SIHP3V1.txt Somewhere In Holland --== SIH Part III ==-- Wanna be a scener? Got something to contribute? Got some gig's left on your HD? You can visit The Party, go to The Symposium, buy a ticket to join The Gathering, or simply pay a visit to a town called Nijmegen. Somewhere In Holland, known as SIH, is about to start Part III, called 'A New Beginning'. What: Computer Party, no explanation needed, it's a party! When: 2-3-4 may 1997 Where: Kolpinghuis Nijmegen The Netherlands Highlights: - Three floor's - Sleeping Hall - Movies (Manga / SF / releases) - Music (DJ present) - Compo's (PC / Amiga / Music / others) - Network (Coax cable, just plug in and leach) - McDonalds present - Entrance: below 50,- Guilders (30 US $) Some do's: - Bring your CPU - Bring your releases - Bring your network card - Make reservations - Tell your friends Some don't: - Don't tell your parents - Don't forget your caffeine-pills - Don't miss it! Need some info?: Mail us at: Reservations: Read all about it at: