Command Line Windows UnArchive Copyright © 1993 James N. Hughes A zip file _must_ be specified on the command-line, with its full pathname included. Multiple archives may be specified. All switches are case insensitive. The switches can come before or after the archive name. ************ -Rprog.ext ************ This switch will cause WUNA to run the specified program after unarchiving the _first_ zip file. The program may be a .bat, .pif, .exe (dos or windows), or .com file. The program name may include a full path. If the path is not included, WUNA will look in the Extract path (as set by the user or the -P switch) for the program. ************ -Pdestpath ************ Sets the extraction path to destpath. If this switch is not present, the user is presented with a dialog box prompting him for the path. If the user hits the Cancel button in the dialog, the program exits. ************ -O *************** Turns _on_ overwriting of existing files. Use with care! If this switch is absent, the user is queried whenever a file being extracted already exists. ************ -D *************** Turns on creation of directories in archive. ************ -M# ************ Turns cooperative multitasking off or on and sets the multitasking factor to #. Unlike previous versions, WUNA can now unarchive without taking over your cpu completely. Cooperative multitasking does slow unarchiving, so you may wish to disable in some instances. If # is zero, cooperative multitasking is turned off. Any other value will turn on cooperative multitasking and will set the mt to #. The higher mt is, the more WUNA grabs your cpu. In other words, a very high value for mt is almost like having cooperative multitasking turned off. A very low value of mt would mean that your unarchiving would take a long time, but would not slow down other programs you have running. The mt must be between 1 and 999. By default, c.m. is turned on, and mt is set to 50. Not that if c.m. is turned off, the Abort button in the unzipping box is not available. ************ -Sfilespec.ext ************ Selects the specified file(s) for unarchiving. May contain old-style wildcards only; which is to say that asterisks must be immediately before the period or at the end of the extension only. For example, "fl*sp.ext" is not allowed. This would be interpreted as "fl*.ext". Question marks are allowed anywhere in the filespec. To exit after unarchiving or listing, the -e switch must still be used. Thus, the equivalent of: PKUNZIP ARCHIVE.ZIP D:\OUTPATH\ *.DOC would be: WUNA.EXE ARCHIVE.ZIP -S*.DOC -PD:\OUTPATH\ (The order of the parameters is irrelevant.) ************ -S@filelst.ext ************ Same as above, except that all filespecs contained in the file specified would be selected. The filespecs can be seperated by spaces or returns. If neither selection switch is present, WUNA extracts all files in the archive.