ͻ ____ _______ _______ ___| |_\__ |_____ / ____/ \__ ____/ / | __/ _/ __>/\ | | _/ _| \ \__ | / \ | | \ \_ \_ \______\ | | \_____| / |___| |____/ _________ : __________ __________ / _______/ _______: \_ \____ \ \______ \_ \_____ \_\__ |____\_ / __/ \_ | __/ / \ | / _/ | | / \_ / | \_____/ \_______/ \ | | \___/ ____/ | : \___/:\____: :____| _________ _____ _________ ____ \_ / (_____) / _______/ ___| |_ / /__ / \ \_____ \_\__ ____/ _/ / \| \_\ | / | | \ /| / | / \_______/ | | \_______/ :______/ | | |___| [iCEMAN /ZYKLOP] ͼ date: 23/11/96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ŀ Ĵ TERROR KID PROUDLY PRESENTS THE SWAP LIST Ŀ Ŀ ܳ ...IST IN DEN UNENDLICHEN WEITEN DES COMPUTER NIRVANAS IMMER AUF DER SUCHE NACH NEUEN TAUSCH-PARTNERN ! WER AN NEUSTER SOFT, VIREN, HACKERTOOLZ, TEXTEN, MAGS, PICTURES, DEMOZ, INFOS, FAQ`s, CRACKS, UNDERGROUND-STUFF, CD-SWAPPING UND SONSTIGEM TAUSCH INTERESSIERT IST, DER SCHREIBE MIT DISKS ODER CD`S. RUECKSENDUNG GARANTIERT !!! Ŀ Ĵ RETO STUBER FRIEDHOFWEG CH-3214 ULMIZ SWITZERLAND Ich suche auch noch : Texte aller Art (auch wenn`s Bullsh*t ist) Crackerprogies (auch Pay-CD) Demoz Schaltplne jeder Art Everything U think is GOOD Contact ME ! Kontakte zu Leuten, die Interesse an den genannten Gebieten haben Sound Tauschen: CD`s/Tapes => Punk, Hip-Hop, Crossover, Reggae, Rock... (Ich hre sehr viele Musikrichtungen, habe auch einiges Tauschmaterial) Papermags und Bcher zum Thema Hacking, Cracking, Viren und RADIOPIRATERIE. Besonders suche ich Schaltplne. Natrlich ausschliesslich zu Studien- zwecken. Ich wrde mich auch SEHR ber Artikel/Kopien aus Heften freuen !!! Unkosten werden selbstverstndlich zurckerstattet !!! !!! ACHTUNG !!! Wer die neuste Ausgabe des "Datenpiraten" will, der sende mir 5.-. "Der Datenpirat" ist ein Underground-Papermag. Es werden Themen wie Kartenmanipulation, Viren, Hackingnews/Infos, Programm-Film und Buch- Vorstellungen, Geschichten aus der Szene, Bauanleitungen, Bombs, usw. behandelt. Eine Ausgabe kann zur Probe GRATIS bestellt werden ! Ausgabe 7 & ev. Special Issue #2 erscheinen so Anfang Dezember ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ....BIG T.... Tristan Drost * Moritzzwinger 8 * 06108 Halle * Deutschland Techno - Soundfiles Demos Diskmags Bilder PD/Shareware ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sybille Stern Schrambergerstr. 66 D-78628 Rottweil Programmierung v.a. Assembler Sources Viren (Sources, Progs, Infos, und Texte) Underground Infos Hardware und technische Infos alles, was sonst irgendwie interessant ist (SW, Texte, Grafik) Erfahrungsaustausch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charly of VISIONS Franz Messner Postfach 4 A-3107 St. Plten Hacker-Tools Crackerprogies Disk-Mags Demos Intros Schaltplne aller Art (!! Pay-TV Decoder !!) MOD-Files Midi-Files Unterlagen bezglich Codierungs- Decodierungsverfahren (z.B.: Eurocrypt, Videocrypt,...) Listings und Unterlagen ber Plasmaprogrammierung !!! Datenbltter (von Microcontrollern von TMSxxxx bis PICxxxx) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claudius Schmidt Granatweg 2 D-41564 Kaarst Textfiles (suche: Beavis & Butt-head-FAQ; Underground-Texte; Listen...) Hinweise auf Textfile-Sammlungen oder Text-CDs und priv. CD-'Projekte' Diskmags bizarre Programme :) Demos anderes Zeug nur legal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coctail /Hot-Mag * Oliver Fritsch * Heiterblickallee 67 * D-04329 Leipzig * MODs * Mags (Holt euch bei mir das neueste Hot-Mag!) * Games * Soundtools ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ mheuschele@t-online.de he hot Stuff..........only the hot Stuff.........only the hot Stuff..........on ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LightsTONE of E-NERGETIC Roland Uhlmann Churerstr. 274 FL-9485 Nendeln LIECHTENSTEIN Flyers von TechnoParties (Zettel mit Partydatum und meistens DJ-Angaben) Alte und neue, egal von wo, egal in welchem Zustand! Swap mglich: Fast 400 verschiedene Flyers vorhanden! (Stand: Juli 95) Ausfhrliche Flyerliste verlangen!! CONTACT ME Technosounds >>> DMF, ULT, S3M, MOD, XM... Samples >>> SAM, WAV, VOC oder am besten DSF! Fr Techno geeignet! MIDI-Infos! Contact me, wenn du ein Techno-Producer oder DJ bist!!!!!! Vorallem interessiere ich mich fr Infos ber Labels, Erfahrungen im Musicbusiness, MIDI-Equipmentinfos, gnstige Occasionen... Oder einfach nur, weil du ein paar DMFs von mir hren mchtest... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ͻ Thorsten Lorenzen Westertoft 11 24955 Harrislee ͻ ͼ eMail me : thlorenzen@metronet.de ͼ ͻ Ich suche weiterhin Computerfreax die Lust haben mit mir ein wenig zu swappen. Meine Haupinteressen liegen bei : SW/FW/PD, neuen Werbegames, Diskmags aus aller Welt, interessanten Texten zu allen mglichen Themen, Mailboxen, Hacker/Cracker-Tools u. Infos, DF, Internet... ͼ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Ŀ ĿĿ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ . . . WaNTeD: - hAcKEr, CRAcKeR, PHReAkINg T00lz - TeXTe (jeden Sch..) K E I N E N - PAScaL aNd aSSeMbLEr sTUff | - V!REn, ViRUs SoURcEn, ConSTRuctIoN KiTz W I N D O O F : - MODzen (TeCHnO and RaVE) : - gUTe SW/PD/FW M U E L L - DiskMAgz, Demoz Stephan Ritter RuLEz: - MaXImaL 5 DiSKx Bebelstrasse 2 - KeiNE RK's, die wERdEn geLSCht uNd DiE 99867 Gotha DiSKx bLeIbeN FrIScH fOrMaTIert bEi MiR... ͼ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACO POSTFACH 5117 51575 Reichshof/BRD Hallo Leute ! Ich suche Kontakte zu Leuten aus dem Compibereich.Bin immer an neuer und alter Hackersoft interessiert, aber auch an anderen Proggis aus dem Shareware, PD, Demo, etc.Bereich.Suche auch Codes u..Desweiteren bin ich immer an neuer X-Rated Soft interessiert.Tauschmaterial in allen Be- reichen vorhanden.Falls jemand Interesse haben sollte, bitte an Anfang nicht mehr als 5 Disks schicken.Bin 100 % ehrlich !!! Auch Interesse am Tausch von : CD's (aus dem Computer, oder Musikbereich) Tausche auch noch andere Elektronikteile gegen alles mgliche.Falls Ihr irgendwas (vor allem Elektronik) gegen etwas anderes tauschen mchtet, dann meldet Euch einfach mal bei mir. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waldschraat Markus Hofmann Lindenstr. 17 D-74427 Fichtenberg Hackertools Crackertools MOD-Files Disk-Mags Demos PD und Shareware TXTs aller Art sonstige Infos (Hardware, Software, Szene) KEINE Viren mehr! Batches Addis ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decibel Overload Nils Westerboer Bahnhofstr. 4 74405 D-Gaildorf PD/SW Games (bes. 3D) und nochmal Games ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ŀ ۳ **************************************************** Suche: Viren, Hacker- und Cracktools, Mags, VCK's, Texte, Qbasic-Tools Bilder, Soundfiles(WAV), Sources, Assembler Contact me mal!!! Nobody, Haug Alexander, Badenberg 19, 87499 Wildpoldsried ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suche: Texte (Hacker, Storys, Anleitungen etc.); muss deutschsprachig sein ! Biete: Dasselbe in deutsch/englisch Suche: Div. Hacktools (deutsch) Biete: Das gleiche in englisch Tausche Song-Files im MIDI-Format Suche gute PD/SW zur Soundbearbeitung (Effekte, Schnitt, Mix,..). Gebe irgend etwas anderes dafr ab. Robert Stottmeister Johann-Meyer-Str. 18 D-01097 Dresden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ͸͸͸ ͸͸͸ ۳߳۳ ߳۳۳ ;͸۳۳ ;;͸۳ ۳ ;۳۳ ͸۳͸۳ ۳ ۳ ۳ܳ ۳۳۳۳ ܳ ۳ ͸۳۳ ۳۳Ըܳ۳ ۳ ͸۳ ۳͸ܳ;۳;۳ ۳۳ ۳۳۳۳۳ ;; ;;;;; WANtZ 2 FiND NW SWAP-PARtNRS AlL OVeR tHA HOlE UNiVRSE WRiTE FR 100% LGAl, UNLiTe MAiLSWAPPiN' HaCKR- & PhRKr-STU 럁 GMeZ UtILiTiZ SNe-STU TP-LiSTiNX & -UNiTS ViRUZ-TOOlZ PASSWoRD-STAlR & -RACkR iSKMGZ (AlWaYZ tHE NWST DiGITaL-HAT & CRCO-MG) SUNZ KWl MOS UNRGROUNd RiENDSHiP-CAtALGZ PD\SW\FW ........................... ... JOiN ThE NW PCH-iSK ! ... ... PRHAPS W'Ll MT iN MUNiCHs StADtNeT ... ... GeT MY HUG SWAP-CATALOG ('bOUT 4 GB LiSTD) ... ... GRtINX LY 2 AlL MY RiNDZ AN SWAPPRZ RUN ... - - - - WRiT YA -MAiLs 2 : CALiGO@LORDS.COM - - - - OR ViSIT MY BRAND-NeW HoMePAge: WwW.dRAGoNFiRe.NEt/~CAliGO MORITZ BARTL / MNCHNERSTR.84 / D-85221 DACHAU --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ڿ ڿ ڿ ڿ ڿ ¿ ڿ For kewl mailswapping and not fast but 100% reply, please write to: Ŀ Johannes Kleske * Gruberstrae 14 * 64289 Darmstadt * Germany I offer: some Hackerstuff, old Demos, Gigabytes of SW, Diskmags Looking for: New Demos/Intros, new Diskmags, Star Trek, Hackerstuff, Ansi-Gfx http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/4018/jcap-j.htm(l?) - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * ͸͸ iaMSWaPiNG Ĵ -aLLMuZaKz S3M,XM,DMF 669,uTL,MtM -MoD..... Ĵ ٳ aLLDeMoSTu ͸ -FRoMaSM CoNNeCTMeuNDeR -PaRTY3&4 Ĵ -1993,1994 -tiMotauToRiuS -1995..... KaSSeLeRStR.12 34277FuLDaBRCK GeRMaNY/HeSSeN ͸ -HaNDLeM-k 100=%=aNSWeR=4=aLL 3.5"DiSCz=oR=QiC=80=taPez -oRCaLLTHeFLaSHS49561584934- - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. C0C M 4 DAViD fRANK SWPPi6 S0M tRiFtStR. 