------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Sep 90 02:36 EDT From: groundzero@TRONSBOX.XEI.COM Subject: Anarchist Times, Inc. (ATI)--background ******************************************************************** *** CuD #2.05: File 3 of 7: Anarchist Times, Inc.- Background *** ******************************************************************** Underground Electronic Newspaper For Your E-Reading Pleasure. E-Written by PA and GZ. WARNING: The story following may contain explicit thoughts descriptive of, advocating, or encouraging one or more of the following: television sadomasochism folk music freedom democracy nudity drinking or eating healthfood satanism guitar playing antidisestablishmentarianism tobacco chewing use of COBOL for object-oriented programming cross-dressing peace murder nose hair insanity morbid violence rock n roll the illegal use of drugs the use of alcohol new ideas or the use of hi-fi stereo equipment. The writers of ATI oppose censorship of any kind. ATI is going on its third year as your first source of underground news. ATI is Activist Times Inc., an underground online newsletter with a mission: to present information and opinion in a socially relevant and stimulating context. ATI features articles about and for the computer underground, telecom, BBSing, anarchy, current events, social issues, humor , entertainment and more. ATI is into Politics, the environment, technology, the telephone, and mostly the First Amendment. Prime Anarchist is the originator of ATI and its co-editor along with Ground Zero, who is also its publisher. Prime began ATI around February, 1988 as an online newsletter on bulletin boards in Rhode Island and New York, in addition to producing a few issues on hard copy. Soon ATI spread to the downloading sections of bulletin boards across the country, most notably The Phoenix Project and P-80 Systems. ATI has a long list of present and past contributors, and has been known to present articles that conveyed a unique twist of humor. The titles speak for themselves: "Terrorism of a 976 Phone Sex Line", "Quantum Mix-Up", "Mall Terrorism", "Fun in Rich Rural Towns", and many others. In fact, some of the originators of YIPL/TAP magazine ghostwrote some articles in 88 and 89. Some of the ghosts' initials (for you yipsters) were RF, norfolk Virginia; CC, NYC; AH, Penn; FS, NYC; FS, Rhode Island; & A1, NYC. Issues of ATI may be obtained from many bulletin boards in the US, Europe and around the world, including Ripco BBS at 312-528-5020. You may also be added to ATI's net distribution list by e-mailing Ground Zero at: > uunet!tronsbox!akcs.groundzero or akcs.groundzero@tronsbox.xei.com if you < have a smart mailer. To receive back issues of ATI, email Ground Zero or access the ftp distribution site at and enter 'cd tmp/ftp/ATI'. Details are available in ATI #49 on how to receive back issues on disk. So demand ATI on your nearest BBS, inside your favorite mainframe, or right to your modem. But whatever you do, demand it. =) The makers of ATI would like to thank: Brother Jack, Dr. Timothy Leary, Jello Biafra, Johanna Lawrenson, Spin Magazine, Spy Magazine, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Dirk Hitler, Manuel Noriega, Saddam "sodom" Hussein, The 1910 FruitGum Company, Samuel Clemens, Jim and Tammy Baker, Oliver North, Ferdinand and Imelda and her shoes, and all the little people Leona Helmsley talked about. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ {Moderators' comment: ATI is a nice antidote to those who see no political consciousness amongst the CU. Like most e-mail mags, the substance has slowly changed and matured over the years, and it is becoming a nice mix of political, technical, and other information of relevance to computerists. Thanks to Ground Zero and Prime Anarchist for putting out a nifty publication. *************************************************************************** >> END OF THIS FILE << ***************************************************************************