------------------------------ Date: 8 Dec 1993 09:18:53 +0100 From: prompt@HACKTIC.NL(Frank A. Vorstenbosch) Subject: File 10--Dutch Hewlett-Packard User Group Conference, May '94 Please find enclosed our information package on the 1994 PROMPT Anniversary Conference. In case you do not know us: PROMPT is the Dutch user group for all Hewlett-Packard calculators and handheld computers. We celebrate our 10th anniversary in 1994, and we have organized a number of activities to celebrate this. One of them was inviting numerous 'famous' HP personalities to write a guest article for our journal throughout 1993. Another, and perhaps the most important event will be the conference in 1994. To take care of organizational matters, we have established a separate foundation, HPCALC. After a relative long period of silence since the 1992 HPCC London conference, we are in a position now to start taking registrations. The information enclosed comprises general information on the conference, a registration form, and a call for papers. To ensure that the conference will be a great success: Please spread the word! We ask you to distribute the enclosed information to as many interested friends, collegues, etc. If you want more information, or if you want to contribute, please contact us at one of the addresses shown in the accompanying information. Hoping to see you at the conference, The PROMPT Committee ------------------ CUT HERE --------------- The 1994 Anniversary Conference On graphical interfaces, user groups and PC compatibility (or Is bigger better in handheld computing?) Dear HP user, PROMPT - the Dutch user group for all Hewlett-Packard calculators and handheld computers - is proud to announce the 1994 PROMPT Anniversary Conference. We celebrate our 10th anniversary in 1994, and we have organized a number of activities to celebrate this. One of them was inviting numerous 'famous' HP personalities to write a guest article for our journal throughout 1993. Another, and perhaps the most important event will be the conference in 1994. To take care of organizational matters, we have established a separate foundation, HPCALC. After a relative long period of silence since the 1992 HPCC London conference, we are in a position now to start taking registrations. For information on how to register, look at the end of this article. When and where +-------------- The conference will be held at the Galaxy hotel right in the heart of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The conference will be held in the weekend of 28 and 29 May 1994. We have set aside four rooms for the conference: one large one, where the main presentations will be held, two smaller rooms for workshops, and one final room where clubs and dealers can present themselves. All presentations and workshops will be held in the English language. Main theme +---------- There will be a number of main threads throughout the conference. - Calculators and education With the advent of more and more powerful calculators, the question arises whether these so called 'super calculators' should be allowed for use in higher education. At the conference, we would like to start a discussion on this topic, looking into reasons to forbid (or encourage) their use, and also comparing the rules in the different countries around the world. - Graphical user interfaces Was the introduction of the HP48G and GX models just the beginning in the quest for the friendliest user interface? Or, will the fancy forms and menus just hamper the serious user? Given the limited computation power present in a handheld, where should the line be drawn? We hope to answer these and other questions on this subject at our conference. - User groups The user groups catering for HP calculators and handhelds seem to go up and down in the 'popularity polls'. Were there once many thriving user groups all around the world, it seems that a large number of them are no longer with us. The last few years, however, new groups are being formed, either on a formal or informal basis. Have the still surviving clubs changed? What does the 'perfect' user group look like: regular meetings, glossy maga-zines, mail order? Seen in this light, is there a function for the Europe-wide body HEX? Aside from these threads, there will be a number of workshops, where the more 'practical' sides of using the calculators and handhelds will be shown. Currently planned topics include: User and System RPL, Synthetic Programming, Use of the Solver, Databases and C programming on the 95/100, etc. The latest machines from Hewlett-Packard will of course be in the limelight most (such as the 48G and GX, 100LX), but don't think there will nothing of interest to, say, 41 die-hards! And we never know if there might be some news to spread during the conference... Small print +----------- There should be a registration form with this introduction, or you should be able to get it from the same source. Attendance fee for the conference (two days) will be f175 (175 guilders, approximately US$ 95, or UKP60) if you register before the 31st of january 1994, f200 if registering later. This will cover entry to the conference, a copy of the proceedings, and coffee, tea and lunch on both days. There will be farewell diner organized on Sunday, for which you can register separately, at f50 per person. You are expected to find your own way on Saturday evening (although we can probably organize something for the foreign visitors). The Galaxy hotel +---------------- If you would like to stay the night (or two) at the Galaxy hotel, please tick the appropriate box on the registration form. The Galaxy, a luxurious hotel right in the heart of Amsterdam, offers a special deal for conference attendees at f150 guilders per person per night. If this is not within your budget, we can provide you with a list of alternatives, and we might be able to help with reservations. More information +---------------- If you want to write a paper for the proceedings, or if you want to hold a presentation or workshop, please read the Call for Papers, which can be found at the same palce where you got this information sheet. We will send new information to all user groups and Bulletin Board Systems who received this information. We will also post messages to the appropriate newsgroups on the Internet. If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us in one following ways: - Email: prompt@hacktic.nl or kuiperh@nlr.nl - Fax: +31-(75)-167183 - BBS: +31-70-355 8674 (14400,8N1) (leave a message for the sysop) - Regular mail: P.O. Box 1081 1500 AB Zaandam Netherlands On behalf of the PROMPT committee, Herman Kuiper Frank A. Vorstenbosch ************************************************************************ ***** End of Computer Underground Digest #6.02 ***** ************************************************************************