8 L6L SU 34277 Fuldabrck DM0Z -Germany- S0UZ ZiS 100% Reply !!! DiSKM6S Pleaze sent me a S0URCS Disk with your PHU Filelist and some Files !!! OR CALL tHE DEAtH END $ +49.561.584789 AND HAVE A NiCE CHAt WitH ME - WhQ OF BoMB SqUAD...iF U LiKE tO jOiN US, SENt ME A LEttER (100% Reply too) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE +Sebastian Poschmann, Surenburgstr.50 B, D-48429 Rheine+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suche Tauschpartner fr: Dostools,Games (bev.Adventures,Jump'n'Run, Rennspiele,Werbespiele),Grafik-/Soundsoftware,Sourcecodes und Tools fr Basic und Turbo Pascal,gute Windows-Soft,Packer,Programmiertools, DOS/WIN-Anwendungssoftware,interessante Texte,Spieletips-/Loesungen, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wer schickt mir Diskmags? Habe bisher kein einziges.Auch an MODs bin ich ziemlich knapp! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wenn ihr Treiber fr DOS,WINDOWS (nicht WIN 95!) oder OS/2 sucht,fragt mich einfach! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****+*************+******************+*********************+***********+****** THE REAL ADOK Claus-Dieter Volko HUNGERECKSTRASSE 60/2 A-1230 Wien Tel. & Fax: 0043-1-6652249, email: adok@blackbox.at ****+*************+******************+*********************+***********+****** The Real Adok of Hugendubelexpress is The Real Adok of Hugendubelexpress ist always searching for new contacts! immer auf der Suche nach neuen Contax! If ya want to swap Diskmags, Sources Wenn du mit mir Diskmags, C/ASM/Basic- (C, Assembly, Basic) or da other hot Quellcodes oder anderen Scene-Stuff and cold scene stuff contact me! tauschen willst, kontakte mich! ##### WANTED: HUGENDUBELEXPRESS! THE ULTIMATIVE DISKMAG! GET IT FROM ME! ##### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * VfB Hose  Frank Groe  Neuer Weg 6  04617 Kriebitzsch  Deutschland Erfahrungsaustausch * CD-ROM * AUDIO-CD * Schach * Keine Raubkopien!!! * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE ANGEL OF DEATH ! Mario Brger Speicherstr. 7 06406 Bernburg United Joymoney Sources (TP, ASM, C) Texfiles Monty Python Scenarios (SSI's UNLIMITED ADVENTURES) (Original)Games Demos/Intros CD-ROMs Audio-CDs Bcher (Computer, Fantasy, Horror) SW/FW/PD-Games Hardcore-Mods 1.000% KEIN WINDOOFS! !*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-! \ / * \ / * --*-- * \ / * --*-- * \ / / \ --*-- \ / / \ --*-- \ / / \ --*-- / \ \ / --*-- * / \ * --*-- * / \ / \ ɻ ڿ Ȼ ar ȼ ȼ der nach den Sternen greift... Sascha Carlin *-* Akazienstr.4 *-* D-64572 Buettelborn *-* GERMANY Virustoolz, Codertoolz, Soucrces (QB, TP, ASM, ...), TEXTS, Infoz, Public Domain, Freeware, Shareware, ... Ŀ Letters (in denen musses nicht um Computer gehen!) nuthing unleagel and please NO SMALL-TALK! (ich bin mit einer ewig labernden Mutter gesegnet!) !*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-!*-! Ŀ Ĵ Ronny Mache, Carl-Schorlemmer-Ring 53, D-06122 Halle/Saale Suche stndig: - Texte,Mod`s,Share-,PD- und Freeware,Programmiertoolz Programme & Literatur zu Viren Programmierung,Demos u.s.w. !!??!! BENTIGE DRINGEND DEN NEUESTEN F-PROT VIRENSCANNER VERSION 2.20 !!??!! _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- AcHtUnG: WIr HaBEN EiN nEUeS DISKMAG GegRndeT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ͻ DER HUGENDUBELEXPRESS Das kostenlose DiskMag fr Computer Einsteiger Wir suchen immer neue Mitarbeiter (Coder,Schreiberlinge,Composer) Die Adresse fr alle Schreibwtigen: Hugendubelexpress c/o Ronny Mache Carl-Schorlemmer-Ring 53 D-06122 Halle/Saale Wir freuen uns stndig ber Texte,Lob,Kritik u.s.w. !!! Ausgabe #1 wird voraussichtlich ab Mai`95 erhltlich sein !!! Der Hugendubelexpress ist Freeware und soll mglichst oft weiter - gegeben werden. Das Austauschen von Texten u.s.w. ist jedoch unter - sagt! Copyright by Hugendubelexpress (c) 1995-1996 ͼ Hallo Freax ! Wenn Ihr lust habt beim Hugendubelexpress mitzumachen oder die Ausgabe #1 (ab mitte Mai`95) haben wollt, dann schreibt an die oben genannte Adresse und legt eine 3,5" HD-Disk & 2,-DM/SFr Rckporto bei. Auerdem bentigen wir jede Menge Kleinanzeigen (ebenfalls auf Disk). Folgendes wird sehr dringend bentigt: - EIN MENSYSTEM -------------------------------------- - COOLER HINTERGRUND SOUND * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (TECHNO ODER SO WAS) * Texte,Ideen & Kleinanzeigen * - GRAFIKEN;SKIZZEN;SCHALTPLNE * schickt Ihr bitte auf Disk * * an folgende Adresse: * - DEMOZ & SZENESTUFF * * * Hugendubelexpress * - MITARBEITER * c/o Ronny Mache * * Carl-Schorlemmer-Ring 53 * * SCHREIBERLINGE * D-06122 Halle/Saale * * CODER;HACKER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !!! LESER !!! * GRAFIKER * DESIGNER * COMPOSER * DEMO-GRUPPEN ############################################################################## Contact me ۲ KRYST Niki Burg  Gartenstr.2  86456 Ltzelburg i'M LooKin FoR : CRaCKeR, HaCKeR, ViRii, TP-SouRCe - STuFF + oTHeR KeWL THiNx i oFFeR : THe SaMe + SCeNe - STuFF, aLL u WaNT (No RK'S) (u CaN aLSo GeT THe NeWeST iSSue oF DC FRoM Me) Contact me ۲ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -T-OXO------Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ \ / Ŀ Thomas Neumann X Wegerhofstr. 20 / \ D-40787 Willich ----Tel-02154/40787-- ܱ IcH suChE ConTaX zU bAsc-cODeRn ! ܲ WeR HAt bOcK lIstnGs + diSkMagZ + + pD/Fw\sW +tXtE + eRfaHRuNG + TiPs + trIx + tApEs + bOoKs EtC. mIt MiR zU taUScHeN bIn aBeR kEn bIg sWaPpeR! oNlY 1oO % lEgaL sChrEiBt mIr dOcH mAL ! iCh sChrEIbE IOo %tIg zUrcK !! CodEr mEldEt eUcH ! gReEtz t0 tHoSe gUyS : tHe ReaL aDoK ! vFb hOsE ! tERrOr kD ! hArtmUt !kRekElaR ! & aLl i ForGEt ! : + . + .. . . + . + . + * . . + + : . . \ / / \ . . . . * : ͼ FRIENDSSHIP -= ICH SUCHE =- Jede Menge Basicprogs Basictools Diskmagz (Auch Alte) Kontakte Aller Art Schreibt mal ! Tapes (Punk) (kein NeoPunk) (wie Greenday) (sondern) (DeutschPunk !) -= ICH BIETE =- 'Ne Menge PD/FW/SW (Nicht Grad Aktuell) Erfahrungsaustausch Briefkontakte Tapes (DeutschPunk) u.v.m. ! FRIENDSSHIP THOMAS NEUMANN WEGERHOFSTR. 20 47877 WILLICH DEUTSCHLAND schrEibT DrAUf lOs ! icH vErSUchE jeDeN BrIEf ZubeAntWoRteN !i! bItTE eUrE BrIeFe aUsreCHeNd FraNKiERen ! alSo, iCh HofFe, icH hhRE bAlD voN eUcH !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i dUR lng lttz mgz dmOz hck'n'cCk - stU\nOz sCiiS'n'$iZ SoUz & PiX ll sUpCeWlLeGls+ U U Gt OO.OO% nswer\U/all what U need [if possible] So Weit, so Hut... -schnapp Dir 'n paar Disx und schreib an: ͸ cRk  i Jdn llsTr.6 26135 Oldenburg GrmOnEy Ŀ ij SAVE MOT GGZ o GReeTX ly oUT tO Terror Kid or tHZ SWAPLiST!(schl.;>) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ͻ ͸ Fleischer, Sven A Str. der Einheit 14 A ݰ ݰ ݰ d 08340 Schwarzenberg d ݱ ݱ ݱ d DL / Germany d ݲ ݲ ݲ i Tel.: 03774/25484 i [ 22.06.1996 ]; contact me 5" Disx ݰ ݰ ݰ ݰ ݰ 3" Disx ݱݱ ݱ ݱ ݱ CDs ݲݲ ݲ ݲ ݲ iomega Zips [ !! SUCHE !! ]Ŀ Texte aller Art Underground Stuff X-Rated Stuff Sources (ASM, ...) Cracker-, Hacker- und Virentools SW / FW / PD Schaltplne techn. Infos ... ͼ ______________________________________________________________________________ Ŀ ۲ ۱ ۰ CAPS *smile!