------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Sep 90 15:23:16 pdt From: well!jwarren@APPLE.COM(Jim Warren) Subject: Candidate for state governor supports electronic freedom & privacy ******************************************************************** *** CuD #2.04: File 5 of 7: Legal Changes / Electoral Processes *** ******************************************************************** [Please post & circulate] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE SUPPORTS ELECTRONIC FREEDOM & PRIVACY Folks, we have a good chance of having a **State Governor** who (a) understands and favors technology, and -- more important -- (b) has signed and released the following statement (I just received a signed, dated copy by fax; I will fax it to anyone who requests it). -- Jim Warren, 9/16/90 [jwarren@well.sf.ca.us, or 415-851-7075/voice] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STATEMENT BY JIM GALLAWAY, CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF NEVADA I am the Republican candidate for Governor of the State of Nevada. I have been in the private telecomm industry for most of 20 years, and have been a principal in several telecomm and computer start-ups. I understand, support, and have practiced technological innovation. My wife and I have known Jim Warren for well over a decade. He has outlined some of the current issues about which owners and users of systems for e-mail, BBS, teleconferencing, electronic publishing and personal computing are deeply concerned. These are my positions, relative to some of the recent law enforcement practices by some government agents: 1. Government responses to alleged misdemeanors and crimes must be no more than comparable to the seriousness of the wrong-doings. 2. Simple electronic trespass without harm must be treated as any other simple trespass. It does not justify armed raids on teenagers, forced entry of private homes, nor seizure of telephone handsets, answering machines, computer printers, published documentation, audio tapes and the like. 3. The notion that equipment can be "arrested" and held inaccessible to its owner, without promptly charging the owner with a crime, is absolutely unacceptable. The practice of holding seized equipment and data for months or years is a serious penalty that must be imposed only by a court of law and only after a fair and public hearing and judicial finding of guilt. 4. Teleconferencing and BBS systems must have the same protections against suppression, prior restraint, search or seizure as do newspapers, printing presses and public meeting places. 5. The contents of electronic-mail and of confidential or closed teleconferencing exchanges must have the same protections against surveillance or seizure as does First Class Mail in a U.S. Post Office, and private discussions among a group in a home or boardroom. As Governor of the State of Nevada I will vigorously support all of these positions -- both statewide and nationally. /s/ Jim Gallaway, candidate for the Governor of Nevada [dated] 9/16/90 *************************************************************************** >> END OF THIS FILE << ***************************************************************************