aa_51.zip B 167571 930320 Astronomical almanac - sun moon planets stars astrmt20.zip B 579793 940430 Astrometry for ST-4, ST-6 and TIFF images astro20.zip B 38379 880925 Calculate planetary ATA, rise and set time astro202.zip B 96575 920904 Athabasca University Micro-Planetarium v2.02 b_star.zip B 42026 930524 Program to animate motions of a binary star brungsc1.zip B 60868 940204 Astronomy: Drawing a sky map using GSC dance13.zip B 148373 930903 Computer model of the solar system. DEMO de118i.zip B 185587 930320 N-body numerical integration of moon & planets diff_dra.zip B 41906 930524 Displays a binary star system in 3-D ds3d401a.zip B 342861 940419 Planetarium prog especially for observers, 1/2 ds3d401b.zip B 584398 940419 Planetarium prog especially for observers, 2/2 ecu15.zip B 359878 940113 WIN3: Earth Centered Universe planetarium pgm ephem421.zip B 245439 901111 Astronomical ephemeris:stars/planets positions expwt21.zip B 46804 940609 Find relative weight & info on local planets galil.zip B 49987 930524 Animates motions of Jupiter and its satellites galsat50.zip B 37270 930814 Displays relative positions of Jupiter's Moons gravity2.zip B 112662 910604 Simulates motions of planetary bodies in space grvkit02.zip B 249087 940111 N-body gravitational simulator and player heat0_1.zip B 72707 931110 Aurora Spacecraft heat shield design, w/source hubble14.zip B 391920 940425 Astronomy Planetarium simulator for MS-Windows jpstphn2.zip B 55651 910621 Animated display of Jupiters' satellites (CGA) jupcom02.zip B 40108 940211 How to observe July's Comet-Jupiter collision jupmap.zip B 15562 940211 WIN3 .BMPs used in jupcom02.zip jupsat40.zip B 49971 940203 Jovian satellites simulator with animation moon.zip B 57300 901210 Graphic display of moon's face w/pan/move/find planet.zip B 40510 890215 Gives time/azimuth/coords for planet rise/sets plnwch20.zip B 320471 940608 Solar system simulator and reference satview2.zip B 34439 910620 Mathematical model of sunlit planet Saturn/CGA sfs101.zip B 277775 920312 Space Flight Simulator, CGA/HGC/EGA/VGA sfs101s.zip B 446122 920822 Source code for Space Flight Simulator v1.01 skyglb36.zip B 362704 931101 SkyGlobe v3.60: Desktop planetarium program skyimg1.zip B 1048378 930306 Planetary/Lunar GIF images for SkyMap v1.2 skymp20a.zip B 487370 940128 SkyMap v2.0 Win3.1 Planetarium, program+docs skymp20b.zip B 575105 931231 SkyMap v2.0 Win3.1 Planetarium, data files skyplot.zip B 156651 880808 Star map graphic display skyvw30.zip B 728839 940415 Planetarium simulator for Win 3.1 386 Enh mode solar.zip B 34892 881013 Solar system simulator starpl20.zip B 326806 931229 Star chart drawing package & Hubble GSC viewer starview.zip B 205945 881101 Astronomy at its best - (requires mouse) starwrk2.zip B 194790 931219 Astronomical Planetarium Simulator (SVGA-HERC)