.úùÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ/\/-¯> lOGGies <®-\/\ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄùú. By : BlackMagic : ¯ 1 ® #RCN LOG #rcn buffer saved on Wed Aug 14 09:45:03 1996 *** Now talking in #rcn How do you untar a file? ello why not RATM, was pretty cool haa :) beacuse they are not the look I am trying for RATM's artwork that is and doesn;t go with the new color scheme And RATM's artwork WAS cool I agree *** hitzo is now known as optimix <[DaBoo]> hmm... *** N-Crawler is now known as MuDDFooT <[DaBoo]> why wont the stoopid bots op me?? *** unkie (~dumbfuck@wck-ca9-24.ix.netcom.com) has joined #rcn yup. Wave is so shitty.. they're such wannabe RCN man... Wave is so shitty.. they're such wannabe RCN man... his artwork rocked. Guys.. waht do you guys think of Wave? Wave is so shitty.. they're such wannabe RCN man... =) for those of you who have gotten a copy that is. I never seen it *** MasterMin (Mastermind@baator10.magic.ca) has joined #RCN *** RblChickn sets mode: +o [DaBoo] yea.. wave is pretty shitty.. they like have 2 articles in each issue that isn't in another language. Where can I get it? I wanna see They're such wannabes.. !rcn 24 they can't even code right.. their scroller works like shit. ummmmm... I don't think they have a site, plus and they even did a stupid emag review... I don't know, try #wave they reviewed RCN as the #1 emag and them as the #2 emag. no #wave is invite only heh *** Dimpact (~dameon@omni2.voicenet.com) has joined #rcn * birth wants fphoenix.irc they don't have a home channel thats public?! :) that sucks *** Dimpact has quit IRC (I'm outta here!) that's stupid how are ther fans suppose to converse with them, ohh yeah, they don't have any fans yea. Wave sucks sooooo bad... like, RCN is about 100x times more widely read than that wave crap. *** LOI- (HAHA@ has joined #rcn <[DaBoo]> hmm.. wave? you mean there is someone trying to compete with RCN?? I got 7 and it crashed my fuckin' system do you guys take new members who here is in #Mortality? rblchickn: yeah.. but how long have you guys been around.. it takes a while to establish.. yeah.. I dont' call Wave competition though.. it's not competing unless it's actually half decent. and it's definitely not half decent. * Zerohour is gone ]=- sleeping.. -=[ * Zerohour is gone ]=- food.. -=[ Pansartax.. and your point is? I didn't say Wave is new.. I said, Wave sucks. *** unkie (~dumbfuck@wck-ca9-24.ix.netcom.com) has left #rcn heh heh rblchickn: my point is that; it takes a while to establish.. *** O-S-H-O (*OSHO*BLH@hd54-242.compuserve.com) invites you to join #backlash End of #rcn buffer Wed Aug 14 09:45:03 1996