Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1992 13:06:33 CST Sender: Activists Mailing List From: James P Love Subject: File 5-- Electronic FOIA/April 2 hearing On April 2, 1992 the Senate Subcommittee on Technology and the Law will hold a public hearing on S. 1940, Senator Leahy's "Electronic Freedom ofke Information Improvement Act of 1991." This important legislation addresses the issue of the availability of electronic records under the Freedom of Information Act. A number of persons have asked how Senator Leahy's Electronic FOIA bill (S. 1940) relates to Representative Owens' Improvement of Information Access Act (IIA Act, HR 3459), which also amends the Freedom of Information Act. The _short_ answer is that S. 1940 would strengthen the public's rights to receive electronic records that are subject to a FOIA request, while the Owens bill would enhance access by improving the scope and performance of agency information products and services. The principal opposition to the Leahy bill comes from federal agencies who do not like FOIA responsiblities, while the principal opposition to the Owens bill comes from commercial data vendors who don't want new government information products and services. We plan to provide a more detailed discussion of the two bills in a few days. Senator Leahy wants to use the April 2, 1992 hearing to develop a record of the problems the public has in receiving electronic records from agencies. We are preparing a statement which will address several issues, including, among other things: - the Federal Reserve Bank's use of NTIS to sell the electronic copy of its bank call reports for $500 a tape, rather than releasing the information under a FOIA request for the cost of copying the information, - the SEC/Mead contract that will prevent the electronic copy of EDGAR database from being available under FOIA, and - the Department of Justice/WESTLAW contract which prevents the public from obtaining large portions of the JURIS database under FOIA. We would be very interested in learning about _ANY_ problems people have had receiving electronic records under FOIA. For more information about S. 1940 or the April 2, 1992 hearing, contact Cathy Russell, Counsel to the Subcomittee, at 202-224-3406, or write to her at 815 Senate Hart Building, Washington, DC 20510. Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253