------------------------------ From: kusumoto@CHSUN1.UCHICAGO.EDU(Bob Kusumoto) Subject: Using the CuD email archive server Date: Mon, 8 Apr 91 18:23:52 CDT ******************************************************************** *** CuD #3.12: File 4 of 4: Using the CuD mailserver *** ******************************************************************** A note about the e-mail archive server at chsun1.uchicago.edu: please send any and all requests for files/help to: archive-server@chsun1.uchicago.edu this is not the address for receiving the latest issue of CuD from the mailing list. Either subscribe to alt.society.cu-digest on USEnet or send mail to TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET (although I'm not sure, you might be able to do uunet!NIU.BITNET!TK0JUT2 if you do not have a definition for .BITNET sites). The archive server is automated and it only understands a few commands placed in the body of the message you send. These commands are HELP, INDEX, SEND, and PATH (case doesn't matter). In short: help: sends a help file describing each command in detail index: sends an index of available topics. If the topic is on the same line, it will send a detailed index of that topic. Available CuD topics are: ane ati bootlegger chalisti cud hnet law lod narc network nia papers phantasy phrack phun pirate school synd tap send: sends a file. Commands for send must be in the following format: send topic filename send topic filename1 filename2 filename3 ... Please note that the arguments are separated by spaces, not slashes or any other characters. Also, some mailers between this site and yours might not be able to handle mail messages larger than 50k in size. You will have to make special arrangements to receive these files (see address below). path: This command forces a specified return path. Normally, the server will guess what the return address should be (most of the time, successfully), but in some cases, it will cause the requested files to bounce, leaving you without your files. If this is the case, you should use the path command to set the return address. Please note, the mailer here cannot handle .uucp addresses, these addresses must be fully expanded. Here are some examples: path user@host.bitnet [for BITNET hosts, direct] path user%hosta.major.domain@hostb.major.domain path hosta!hostb!hostc@uunet.uu.net some useful commands to give to the server (once you know your mailing address is OK) are: send cud cud-arch which sends the master Index for the CuD archive. send cud chsun1.email.files which sends a directory of all files that are in the CuD archives by topic, filename, size of the file, and other less useful information. This file is updated whenever new files are added to the archives. If you have any problems and wish to have someone help you with the server, please send mail to: archive-management@chsun1.uchicago.edu (also cudarch@chsun1.uchicago.edu) Bob Kusumoto chsun1 archive manager ******************************************************************** **END OF CuD #3.12** ********************************************************************