------------------------------ Date: Sun, 09 Jan 94 17:16:49 PST From: David.Batterson@F290.N105.Z1.FIDONET.ORG(David Batterson) Subject: File 2--Personal E-mail-Networking W/outLANs; Gay on-line Services Personal E-mail - Networking Without LANs by David Batterson While the wired generation continues to gobble up cyberspace access via PRODIGY, The Internet, UseNet, AOL, GEnie, CompuServe, DELPHI, MCI Mail, LANs, WANs and BBSs, one software firm is taking a questionable detour from the Information Highway. AmerCom, an Oregon startup company, has developed an electronic mail program called Personal-E Mailbox that lets you send and receive e-mail on a direct PC-to-PC basis. Personal-E answers the phone, switching any voice callers to an operator or answering machine/voice mail system, and stores all e-mail messages for later reading and response. The idea behind Personal-E is to provide a means of setting up a cheap network that's easy to use and maintain. The software can be used by a company, nonprofit organization, radio station, little league team, or church group to exchange e-mail and read information. You can also upload/download small files (up to 30K), although file transfer is a minor function of this dedicated e-mail software. The program will also run from a floppy, for users on the road who might use another's PC. When you call someone using Personal-E Mailbox, there's no annoying modem squawk. Instead, both sender and receiver hear normal ring tones. Personal-E Mailbox works with virtually any PC, 2400 bps or faster Hayes-compatible modem, and any answering machine. Personal-E Mailbox is considered a "lite" version of what will be newer, more powerful personal e-mail programs, says AmerCom CEO Judge Schonfeld. Schonfeld called the product a "no brainer." That's why they are sticking with widely-used 2400-bps modems. Even if you use a 14.4K-bps modem, Personal-E lowers the speed down to a laggard 2400-bps during transmissions. AmerCom will donate a free copy to any U.S. senator/representative, major media organization or public library that requests one. So far there have been no takers from politicians, Schonfeld admits. Just getting the White House online has been a mixed success so far, and Congress is still wresting with public e-mail access. So expecting them to jump into an unproven e-mail system seems very unlikely at this juncture. Personal-E Mailbox doesn't replace your usual communications software or BBSs and online services, but rather aims to serve a growing niche market: small, personal networks. Schonfeld said that some of those now using Personal-E include US Navy recruiting offices, public schools, universities, Realtors, small businesses and home users. With the trend toward cable phone service and wireless communications surging ahead like a roadrunner, will AmerCom's simplified approach play in Peoria? Stay tuned and see. Personal-E Mailbox: $29.95, $49.95 for a Twin Pack. AmerCom, Inc. (503) 531-2880 FAX: (503) 531-2884 AOL: CochJim (Jim Cochell) ========================== Gay-Friendly National Online Service by David Batterson Millennium Online, a new national online service was launched last year in Florida and continues to attract new subscribers on a daily basis. Operated by Millennium Global of Clearwater, Florida, the new computer information service is not gay-owned but it's definitely "gay-friendly." According to Senior Account Executive Sandra Fidale, "20 percent of the sales force is gay or lesbian. I myself am out and my spouse is recognized by Millennium at all corporate functions as what and who she is: my spouse." Fidale added that "to the best of my knowledge, Millennium Global was one of the first businesses recognized by the Human Rights Task Force (HRTF) of Tampa Bay. Millennium Global was in the first issue of the 'Buycott Handbook' published by the HRTF." The online service, similar to PRODIGY, CompuServe, GEnie and America Online, offers a variety of features including electronic mail and message forums, news and financial information. In addition, there is buying and selling of real estate, discounted credit cards, real-time ("live") chatting, interactive games, shareware downloads, local access numbers, and access to The Internet. "The Internet doubles in size annually and now links over two million computers serving some six million users," said Vinton Cerf, president of the Internet Society. "When electronic mail interconnects are taken into account, nearly 20 million users conduct their business from labs, homes and offices over the Internet," Cerf said. There is no surcharge for 9600-bps modem access as with most other major online systems. A gay forum on Millennium Online is sponsored and hosted by 10 PERCENT magazine. You can read selected articles from 10 PERCENT Magazine online. 10 PERCENT and Life Management--a gay/lesbian support services and risk management organization--are placing Network Ten online. Network Ten is an information resource designed by gay and lesbian professionals to meet the needs of lesbians and gay men, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, confidentially and from the privacy of your home or office. 10 PERCENT also offers a Gay and Lesbian Business and Service Directory that defaults to the member's area code. In addition to the gay forum, Millennium Online provides online HIV/AIDS counseling and an online newsletter through the AIDS Coalition, a PLWA forum. The service provides complimentary advertising internationally for any non-profit AIDS organization, and supplies daily AIDS updates from a variety of resources on both legal and medical issues. Millennium distributes condoms donated by ACP (AIDS Coalition of Pinellas), and has distributed many condoms to Northwestern University's Gay Student Union. When Millennium Online officials appear at trade shows, they pass out small black packets that have the likeness of a floppy disk on them, and "WE HOLD THE FUTURE" printed on the back. Inside are LifeStyles condoms. The promotion has generally been received favorably. The popular SHOCKING GRAY catalog is also online, with selected photos and interactive customer service capabilities. SHOCKING GRAY distributes Millennium Online's brochures, and is placing Millennium Online in their future catalogs. Millennium Online offers CommunitySpirit's long distance calling program to their membership, and will be a resource for Overlooked Opinions in future polls. In addition to online services, Millennium Global donates two percent of all corporate profits to the AIDS Coalition, and accesses all telecommunications products through the CommunitySpirit program. Since Millennium Online has corporate sponsors, this allows the company to charge less than comparable services. Users pay $10 a month plus .10 per minute for unlimited access to all services including The Internet. E-mail messages are unlimited, and include free return receipts, sound, graphics and choice of onscreen fonts. For more information, contact Millennium Global, Inc., One Corporate Drive, Suite 119, Clearwater, FL 34622; (800) 774-0122, (813) 572-0122, FAX: (813) 571-1183. ### David Batterson of Portland, OR, writes about computers, online services and gay/lesbian subjects for various newspapers and magazines. Contact him at: dbatterson@mcimail.com or Fido NetMail: 1:105/290. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ + END THIS FILE + +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+===+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=