Installing WinDex From the DOS prompt, create a directory for WinDex: C:\> md c:\windex11 Change to the newly created directory: C:\> cd \windex11 Unzip the program files, specifying the DOS path of the .ZIP file. C:\WINDEX11> pkunzip [a:\] Start Windows. From Program Manager, select a Group that you would like WinDex to appear in. Use File New to add a new entry for WinDex. For Description, enter "WinDex V1.1". For the command line, enter "c:\windex11\windex", and for the working directory enter "c:\windex11" then click on OK. If you want WinDex to start automatically when you start Windows, you need to copy the icon to the Start Up group. To do this,hold down key and click on the WinDex icon. You can now drag it to the Start Up group.