February 2, 1993 Computer Witchcraft, Inc. This diskette contains a Self-Extracting Archive file: MEGAED.EXE - Mega Edit. This is a powerful Notepad replacement text editor for Windows. Among its features are very large file editing, multiple file opening, and split screen editing. Before running the Self-Extracting Archive file, you should copy the file to an empty temporary directory. When you run the file, it will "explode" into the several files that make up the application. When it has completed, you may want to delete the temporary copy of the Self-Extracting Archive file so that you do not confuse it later with one of the application's files. Be careful to delete ONLY the Archive file since many of the application files have similar names. After running the Archive file, look at the .TXT files for more information about each application. Thank you, Computer Witchcraft, Inc. Phone: (415) 752-2477 Fax: (415) 752-8971 Internet: service@win.net CompuServe: 76130,1463