------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Feb 1994 12:59:04 -0800 (PST) From: tomj@WPS.COM(Tom Jennings) Subject: File 4--Computer Science "Security" Seminar?? Unsolicited junkmail received today. I almost tossed it. It's a three-fold, two-color card, impossible to reproduce correctly in ASCII, but I'll do the best I can. It's worth looking over (for all the wrong reasons). Your employees may be cyber terrorists! I wonder whose BBS is about to become famous... I'll wait for the movie, thanks. JUNKMAIL FLYER RECEIVED TODAY: INSTITUTE OF DATA SECURITY & INTEGRITY Box 249 Washington DE 19899-0249 (DE not DC) VOICE: 1-800-351-5888 FAX: 1-302-762-6411 "THE DARK SIDE OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY" information assets at risk An in depth seminar you can't afford to miss. (*) Computer Underground releases 250 viruses targeting anti-virus software [tj: their capitalization] (*) Air Force Institute of Technology study proves scanner technology can't cope with the real threat (*) Deadly stealth and polymorphic viruses cost companies billions. (**) THE Computer Underground Exposed ...an in-depth seminar. "A quality education opportunity: (*) Everyone is telling you something different!!! Some "experts" and OEMs are saying the virus threat is all hype and the work of mischievous adolescents. Find out the truth!!! Know what the real threat is and who contributes to the astronomical number of viruses currently in existence. Figures can be deceiving. Look into the heart, mind and arsenal of the enemy!!! IDSI is presenting the most in depth seminar on computer viruses in the PC environment. The development of progressively more sophisicated viruses continues to accelerate at a phenomenal rate. Today, powerful new strains of viruses -- stealth, polymorphic, the Dark Avenger Mutation Engine, do it yourself virus kits -- present a sinister threat to the computing world. This is not the run of the mill classroom type seminar. You will see real screens from an undergrounds virus bulletin board and the demonstration of the same cirus creation software widely available to cyber terrorists, as well as to your own employees. FACULTY: Joe Piazza, CDRP (footnote *) (Certified Disaster Recovery Planner) Mr. Piazza's background includes internal loss prevention, security systems, card access, closed circuit television, data storage, information management, electronic vaulting, LAN disaster avoidance and recover, and business contingency planning. Mr. Piazza has been a key faculty member for seminars or symnposiums at: ISSA, Baltimore PC EXPO, Temple Univ., DVDRIEG, MADRA, PHMA (Penn. Health Info. Mgt. Assoc.), AHIMA (Assoc. of Hosp. Info. Mgt & Admin) (* footnote) In the event the scheduled presenter is unavailable due to extraordinary conditions, a speaker of comparable expertise may be substituted. YOURS FOR ATTENDING: (*) COmplete presentation in hard copy. (*)NCSA (Nat'l Comp. Sec. Assoc) newsletter and membership application. (*) List of reference material and pubs. (*) Certificate of attendance. REGISTRATION INFORMATION: blah blah blah... name date etc $159 (Place/dates: Mar 7 - Apr 22) =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ + END THIS FILE + +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+===+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=