* | ı ۲ı ı IJ ۱-- Thomas Baldauf ۱ ۲۲ Pestalozzistrasse 2 ۲ ۲ 08340 Beierfeld ı IJ ۱ ۱ ۲-- GERMANY ۱ ۱ ۲۱ FON+FAX: 03774 / 63259 | Ŀ Ĵ CoNTaX WaNTeD !! Ŀ Hacker/Crack/Virentoolz UnderGroundInfos SchaltPlne Texte MOD-Files, Samples, Toolz, etc. Sources (ASM!) X-Rated Stuff VirenSources Fantasy/SciFi-Literatur aller Art SW/PD/FW etc. | Contax mit Swappern Everything else, you think is good THX ! : Schickt einfach ein paar Disx mit solchem Zeux, : und ihr bekommt sie garantiert gefllt mit hnlichem zurck ! | Ach so, niemals vergessen: Hast du ZahnPasta im Ohr, kommt Dir alles leiser vor !!! # 14/4/1996 # []۰[] _____________________________________________________________________________ Ŀ ڿ Ŀڴ ų ٳ ij alZo kNowN aS gOO$E iN+erE$+ed iN +RAding aLL kiND oF $+uFF m0d$, an$i$, c8l a$cII$, unDergR0unD $+uFF 4 m0re Inf0rma+I0n +AKe a l8k a+ mY sWAPliS+ MeMber of Na+i0NAL +raDerZ, a faS+ gRoWIng grOUp f0undE+ iN 1995. $pecial gREE+$ flY oU+ 2 U, wHEREeVER U r! Alexander Heidemann Postfach 1303 D - 95100 Selb ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Benno Regg, Neue Jonastrae 40 in CH-8640 Rapperswil ** >>SUCHE STNDIG DISKMAGS!! WER WELCHE HAT, SOLL SIE MIR BITTE SCHICKEN!<< Suche ausserdem fr mein Diskmag (for Win95) jede Menge Kleinanzeigen etc. Wer Lust hat, Mitglied zu werden: C-O-N-T-A-C-T--M-E Unsere Themen im Diskmag: - AkteX Gameplays (interaktives Gewinnspiel!) - StarTrek/UFO Rubriken (Kleinanzis) - Szenerubriken - Interaktives Mensystem auf 2 Disketten (inkl. Setup) Wer mal schnuppern will, schreibt mir 2 leeren Diskz und 2 Mark/Franken an mich (Addy siehe oben). Ansonsten suche ich noch: ************************* > Leute, die wie ich auf House/Acid und evt. Jungle abfahren > Hackertoolz > Andere Leutchen, die auch Diskmagz machen... > und alles, was Du nicht mehr willst (oh,oh) Byebye! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wie`s luft Du schreibst Deinen Namen, ev. Szene-Pseudo und Deine Addi am ENDE DER Liste auf. Du kannst auch einen Zusatz, Bspw. Dein Pseudo als ASCII Bild, einfgen. Dann kommt noch Dein Angebot, resp. das, was Du suchst. Meist bietet man dasselbe an, was man auch sucht. Sonst bitte vermerken ! Wenn Du (und Deine Kumplz) Euch eingetragen habt, schickt Ihr mir bitte eine Kopie und Ihr erhaltet dann die neuste Version dieses Files. Bitte gebt diesen Text soviel wie mglich weiter !!! Neue Ideen sind immer willkommen !!! Die Aktualitt der Liste knnt Ihr mit dem Datum bei ersten Bild (Titel) ermitteln. Ich mchte noch darauf aufmerksam machen, dass Anzeigen bezglich Raubkopien oder sonstiger illegaler Dinge :-) nicht aufgenommen werden ! In diesem Sinne.....PEACE !!! TERROR KID Reto Stuber Friedhofweg CH-3214-Ulmiz !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! Neulich erhielt ich das File "CONTAX.NFO". Da hatte jemand die gleiche Idee wie ich (na so watt ?!?)! Weltweiter SWAP Kontakt ! Also, hier habe ich das File in die SWAP-List aufgenommen ! ==========schnip=====schnap========schnip======schnap=====schnip=====schnap== CONTACTS WANTED(c)!!!! V3.04 :) Hey If you want more contacts, then just write your name and address in the space below. Copy this sheet and send it to your contacts, and then advise them to do the same. In the end, this sheet could turn out to be pretty big. Depending on how many people put there addys in here. This is one of the best ways to find new friends. Also everybody should reply the mail they get coz diskstealers REALLY stink. Smurf/Hypervibe He! Wenn ihr mehr Kontakte sucht, schreibt euren Namen und eure Adresse am Ende dieser Liste dazu! Kopiert dieses file und schickt es allen euren Kontakten! Sagt denen sie sollen das selbe tun! Hoffentlich wird das file so richtig gro, also macht alle mit! Es ist der beste Weg neue Freunde zu finden! ReeBoK / S!P Hey, si vous vous voulez plus de contacts, alors ecrivez votre nom et adresse juste en dessous. Envoyer ce fichier a tous vos contacts et conseiller leur de faire la meme chose. A la fin, ce fichier devrait devenir enorme. Cela dependera du nombre de personnes qui y auront inscrit leur adresses. C'est un des meilleurs moyens de trouver de nouveaux pots !!!. Pleez, si vous inscrivez votre nom, repondez a tout le courrier => pas de vol de disk !!! Si vous avez changer d'adresse, effacez l'ancienne et inscriver la nouvelle. M!Ckey / Isch Crew Hej Smlf! Hvis du nogensinde fr dette igen, bliver det skgt! Jeg blev ndt til at ndre p filnavnet, da jeg tnkte det var snedigt. Ligesom bare for at f udlndinge til at forst det bedre.. Harmless / Purple Wow! This list has grown quite fast if you consider that there is nearly no PC mailtrading scene (a shame!). It would be really cool if we all could build up together something like the C-64 and Amiga mail-scene. You don't know what you are missing when you haven't experienced mailswapping with at least 50 contacts (cheated stamps, votesheets, diskcovers, paperinvitations, mags, photos, friendship(!)...). Medicus / Keen Like Frogs I agree 100% with Medicus! Let's CREATE a COOL mailtrading scene on PC! PS. Calvin / Proxima, if you're reading this, please send the letter! :) Zpo / Ingrine Yep, Medicus/KLF ma 100% racji. Ludzie podopisujcie si do tej listy ! Jeli szukacie nowych kontaktow to jest to najlepsza droga ! To wstyd zeby Pc scena miaa tak mao aktywnych swapperow itd. Trzeba wiec stworzy co takiego co od tak dawna jest na Amidze. Big Swappers Scene ! Masa kumpli w roznych krajach, magi, chartsy, przyja. Btw. Dlaczego w Imphobii nie ma swapper-charts ??? Co za bd ! AkiRa/STC & S!P Hep! Si tu cherches des contacts, n'hsites pas inscrire ton nom et ton adresse la fin de cette liste! Ensuite, envoies ce fichier tes contacts et dis leur d'en faire autant! Cette liste devrait grossir et devenir vraiment norme! Qui sait? A bientt! Nemesis / Imphobia salut a tous, moi je cherche surtout des membres pour mon groupes: Just For FUN mais je suis prt a tout prendre et mme des nouveaux contacts... enfin ce truc est fait pour la scene et c'est tout... He guys, I'm searching for members, oK: loock at the address above... I just want to say that this is the best way to contact us, no wait of the next issue of Imphobia ( hello Darkness: you must have 3 disks of me !!!)... Judge MIGUEL / Jff HEJ! Why don't you guys write in english? Det r ganska svrt att fatta vad ni skriver, frutom en del av norskan & danskan (fattar ni detta??:), jag har inte en enda kontakt i Sverige, och Sveriges PC-scene=0 !! Welp, keep on adding addys! Does anyone want to create a "European Chart Group" (ECG then...) ?? only a kinda chartreport thing (mag alike) would be released, but atleast once a month, contact me if your interested, BTW, I don't want to be the organizer since I'm a musician and don't have any time for organizing... Leroy/Hypervibe & inZane JEg fatter ikke en skid svensk... =)).. Smurf/ -||- Hi dudes! I agree with Medicus/KLF 100%, lets try and make the PC mail-scene as good as that of the Amiga and C64. I am an ex-Amiga owner who enjoyed the days of 100+ contacts (yes! 100+), squashed chocolate bars :), photos, and latest demos in a fantastic mail-swapping scene... I don't have as much time now as I did on the Amiga, but I'm looking for a FEW friends to swap with on PC from time to time, that REALLY know what the mail-scene is all about.. :) Rogue / Reality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - If this file is large enough we will produce a CD-Rom. Please give us the ex- | clusive rights for your addies. Royalties will be paid by the amount of votes * which each addy gets. And don't forget to send us addies at different stages ? of writing (to avoid ripping/scanning). '-' Indicates a change from the first revision '|' Indicates a change from the second revision '*' Indicates a change from the third revision '?' Indicates a change from the fourth revision ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HI ALL YOU TRICK ASS FOOLS =)))).. Well sorry about the SMALL delay i have had during the summer period... But guess now i'm back for good i hope.. I just need some money