelling checker, executables US20SRC.ZIP MicroSPELL spelling checker, C language source