too buy stamps for =)).. I REALLY got a shock when i saw this list again.. MAN!! This list is huge.. How many people REALLY know that me and Harmless we're the first too put our addys in the sheet.. Guess that makes us legends and shit =))).. Shouts too all bud smokers around the globe.. Keep them lettas pumpin, and i'll try too answer them all =))).. Actually i will answer them all ... I just need money.. I just have ONE question to the list.. What the fuck are the amiga guys doing on this list??? They're ALWAYS flamin our scene. So i see no use for them here!? (Hmmmn, since i'm the founder/editor of this sheet i could delete the addys, but naaaahhh, that would be arrogant and lame ;)))... SMURF / HYPERVIBE/A.w.A/tRAp (16/09/95 ad.) HI MEDICUS.. I guess you haven't noticed, but Leprechaun and Viber have the same names and addresses too.. ?!... :).. My sheet is beginning too get fucked up... Hmmmn.. Who carez.. It's all gr8 fun anyway :)))). Smurf / Hypervibe/A.w.A WOW! This list has certainly grown a bit since I last checked in.. In no time at all its size has been doubled! We can write messages, adds, EVERYTHING in this piece.. INTERNET go home, we've got contacts.txt =) PS. Maybe we could even work out some sort of vote thing in this text that every diskmag could use.. That'd be great wouldn't it? You would only have to vote once, and diskmags could simply copy the list.. What do you guys think? We just have to come up with a way to keep the votes short.. How about this: For example on a demo chart we could simply write the demos name and then the "score", (maybe 10 for 1st place?), then tap your name in the bottom and the date you voted. Another one could then add his (or hers =)) vote to the vote, or add a new demo name.. Like this: "PROJECT ANGEL 5, 10 Harmless / Purple (08/07/95), JohnJohn / John Crew (10/07/95)" Do you geddit? Feedback, please.. Harmless of Purple (09/07/95) BTW: NEMESIS / IMPHOBIA: You said you wanted a word with us? Feel free to write! Or: mystical@inet.uni-c.dk I really don't understand why people write their adds in other language than english, they're after international contacts, right? so... make it an ainternational language!!! I'm a musician, 1 stinkin year in tha business, no wife, no kids... just a stupid job and an overdraft..:) DNA-Groove / Moon-Hunters If you come across a different version of CONTACTS.TXT/CONTAX.NFO then cut out all addies which aren't included here and copy them to the end of this file. Don't forget to include the name in this alphabetical list! Group: Handle: Aziem Sulaiman Brabon Decline Eliran Ben-Ishai Flo Nils-Ole Gram Outlaw Prolix Rommel The Collector Viber 9-Design Mr.Fish Anarchy Andy Anarchy Nightmare Arkham Remdy Dark Legions Kwasior Decline Fem? Decline Knoll DM Zenial Eliot Eliot Music Systems Escape Pussyrider Exmortis Yarpen Fascination Fortune Fascination Gredon Fatal Justice Diskhawk Fatal Justice Hellfire Gollum Taskmaster Gore Design Flynn Hai The Don Hypervibe Smurf (Me, myself and I ;)) Ingrine ZPO --:-- & inZane Leroy Interamnia Primon Intruders PC Escort Impact Studios Max Imphobia Darkness Imphobia Nemesis Implant Belial inZane PC Mad Mac inZane PC Prefix inZane PC Truss Isch Crew AMIGA Bart Isch Crew AMIGA Boomerang Isch Crew AMIGA Double (R) Isch Crew AMIGA Heptagon Isch Crew AMIGA HR. Flicker Isch Crew AMIGA Maxi Swappers Isch Crew AMIGA Mijac Isch Crew AMIGA Morpheus Isch Crew AMIGA Rapper Isch Crew AMIGA Randy Isch Crew AMIGA Sky Isch Crew PC Alexel Isch Crew PC Ghory Isch Crew PC Killer Isch Crew PC M!Ckey Isch Crew PC Nicolas Ayme Isch Crew PC Unknown Just For Fun Goofy Just For Fun Healer Just For Fun Judge Miguel Just For Fun Ticonderoga Keen Like Frogs Medicus (Huh. That's me!) Kloon Bilbo Kloon Shocker Liquid The Exorcist Malfunction Underexposure Melon Dzgn Thorin Mindcrime Skyman MooN HunterS CiVAX Neutron AMBER Neutron BORA MAN Neutron DOPE Neutron RAPTOR Neutron S.ROGER Nuclear Winter BLK Nuclear Winter Dr. Brain Nuclear Winter Reebok Orange Lemming Post Mortem Freeze Purple Harmless -changed (Uhh, this is him.. or is it me? It could be you as well.. But I really think it's me.. Yeah, that would make sense..) Reality Rogue Reverberation Impulse Scalaris Ari S!P Frame S!P Reebok S!P Sketch S!P Templer S!P Unreal Slaughterhouse Teddyboar Substance&S!P Akira Substance Hagal Substance Jasper Substance Peete TDA Sandman The Unknown Wain Urinate Hanx Zyklop iCEMAN Zyklop Yogi I created this sheet, that gives me the right too have my addy on the top =))! ,--^-.--^-.--.--^-.-----^-.-----^-.-----^-.--.--^-.-^-.-----^-.-----^-. \_ | _/ | _/ . _/ .____/ . _/ T _/ _/ . _/ .____/ | l | l | l | .___) l | | | | l | .___) | l____ | .___j | | _j | | | _j | | | | | l | | | l | | | l | | l | l | | | | l | | | l | | | l | | l | l | l___| l_______j___j l_______j___j l_______j___j_______j_______j l___j ^MK!l___j Hvis bare alt var som Fisherprice!! For totally inZane demo swappin :) F Write to: Smurf/Hypervibe I Christian Balsved S Palnatokesvej 29 st th K DK-5000 Odense C ! Denmark >100% Reply/Delay Guaranteed< ;) No arrogant "Elite" fuck-up's Kuch mal leute, ein Flugzeug!!!!! XXL/Impact DK/Visage, Stormy/Flatline!P, Gredon/Fascination Rommel/?, Hoplite/Orange, Criman/Jamm, Hitech/TR!/tRAp, Johnny/CG, SB/Remal, Slartibartfast/tRAp, Outlaw/FTX, Akira/Substance/S!P, Alek/Shocker, Thorin/Melon dzgn, Truss/inZane, Razz/inZane, Healer/JFF, Hanx/URIN8, Reebok/S!P, Sardaukar/TUT, Performer/?, KKI/Post Mortem, Impulse/Reveberation, Andy/Anarchy, Wain/Spin, Ztijl/DFN DK, Wolf/Digression, Knoll/Decline, Jeremy/Decline, Max/Impact Studios, Kls/Technology, Caesar/Amnesty, Powerman/?, Raptor/Illicit, M!ckey/Fish Crew, Maniac/TBB, Climax/Amable, Underexposure/Malfunction, Prosecutor/?, Nightmare/Anarchy, All guys from Purple, Sebina. I probably forgot someone, so dont be pissed if you're name isn't here. Tnk hvis man var 39% mongol?? 50% skv 10% Brian 1% jesus-sandal Det ville vre RET vildt =)). This addy is pretty big and shit.. I think.. Something.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stop Working now! For scene fun, c00l thing, demos, intros, dezign productions, great musiks, swapping, become a member: write to: Arnaud AUBERT Les Breuzards 18140 Herry -France- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Make friends with an Australasian demogroup!!! Contact me for cool swapping, long letters, latest local productions. [ Rogue/Reality ] Carl Pettitt, 6/5 Cowper Street, Randwick, SYDNEY NSW 2031, AUSTRALIA ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ T H E A U S T R A L A S I A N D E M O G R O U P Mads Rahbek Hougaard Guldbergsgade 6 8600 Silkeborg DENMARK For absolutely non-LiT swapping, boring letters, stupid remarks, totally unpredictable and very slow/pretty fast answers... This sounds like you?? Then go ahead and write that piece o' text on an envelope, and expect something that will annoy you for the rest of your life... (or, maybe it won't) - Impulse / Reverberation I'm searching for coders, GFXlers Dirk Breitkreuz and cool contacts. Komarowstrae 8 100% reply 15517 Frstenwalde Germany ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leroy/? I'm l00king for a group to join (music), Stefan Halln Or just some neurdo disk-swap. Solbackavagen 3 99% Reply 820 75 Harmanger Sweden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gredon / Fascination Mika Hakkarainen, Heiniemenpolku 5 02940 Espoo, Finland 4 swapping +$&"&#&/(/&()&"#!"!"$@@$@{{[[]~\>Z!""#%/()}][{@|*_^;:,.}][/*-+@$/&)(+ ! ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ # ۲ ۲ ۲ @ " ۲ $ % / & \ / ; ( - = | ) ] ? } ! [ \ \ ^ | For FRIENDSHIP, LONG LETTERS * and swapping, contact * _ Fortune/Fascination ' - < : Timo Heikkil > , Vieremnk. 26 as. 5 % ` 05900 Hyvink " . FINLAND % : { ; 100% Answer! [ $ Only real name to envelope!! \ \ - ? ͼ +{@$[#%#&(/(^>>*:*^&/=)&/\}]$@@$]}]}]\]|*^-@$Y*^*;:_!"%&/*+{$@{[]*^;:"+ [UNREAL] sURPRISE! pRODUCTIONS tHOSE wHO hAVE tHE yOUTH, hAVE tHE fUTURE! friendship & fun swapping... 100 % answer! 3,5" Disks/QIC 80 Tapes: ReeBoK / S!P And those who have a modem should try this one: Severin-Stephan Kittl Hollergasse 27/19 The Shoebox +43-1-8924204 (SysOp: ReeBoK) A-1150 Vienna Austria Searching also for HQ or Distro? Call or write! rk Brain Dr. / NW BLK / NW ReeBoK / NW Christian Nentwich Martin Schwarz Severin-Stephan Kittl Feldgasse 1 Saubersdorfergasse 4d Hollergasse 27/19 A-1238 Vienna A-2700 Wr.Neustadt A-1150 Vienna Austria Austria Austria (Write for coding-help, joining Nuclear Winter or friendship swapping!) Or call our WHQ: The Shoebox +43-1-8924204 - 24hours / 1,5 Giga online! tm If you need music for a game/demo e/m/s will not join your group but we can make cool music for you! You can also call our Austrian HQ The Shoebox +43-1-8924204 The SysOp is ReeBoK / S!P & NW ELIOT MUSIC SYSTEMS (e/m/s) The best scene BBS in Austria and you can contact us here for more Eliot Music Systems Ltd. production details about our musics and also P.O. Box 472, A-1061 Wien, Austria can get all our releases there! ------------- - -- - LOOKING FOR CONTACT : Lonesome PeeCee (486) is looking for new stuff, contacts : | fun & friendship for him and his user. Guaranteed answer. | | write to: Freeze / Post Mortem | : Kai Kremser : Buchbergg. 11 A-8700 Leoben Austria ------------------ͼ Call me by voice: +43-3842-21650 (you know the rulez) Call Post Mortem WHQ: +43-1-8924204 The Shoebox / SysOp: ReeBoK! AND r k for friendship demo-legal-swapping write to Flo: Florian Wiser, Dingelstedtgasse 24, A-1150 Vienna, Austria, Europe, Earth! greetings to: Brain Dr./Nuclear Winter ReeBoK/Surprise! Productions + all local friends ;) Find our latest s3m's, mtm's, mod's, etc... on The Shoebox +43-1-8924204! Ŀ iF yOU aRE iNTERESTED iN sWAPPING dEMOS, iNTROZ, mODZ, uTIZ,...hAVING fUN...cONTACT mE uNDER....: TeMpLeR /SURPRISE! PRODUCTIONS C/O CHRISTOPH KELLNER FiDO 2.313/2.15 BRUCKFELDSTRAE 29 I HOPE I C U!!! A-3822 KARLSTEIN AUSTRIA GREETINX FLY TO: AvEnGeR, ToE jAm, SkAvEn, CyClOnE, ReEboK, SnOwWhItE, DiRtY, X-tRaCt, AxEL F, DeEp ThOuGhT, PTM'S, LiGhTsToNe, PsYcHoTrOn,.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viber Searching for nice contacts, and a group Anders Lindquist to join as a musician. . . Angsvagen 16 820 75 Harmanger Sweden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TaskMaster/Gollum/Progyon is looking for new contacts from all over the world for legal mailswapping and friendship.. Just write to: TaskMaster/Gollum/Progyon Juha Mild Sinivuokonkatu 6 SF-21260 RAISIO 26 FINLAND 100% ANSWER FOR ALL :::\\ ::::|| :::||:::\\ :::::::::://:::::::\\ :::||:::\\ :::::::\\ ::::|| :::::::::||::::::::// :::|| :::|| :::::::::||:::|| :::|| ::::|| :::|| :::|| ::// :::|| :::|| :::|| :::||::::::::::|| ::::|| :::|| :::|| ::// :::::::::|| :::|| :::||:::|| ::::|| :::|| :::||::::::::::::::||::::|| :::|| :::|| :::\\ :::|| :::||::::::::::::::|| :::|| :::|| ::::::// :::|| ($a000:TYneO) :::|| :::|| :::|| :::|| :::|| :::|| :::|| :::|| Mad Mac / inZane PC Jan H Rasmussen Jens Holdgaardsvej 94 7430 Ikast Denmark Looking for c00l contacts and Coders! 100% Reply Ŀ ĿĿ Ŀ 101% RePLy Ŀ ڿĿĿ GuS Forvr ĴĴ THoMaS TRIMBORN > 29, rue des glaeuls < 67310 WASSELONNE -FRANCE- would be glad to swap some demostuffs ! don't hesitate: SatisfactioN guaranteed Prefix / inZane Niels-Ole Gram Letter+disk = answer! Bellisparken 2 7430 Ikast Denmark l e m m i n g / o r a n g e is back in the swapping business! (all apologies for everyone who still are waiting for a reply , I've lost your addresses) _ demosintrosdiskmagspartyseverythingin thewholefuckingdemoscenevideosmangaho rrorcomedylatesthongkongthrilleractio ndramawhateveriguessitwilldomusicmods weirdandraretapespunkgoodoldrocknroll perhapssomejazzortechnowhatevayouwant for the best swap with the best get my address from my contacts . . | | -- - P R O d U C T i O N S - - sURPRISE! pRODUCTIONS - tHOSE wHO hAVE tHE yOUTH, hAVE tHE fUTURE! FRAME/S!P, BERND KiLGA, RHEiNSTRASSE 19B, A-6841 MAEDER, AUSTRiA! SUB-STANCE +43-5523-64876 - S!P AFFL. SITE - SYSOP: FRAME/S!P ͻ Ķ Ŀ Medicus / K.L.F. P.O.Box 210 151 55060 Mainz Germany Ķ ͼ *WRITE NO HANDLES ON THE ENVELOPE!* * QIC80-tapes or 3.5"-disks * * 100% reply to all * * I am NO fucking diskstealer! * * Fast replies guaranteed! * 0tt ۰ Thomas Pilz ۰ -------------- Rohrmoos 126 ۰ destroy fasicm 8973 Pichl ۰ -------------- AUSTRIA ۰ f0 swppg sn sta 100% st ply ...SUPPORT...SUPPORT...SUPPORT...SUPPORT...SUPPORT...SUPPORT...SUPPORT... ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ķ NEMESISݺ ݺ ݺ Ľ ͼͼͼ ͷ Ľ ڿ ݺ Ŀ ݳ ݺ ۳ ݳ ݺ ĿĽ Disk-Mag Issue #10 The Tenth Issue needs much more articles, news, votes and so on!!! WE REALLY NEED YOU! Contact NEMESIS / iMPHOBIA at the following addy: Michel PERIE 50 Rue du beau sejour 25620 TREPOT FRANCE We also need some good coders in Belgium or in France! Just send sum of your coolest work to: DARKNESS/iMPHOBIA 118 Av. du Roi Soldat 1070 Bruxelles BELGIUM Or call: GENESIS BBS +32-(0)2-2453498, 6 nodes Ringdown And leave a message to IVAN DARKY! "Life is a Labyrinth! The only way out is ... Death!" ---cut---cut---cut------------------------------------------------------------ ߲ ߱ ߰ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܰ ۲ ܰ ܲ ܰ ܰ Hi, I'm Zpo/Ingrine and I'm looking for new contacts for mainly demoscene & module swapping. 100% fast replies and legal only stuff. Also long letters available. Interested? Write to Teemu Kumpulainen Runnintie 675 B 74595 Runni Suomi Finland No handles on the envelope, please. ------------------------------------------------------------cut---cut---cut--- MAX swapper of JULLIEN Maxime 3,square Aristide Briand 54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy FRANCE ++33- By NEMESIS [iMPHOBiA] GUS LOVERS is looking for contact.........(tools or demostuffs) Think about me :100% REPLY WAIN - THE UNKNOWN -Do not write the handle and group name on envelope- ---- FRANK JOHANSEN BERGSAASVEIEN 18 7500 STJOERDAL NORWAY ------------------------------------------- CONTACT ME FOR SWAPPING -------------- SCENE-STUFF,GRAPHICS,UTILITIES,MUSIC AND SAMPLES...... -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Plain Norwegian> FaAnHElveteKnuLlRunK _/\_. __/\________/\__________./\ + \ | \_ ____/\_ .___/\_ \ + o + / | /____. \/ |____/ : \ /X\!Ckey + / |/ | \ | \ . \ Of / | \ \ | \ IsCh CrEw pC \_________________/_________/_______/ : : : 1 Le CrEtE __/\______/\_______/\_________./\ + ReSiDeNcE AtHenA 2 \_ .__/\_ . \_ ____/\_ \ -+O+- 59600 MaUbEugE / |___/ / __)_/ : \ + FrAncE / | \ . \__ | \ /\ \ : / \ | / \ \ QIC 80 UseR WrIte mE QuIcKlY \__________/_______/________/________/ MoRe 5 GiGa Of UtIlItIeS, Pic : [M!Ckey] MoDuLeS, FLI, FLC ... AvaIbLe FtX 4 friendship swapping write 2 : Marco Jennerich ! 100% REPLY ! Gernshuser Weg 40 ! guaranteed ! PC & AMiGA 35066 Frankenberg Germany Or call EnDoR-BBS : +49(0)6451-22706 24h online 7 Days a week PC 4 SWAP 4 SWAP & JOIN NIGHTMAREͻ ANDYͻ Manfred Fischer Andreas Dubois Fssenerstr. 15 a Starenweg 9 ķ 87471 Durach Ľ 89584 Ehingen ͽ GERMANYĽ InternetDistͿ FTP_DIPL1-IWI.UIBK.AC.AT AUSTRIA; Ŀ ...ThE NaMe Of RealitY...  |  | |  | | For friendly swaping & friendship write at: AkiRa/Substance Jasper /Substance Adam Antoniuk Michal Gawrylczyk | Ul.Klodzka 39 a ul.Zamoyskiego 4/51 04-913 Warsaw 71-444 Szczecin Poland Poland | _____ .______.__________._____.________._________.____/ \__.________. / | \ \____> \ \ \ \ / | \ | >____ . \ . \__: :____> _______\ / | \ |____/ | : \ | \ | | / \ < : > | | | | > >| |< ___/____ \ / | | | | / : / | | \ / \__________/___/ \____/_____|____/____|____/ \___/ \__________/ WRiTE 2 HanX OF URiN8! NoW! oR CaLL DA LoZT GRiD BBZ [MiKLOs TAMAs] +361-SOOOOOON! H-9200, MoSOnMAGyaRoVAR ArPAD u.8. oR THE BRAiNsToRm HuNGARY +361-2203559 [HeY...GerMaNEn! :) Ihr knnt auch in Deutsch schreiben, wenn ihr wollt!] .UNREAL. Write 4 swappin' AkiRa/StC & S!P Adam Antoniuk ul.Klodzka 39a 04-913 Warszawa Poland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . | | -- - P R O d U C T i O N S - - For nice, colorfull letters, cool stuff, fast answers: Throw a letter to: AkiRa Of Surprise! Prods, Adam Antoniuk, Klodzka 39a, Warsaw, Poland Absolutely 100% ansewer !!! Contact me 4 mailswapping or just for fun! PRIMON / INTERAMNIA Heikki Halme Likolampi 2 59100 Parikkala-city FINLAND 10.04987562 %reply.. :) +FAST! Only Legal stuff.. CALL ALZO TO OUR WHQ.. AGONY 24h 28.8k Sysop: Mov / Ina 1.5GB online PCB EEnet host +358-51-3750979 Diskhawk/ Write me for friendly,legal and unelite Mailswapping. I'm offering long letters, a diskback guarantee, fast answers and no handles on envelopes. Christian Kram Kuckucksweg 86 [HFR] 32657 Lemgo Germany - We are also looking for members, so if you are a capable person (german would be best but not absolutely necessary) contact us! Ŀ ...FROM FATAL JUSTICE IS STILL SEARCHING NEW CONTACTS !!! | | : for all kind of (you know: UNELITE!!) : . (fast) mail-swapping, . exchanging coding-experiences or just for fun write to: - Christoph Grote - Deppingstr. 4 . 32657 Lemgo : Germany | ...99% reply!! - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Niels-Ole Gram Letter+disk = answer! Bellisparken 2 7430 Ikast Denmark ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------*------------*-----------*---------*----------*----------*------- Ŀ COOL SWAPP : !!!! MODS,STUFF,SOFT BLACK METAL & FRIENDSHIP !!!!! FOREVER !!! ZENIAL/DM UKASZ SZAANKIEWICZ UL.ALEJE WP.42/68 38-500 SANOK POLAND ------------*-------------*------------*--------------*------------*-------* ---------------------------------- * ArE YoU * * LookinG FoR NeW ContacT ? * * JusT WritE * * TO * * ------------------ * * Hagal/Substance * * Jarek Puzynowski * * Patriotw 52 * * 04-912 Warszawa * * Poland * * --------------- * * LetteR & 3.5 DisK==100% AnsweR * ---------------------------------- addy db 'Yarpen/ XMS',0dh,0ah db 'Lesna 10b',0dh,0ah db '89-500 Tuchola',0dh,0ah db ' P O L A N D $' .code mov ax,seg addy mov ds,ax lea dx,addy Write to me!!! Only real name to mov ah,09 Pascal too!!! envelope !!!! int 21h cmp disk,answer Maciej Sinilo, ul.Lesna 10b, 89-500 je yarpen/xms Tuchola, Poland! - Ŀ S L A U G H T E R H O U S E is l00king new members & contacts : just write to: TeddyBoar/SH : : ul.Drzewieckiego 23/18 54-129 Wroclaw : POLAND of c0z thx Ŀ For swap everything write to: Kwasior/Dark Legions ij Grzegorz Kwasnik Ŀ ul.Blankowa 38/8 54-314 WALBRZYCH POLAND phone: (0-74) 41-88-27 [sketch] For a MEGA cool swap time on Pc Contact: Truss/inZane Kurt Pedersen Bogtrykkervej 36 St. Th. 2400 Kbh N.V Denmark - NO HANDLES OR GROUP NAME ON ENVELOPE! - ALL KINDS OF STUFF NEEDED! - 100% REPLY FOR SURE! - DISK STEALING SUX! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /MooN HunterS ------- Looking for Contax around the world.. Demos, Intros, Sources, Music, Ansi n' all kinda stuff... No warez shit or ElitE crap Ohad Barzilay ( ( Call +972-7-753-224 Kislev St. 18/1 ) ) ... CODERS F/X BBS ... Ashkelon 78721 ( ( 1.2 GB 28.8K 24Hrs Israel ) ) Scene Center of Israel -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Also, lookin' for contax with coders in TASM/TP around grafix, n' some ArTists (VGA & ANSi) for working togather (?)... 100% replay, Also Reachable at 2:407/205@fidonet.org, Waitin'... (GUS RULEZ) Exorcist / Liquid is searching for new contacts... ...so write me for fun, friendship, fast & legal mail-swapping, un-3l3373$$ and ofcoz 100% reply for everyone! Interested? Then write to: Juho Paksal Vasaramenkatu 11 as 2 20720 Turku Finland The DON/[HAi] Contact for swapping MODs, S3M, Demos "Luxor" Leeuwen Street XMs, plus anything else interesting.. Cape Town Send 3.5" disk plus Loonnnnggg letter 8001 100% ANSWER GUARENTEED South Africa Contact especially for friendship!!!! SandMan/[TDA] Same as above......... 5 Bates Drive 101% ANNSWER GUARENTEED Loevenstein Bellville 7530 South Africa __________________________________________________________ .____. \_ ___/________ \ ___/\________ \ ______/_ \| | | ___/__| |/ / ___/__ | _/ / \___ \ l | | l \ | / l \| \ \ l \__. | l___________\___l /l___________\____l\ \__________/ l____| <=============/____/====================\____/===========eXl!==> R I D E H A R D - D I E F R E E Gore Design of ENERGY now ruling on PC! For coding chats, friendship and swapping, write to: Flynn/Gore Design Miguel Mndez Arroyo Fontarrn, 39, 13B 28030 - MADRID SPAIN Or call: +341-4308348 *** 100% REPLY! *** Contact Belial/Implant for mailswapping: Jan-Krister Helenius Kuikankatu 11 A 6 20760 Piispanristi | Finland We are looking for coders ------------------------------------------ and graphicians. if you are interested, contact me now! Goofy Isn't there any group out there with a need of a fast & Roger Andersson friendly swapper? If there is, just write some cool crap V.Gunnesgrde 11 and send it to me..Also looking for fast contacts. 417 45 Gothenburg 1oo% ANSWER and NO DISKSTEALING!! Sweden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ticonderoga is Jerker Olofsson looking for contacts Norumshojd 22 for exchange of ---> 417-45 Gothenburg Demos Intros Diskmags SWEDEN and other scene stuff no disk stealing !! 100% Answer..... W R I T E T O this addy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF YOU SEARCH NEW COOL CONTACT (220V) WRITE TO ME !!! Escort/Intruders Pc 100 % for all ! Krzysztof Smialowski answer guaranded ! ul. Mickiewicza 13/13 I wanna more 38-402 Krosno, Poland !!!!! contax !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4_pc demo-stuff swapping write to me ! . . . .. . Peete Of Substance . . ... ... .. . .. Piotr Panczak Os.Stare Zegrze 57/2 ...the...quality...label..... 61-249 Poznan Poland Ŀ Ŀ For friendly pc & amiga stuff swapping write to: Jerzy Dombek ul.Kolejowa 1/2 Ari Of Scalaris 86-130 Laskowice Pom Marcin Goss POLAND Antoniewo 5 - friendship rules ! 14-300 Morag Poland ! pc486dx2 & amiga1200 stamps cheaters are welcome ; [UNREAL] sURPRISE! pRODUCTIONS tHOSE wHO hAVE tHE yOUTH, hAVE tHE fUTURE! In case you need my addy: Unreal / Surprise! Prods. Wojtek W. Podgorski Bulwar Ikara 15/43 54-130 Wroclaw Poland Only managament ! No swapp ! Ļ Ŀ ĴĿĿ Ŀ ij Ŀ jeremy / decline is looking for contacts fast reply, (100% answer for all), friendship perttu lms kalstilantie 2 83130 salokyl finland ļ ------------------------------------------------------------cut---cut---cut--- ۰ ۰ ۰ ް ޲۰ ް ۰ް߰ ߰ ߰ޱ ޱ ޲ܰް ް ߰ ޱ۰ܰ ݰܰ۰ ް ް ްް ۰ ޲ ۰ް ޱ۰ ܰ ۰ ۰ޱ ۰ ۰ ܲ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ޲ [>GHQ<] CD [ToTaLy SToNeD & DRuGGeD] For the latest ESCAPE and other kewl demo-scene related releases write to: Pussyrider / Escape About me: - ASM Coder Matthias Alpmann - Genetic Dreams Maineditor Zum Brnneken 1 - Swapper > discs and/or QIC 80 tapes D-33154 Salzkotten - ESCAPE's PR Agent Germany We're born for apple-korn! For 100% Reliable Demo Swapping Contact: KRiSTiAN LAPPALAiNEN FiN-95210 FiLPUS FiNLAND EUROPE Aziem Sulaiman Send 3.5" disk for great swapping...... 13 Middel Road Friendship sucks! Rylands Estate Athlone 7764 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I S C H C R E W P C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____________/\_________________/\________ ______________________ \___________ ____/ _______ ____ \/ | \_________/ ______ \______/ \/ \______ \ \/ |_____/ __|__ \______/ \ / \___/ \ | \ | \ /_____\ \___/ \ / \/ \ \ | \ \/ | \/ \/ \/ \______ /____ /_____ /_____| / \____/ \_____/ \_____/ ___. |_______/ _________/\_________________________/\__________/ |_________________ \________ ____ \_______ \__ __________/ | | \______/ \___/ \/ |_____/ |______/ \/ _____/__ | | \___/ \/ | \ _ \ | \ | | \/ \ hJ | \ | \ / / \_______ /_____| /______ /_________ / __ \_____/ |______/ \_____/ \_____/ \/ - ALEXEL OF ISCH CREW PC DIVISION- LIVERNAUX ALEXANDRE 3 RUE DU CALUZEAU, APPART 1/1 02000 LAON FRANCE (MUSICIAN) ____________/\_________________/\________ ______________________ \___________ ____/ _______ ____ \/ | \_________/ ______ \______/ \/ \______ \ \/ |_____/ __|__ \______/ \ / \___/ \ | \ | \ /_____\ \___/ \ / \/ \ \ | \ \/ | \/ \/ \/ \______ /____ /_____ /_____| / \____/ \_____/ \_____/ ___. |_______/ _________/\_________________________/\__________/ |_________________ \________ ____ \_______ \__ __________/ | | \______/ \___/ \/ |_____/ |______/ \/ _____/__ | | \___/ \/ | \ _ \ | \ | | \/ \ hJ | \ | \ / / \_______ /_____| /______ /_________ / __ \_____/ |______/ \_____/ \_____/ \/ - GHORY OF ISCH CREW PC DIVISION- DEVRIENDT GREGORY, CH. DE NINOVE 1088 1080 BRUXELLES BELGIUM (ISCH-CREW BHQ,GFX) ____________/\_________________/\________ ______________________ \___________ ____/ _______ ____ \/ | \_________/ ______ \______/ \/ \______ \ \/ |_____/ __|__ \______/ \ / \___/ \ | \ | \ /_____\ \___/ \ / \/ \ \ | \ \/ | \/ \/ \/ \______ /____ /_____ /_____| / \____/ \_____/ \_____/ ___. |_______/ _________/\_________________________/\__________/ |_________________ \________ ____ \_______ \__ __________/ | | \______/ \___/ \/ |_____/ |______/ \/ _____/__ | | \___/ \/ | \ _ \ | \ | | \/ \ hJ | \ | \ / / \_______ /_____| /______ /_________ / __ \_____/ |______/ \_____/ \_____/ \/ - KILLER OF ISCH CREW PC DIVISION- ETIENNE OLIVIER 252, RUE DE LA LIBERTE 59600 MAUBEUGE FRANCE (GFX MAN) ____________/\_________________/\________ ______________________ \___________ ____/ _______ ____ \/ | \_________/ ______ \______/ \/ \______ \ \/ |_____/ __|__ \______/ \ / \___/ \ | \ | \ /_____\ \___/ \ / \/ \ \ | \ \/ | \/ \/ \/ \______ /____ /_____ /_____| / \____/ \_____/ \_____/ ___. |_______/ _________/\_________________________/\__________/ |_________________ \________ ____ \_______ \__ __________/ | | \______/ \___/ \/ |_____/ |______/ \/ _____/__ | | \___/ \/ | \ _ \ | \ | | \/ \ hJ | \ | \ / / \_______ /_____| /______ /_________ / __ \_____/ |______/ \_____/ \_____/ \/ - MICKEY OF ISCH CREW PC DIVISION- BIERENT MICHAEL, 1 LE CRETE ATHENA 2, 59600 MAUBEUGE FRANCE (ISCH-CREW LEADER,MUSICIAN,SWAP 101%) ____________/\_________________/\________ ______________________ \___________ ____/ _______ ____ \/ | \_________/ ______ \______/ \/ \______ \ \/ |_____/ __|__ \______/ \ / \___/ \ | \ | \ /_____\ \___/ \ / \/ \ \ | \ \/ | \/ \/ \/ \______ /____ /_____ /_____| / \____/ \_____/ \_____/ ___. |_______/ _________/\_________________________/\__________/ |_________________ \________ ____ \_______ \__ __________/ | | \______/ \___/ \/ |_____/ |______/ \/ _____/__ | | \___/ \/ | \ _ \ | \ | | \/ \ hJ | \ | \ / / \_______ /_____| /______ /_________ / __ \_____/ |______/ \_____/ \_____/ \/ - NICOLAS AYME OF ISCH CREW PC DIVISION- NICOLAS AYME, 44, RUE DE ROBERVAL 26000 VALENCE FRANCE (GFX MAN) ____________/\_________________/\________ ______________________ \___________ ____/ _______ ____ \/ | \_________/ ______ \______/ \/ \______ \ \/ |_____/ __|__ \______/ \ / \___/ \ | \ | \ /_____\ \___/ \ / \/ \ \ | \ \/ | \/ \/ \/ \______ /____ /_____ /_____| / \____/ \_____/ \_____/ ___. |_______/ _________/\_________________________/\__________/ |_________________ \________ ____ \_______ \__ __________/ | | \______/ \___/ \/ |_____/ |______/ \/ _____/__ | | \___/ \/ | \ _ \ | \ | | \/ \ hJ | \ | \ / / \_______ /_____| /______ /_________ / __ \_____/ |______/ \_____/ \_____/ \/ - UNKNOWN OF ISCH CREW PC DIVISION- PLANQUE REGIS 59, RUE DE LA PREVOYANCE 7500 TOURNAI BELGIUM (TP CODER) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I S C H C R E W A M I G A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____________/\_________________/\________ ______________________ \___________ ____/ _______ ____ \/ | \_________/ ______ \______/ \/ \______ \ \/ |_____/ __|__ \______/ \ / \___/ \ | \ | \ /_____\ \___/ \ / \/ \ \ | \ \/ | \/ \/ \/ \______ /____ /_____ /_____| / \____/ \_____/ \_____/ ___. |_______/ _________/\_________________________/\__________/ |_________________ \________ ____ \_______ \__ __________/ | | \______/ \___/ \/ |_____/ |______/ \/ _____/__ | | \___/ \/ | \ _ \ | \ | | \/ \ hJ | \ | \ / / \_______ /_____| /______ /_________ / __ \_____/ |______/ \_____/ \_____/ \/ BOOMERANG OF ISCH CREW -------------------- OLIVER KREMER KERKENER STR.35 47906 KEMPEN 1. GERMANY - GFX,DESIGN,MUSAX - N O P C, O N L Y A M I G A !!! _____________________ __________ ____________ / / _____/ / / /\ / \____ \/ _____/ / /\ / _/___ / _____/ / / / / _____/ / / ____/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_/____ /___ /__/ / / /___ /__/ /___ /___ / / \_\____\/\___\/\_/__/ / \___\/\_/__/\___\/\___\/ / \/ \/ \__\/ \/ \__\/ \/rave\/ - MAXI SWAPPERS - SEGUIN SYLVESTRE LE SABLONA CIVRAC EN MEDOC 33340 LESPARRE EN MEDOC FRANCE (SWAP 100%-PACKED-LEADER FHQ) N O P C, O N L Y A M I G A !!! ____________/\_________________/\________ ______________________ \___________ ____/ _______ ____ \/ | \_________/ ______ \______/ \/ \______ \ \/ |_____/ __|__ \______/ \ / \___/ \ | \ | \ /_____\ \___/ \ / \/ \ \ | \ \/ | \/ \/ \/ \______ /____ /_____ /_____| / \____/ \_____/ \_____/ ___. |_______/ _________/\_________________________/\__________/ |_________________ \________ ____ \_______ \__ __________/ | | \______/ \___/ \/ |_____/ |______/ \/ _____/__ | | \___/ \/ | \ _ \ | \ | | \/ \ hJ | \ | \ / / \_______ /_____| /______ /_________ / __ \_____/ |______/ \_____/ \_____/ \/ FOR JOINING - FOR SWAP - FOR FRIENDSHIP THE GERMAN SECTION MoRpHeuS/ISCH CREW OR HePtaGon/ISCH CREW Oliver Tierling Stefan Swafing Sandhook 24 Weidenstr.29 48531 Nordhorn 48531 Nordhorn GERMANY GERMANY 100 % REPLY N O P C, O N L Y A M I G A !!! RAPPER OF ISCH CREW BART OF ISCH CREW MAXI SWAPPERS / ISCH CREW ----------------- --------------- ------------------------- KRISZTIAN TANOS GABOR BIHARI SEGUIN SYLVESTRE 1725 BUDAPEST 1195 BUDAPEST LE SABLONA - CIVRAC EN MEDOC P.O.BOX 104. JOKAI U.2. 33340 LESPARRE EN MEDOC HUNGARY HUNGARY FRANCE CODE ,SWAP & PACKEDITOR - SWAP & GFX - - SWAPZ & PACKEDITOR - _____________________ __________ ____________ / / _____/ / / /\ / \____ \/ _____/ / /\ SKY OF ISCH CREW / _/___ / _____/ / / / / _____/ / / ____/ / / / -------------- / / / / / / / / / / / / / FOURNIER ROLLAND / / / / / / / / / / / / / / RUE DES E COLES /_/____ /___ /__/ / / /___ /__/ /___ /___ / / 63720 ENTRAIGUES \_\____\/\___\/\_/__/ / \___\/\_/__/\___\/\___\/ / FRANCE \/ \/ \__\/ \/ \__\/ \/rAvE\/ - SWAP & MORE - M!CKEY OF ISCH CREW BOOMERANG OF ISCH CREW MIJAC OF ISCH CREW ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------ BIERENT MICHAEL OLIVER KREMER RAUL SANTIAGO GAMEZ 1 LE CRETES RES.ATHENA II. KERKENER STR.35 PIPES 4 2B 59600 MAUBEUGE 47906 KEMPEN 1. 33203 GIJON ASTURIAS FRANCE GERMANY SPAIN - ONLY PC, NOT AMIGA - - GFX,DESIGN,MUSAX - - CODER,DESIGN,SWAP - N O P C, O N L Y A M I G A !!! ____ ____ ____ ____ HEPTAGON /\ _ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ STEFAN SWAFING \ \\ \_\_\_ \_\_\_ \_\_\ \ WEIDEN STR. 29 \ \ \ ____\ _ _ \ _ \___\_____ __ _ _ 48531 NORDHORN \ \ \____ \\ \___\\ ________ __ _ _ GERMANY \ \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \ \___ __ _ _ (SWAP,FRIENDSHIP) \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ - HR.FLICKER - \ \ \_____ \_____ \___\ \ MORTEN STEEN \ \ \__/\ \__/\ \__/\ \ TERASSEVEIEN 7C MORPHEUS \ \___\ \ \___\ \ \ \ \ \___\ N-6500 KR.SUND N OLLI TIERLING \/___/ \/___/ \ \ \ \/___/ NORWAY SANDHOOK 24 ____ ____ \ \ \tbM (SWAP , NHQ LEADER) 48531 NORDHORN /\ \ /\ \ \ \ \ GERMANY _\_\_ \_\_\_ \_________\_\ \ (SWAP,GHQ-LEADER) /\ _ \ _ _ \ _ __ \ _ \ \ DOUBLE(R) \ \\ \___\\ \ \\ ___\\ \_ \ JOSE JORDAN RANDY \ \ \ \ \___\ \ \ \ \ \ PLZ.MAGDALENA 5 ROBERT EKBERG \ \ \ \ \__/\ \ \ \ \ \ 14002-CORDOBA YMMERSGATAN 2. \ \____ \ \ \ \_____ \_____ \ SPAIN 941 51 PITEA \/___/\ \ \ \/___/\ \__/\ \(SWAP,AND GREAT MAN) SWEDEN \ \___\___\ \ \___\ \ \___\ (SWAP,CODE,SWHQ LEADER) \/___/___/ \/___/ \/___/ N O P C, O N L Y A M I G A !!! __/\_. __/\_________/\____________._/\ \_ | \_ _____/\_ .____/\_ \ [M!Ckey] / | /____. \/ |_____/ : \ / |/ | \ | \ . \ / | \ \ | \ \___________________/__________/_________/ : : __/\_________/\________/\___________._/\ \_ .____/\_ . \_ _____/\_ \ / |_____/ / __)__/ : \ / | \ . \__ | \ /\ \ / \ | / \ \ \_____________/________/_________/__________/ - BART - - RAPPER - H-1195 BUDAPEST KRISZTIAN TANOS H-1725 BUDAPEST JOKAI 2. X/30. P.O.BOX 104. HUNGARY HUNGARY ( GFX,DESIGN,SWAP ) ( CODE,SWAP,GFX ) N O P C, O N L Y A M I G A !!! _/\_. __/\________/\__________./\ \ | \_ ____/\_ .___/\_ \ / | /____. \/ |____/ : \ / |/ | \ | \ . \ / | \ \ | \ \_________________/_________/_______/ : : __/\______/\_______/\_________./\ \_ .__/\_ . \_ ____/\_ \ / |___/ / __)_/ : \ / | \ . \__ | \ /\ \ / \ | / \ \ \__________/_______/________/________/ : [M!Ckey] - HR.FLICKER OF ISCH CREW- MORTEN STEEN TERASSEVEIEN 7C N-6500 KR.SUND N NORWAY (SWAP , NHQ LEADER) N O P C, O N L Y A M I G A !!! ____________/\_________________/\________ ______________________ \___________ ____/ _______ ____ \/ | \_________/ ______ \______/ \/ \______ \ \/ |_____/ __|__ \______/ \ / \___/ \ | \ | \ /_____\ \___/ \ / \/ \ \ | \ \/ | \/ \/ \/ \______ /____ /_____ /_____| / \____/ \_____/ \_____/ ___. |_______/ _________/\_________________________/\__________/ |_________________ \________ ____ \_______ \__ __________/ | | \______/ \___/ \/ |_____/ |______/ \/ _____/__ | | \___/ \/ | \ _ \ | \ | | \/ \ hJ | \ | \ / / \_______ /_____| /______ /_________ / __ \_____/ |______/ \_____/ \_____/ \/ - RAPPER OF ISCH CREW - KRISZTIAN TANOS 1725 BUDAPEST P.O.BOX 104 HUNGARY (ISCH-CREW LEADER,PACKS,SWAP 101%) N O P C, O N L Y A M I G A !!! _/\_. __/\________/\__________./\ \ | \_ ____/\_ .___/\_ \ / | /____. \/ |____/ : \ / |/ | \ | \ . \ / | \ \ | \ \_________________/_________/_______/ : : __/\______/\_______/\_________./\ \_ .__/\_ . \_ ____/\_ \ / |___/ / __)_/ : \ / | \ . \__ | \ /\ \ / \ | / \ \ \__________/_______/________/________/ : [M!Ckey] RANDY OF ISCH CREW ROBERT EKBERG YMMERSGATAN 2. 941 51 PITEA SWEDEN (SWAP,CODE,SWHQ LEADER) N O P C, O N L Y A M I G A !!! franck gotthold 3 rue jean moulin 18570 la chapelle st ursin france I'm looking for demo-swapping,members and BBS support !! Write Now,24H reply. if you want a BBs-intro for you Board... enjoy peanut.remdy/arkham ------------------------------------------------------------cut---cut---cut--- -=productions=- Raaaaah Lovely!!! ShoCkeR/KlOoN Bilbo/KlOoN GREGORY COOLEN JEROME DELANDRE 3 RUE DU CHATEAU 33 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau 80680 RUMIGNY 60140 Liancourt FRANCE FRANCE Or try on ACE BBS: +33 45 88 75 48 (France) +33 44 88 77 99 +33 45 88 88 09 We're looking for HQ in others countrys..We 're also looking for cools contacts around the world.Want to join us,give an example of your work to ShoCkeR,100 % Replied but only legal stuffs 4 cool Amiga stuff swapping...contact me: Only AMIGA FREAKS...heh! Mr.FisH/9-Design Kenneth Fajkowski _____ Arvesgarde 30 /+ \/| And for polish people: 417 44 Gothenburg \/____/\| Eat riby and Lody Sweden ....A1200 And don't forget to support POWER....the coooool one!.... ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ UXP underexposure of MALFUNCTiON is looking for cool contax 100% reply to all! 3,5" or QiC 80 for swapping or just for friendship / really fast replies write to : stephan schleim paracelsusweg 7 65203 wiesbaden germany, earth ---- ::... big ansi logo here ...:: contact me for legal demo swapping and coding threads climax/amable -hip 0r arrested- bjrn schnizler kthe-kollwitz-str.6 76275 ettlingen germoney [no handle on da envelope] S W A P P I N G I have about 1000 modules in my collection, i don't have any remixes, Techno, Rave, House, Industrial, Jungle, Gabber, Trance, HardCore, Acid or Dance unless i'm tha one who made it..:) I have almost all of tha releases of almost every major tracker on tha scene (s.e Purple Motion, Skaven, Necros, LizardKing etc..) BTW: don't mind tha shitty ASCI, i made it!:) Send mail to: or FidoNET mail to: Eliran Ben-Ishai Saifan 15, Neve-Nof DNA-Groove@f414.n403.z2.fidonet.org Lod, 71404 ISRAEL [CiV] Keen Like Frogs Fatal Justice Impact Studios Just For Fun MooN HunterS Substance Camorra TRiP Escape And More... Sysop: CiVAX -of- Ŀ CoSysop: Turk128 MOON HUNTERS + 9 7 2 - 7 7 5 - 3 2 2 4 Plavius FIDOnet 2:407/205 UltiNET 97:200/217 USENET Available 1.2 Giga On line 24hrs 28.8K V34 Free Access on first call! Sources Demos Intros Ansi VGA Art Music News! Trackers Players Magazines Utils Scene People Lists All Local Productions New Stuff directly from the groups!  ͻ ͸ ո ͸ ͵ ͸ ո ͸ ͸ Ƶ Ƶ ; ; ;; ;; mindcrime - a division of SKY-Arts / SKY-System Contact Skyman (Coder) swap all actual mindcrime-games !!! Oliver Ochs Brckenstrae 14 we are searching for pascal-source- D-35630 Katzenfurt codes for midi-playback via SB or Germany GMidi Wenn Sie der Sysop einer berregionalen BBS sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns, um regelmig alle neuen Produkte und mindcrime-Updates kosten- los zu beziehen. Machen Sie Ihre Mailbox zu einer mindcrime-Mailbox! ͼ -------------------------------------- EUROPE - the middle of the scene world -------------------------------------- ۳ ۳ Y O G i / Z Y K L O P ۳ ۳ contact me if: x۳ ۳ - you just want to swap a bit ۳ - you are a scener near ROSTOCK ߳ - you want 2 become a ZYKLOP hq - you are interested in scene-cds ܳ YOGi /ZYKLOP ۳ Christian Drschner ۳ St.-Petersburger Str. 27 -------------------------------------- D-18107 Rostock x = ROSTOCK the middle of EUROPE :) - Germany - -------------------------------------- [:)] is lookin' for many, many contacts oOo You want to have cool pc-swapping (Demos,Music etc.)? oOo Another friendship ? oOo You want to have NO ELITE-contact ? oOo Hmm.... YEp. Send a nice letter to ME: Now, as usuall: nico ebert 100% answer heerstrae 31 cheating is fun 32791 lage punk rulez germany 3.5" swapping fido@2:243/6066.5 os/2 rulez, dos suxx and I'm george bush Wanna swap da latest PC/AMIGA DEMOS, PHA,PPE,ANSIS Stuffs on PC Disks... TrY DiZ: Thorin/MeLoN DeZiGN Bertrand Floury 4 Square Alboni 75016 PARIS FRANCE. Or Plug in Da Equalizer: +331 452 519 23 [ AMBERofNeutronislookingfor ]Ŀ | | Just write to: : ݱ߲ : ݰ ܰ ۰ ۰ ۰ Gregor Eigner : ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ : Rechbauerstrasse 54 | ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ | A-8010 Graz kki [AUSTRIA] [ FRIENDSHIPSWAPPINGFUNFASTANSWERS ] ۲ ۲ ۲ ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۱ ۲ ۲ AMB -- ----- -ͻ AMBER BORA MAN Gregor Eigner Bora Man ͸ 100% LEGAL Rechbauerstr. 54 Bahnhofstr. 32 A-8010 Graz A-8407 Lebring NO DISKSTEAL [AUSTRIA] DOPE [AUSTRIA] Tobias Mayr 111% REPLY Plueddemanngasse 32 A-8010 Graz FRIENDSHIP [AUSTRIA] RAPTOR S.ROGER FAST ANSWERS Martin Fahrnberger Paul Wegschaider Franz Schubertstr. 3 Gritzenweg 8 SWAPPING A-3300 YBBS/DONAU A-8020 Graz [AUSTRIA] [AUSTRIA] -- ----- -ͼ ۲߲ ܲ ܲ۲߲ܲܲ ܲ %by^hanx#lzܲ۲߲ ۲ ۲߲ ߲߲ ݲ ܲ ۲ ܲ ߲ ܲܲ۲޲ ۲ܲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ߲۲۲ܲܲ ߲ ߲߲۲۲ܲ ߲ ߲۲۲ #i995% for cool hungarian contact write to: sceners: hanx / urinate! coders: pro / urinate! miklos tamas kerenyi gabor h-92OO, mosonmagyarovar h-92OO, mosonmagyarovar arpad u.8. gorkij u.5/b. iOO% fast reply, long letters, scene/legal swap, coder talks, friendship. The Collector. 4 Joining and CRAZY swapping Rue J. Wauters 40/1 100% reply guaranteed 1480 Saintes QIC80 Users Only !! BELGIUM. For really fast & friendly pc-scene warez swapping Looking for contacts write immediately to: For swapping demos or any other scene stuff The Collector The Collector Rue J. Wauters 40/1 Rue J. Wauters 40/1 1480 Saintes ޱ 1480 Saintes Belgium ް Belgium ޱ QIC80 Users Only !!! ް QIC80 Users Only ! - For swapping and friendship... -- fEM? / DECLiNE Tony Karppinen Kurenvaarantie 3 / destroy fascism! 80400 YLMYLLY    \ Finland                   \   ߭100% FAST! reply! KNoll / Decline ADDress: Juhani Turpeinen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sammontie 12 Mailswapping and Friendship 82200 Hammaslahti -NO FUCKING DISKSTEALERS!! Finland 100% answer ͼ [iCE] - iCEMAN /ZYKLOP - - IS LOOKING FOR NEW CONTACTS - - FOR SWAPPING SEND YOUR DISKS/QIC-80 TAPES TO - - MARC STEFFEN - QUARTIERSTRASSE 15 - 2540 GRENCHEN - SWITZERLAND - [iCE] ...place for your addy !