WINLOAD - Asynchonous loader for Windows 3.0 TOPCLOCK - Small digital clock which remains on top of all windows ABSOLUTLY NO WARRANTY FOR ANYTHING! Since these programs are for free (resp. charity, see below), I do not guarantee anything. Although they were developed and tested very carefully, the author cannot be liable for any damage caused by any use of the programs; if you use the programs, it's your own risk! They seen to work fine on my machine. I use them every day and they never have crashed anything. But if they do so on your computer be aware that you use(d) them on your own risk. Enclosed in this package, you find: README.TXT - this file, WINLOAD.EXE - WinLoad executable, WINLOAD.HLP - WinLoad help file to displayed by WINHELP, WINLOAD.TXT - WinLoad help file as plain text (can be viewed by NOTEPAD), TOPCLOCK.EXE - TopClock executable, TOPCLOCK.TXT - TopClock help file as plain text (can be viewed by NOTEPAD), Simply copy the files to the directory where you want to have them (WinLoad.EXE and WinLoad.HLP must be in the same directory in order to access online help). The best method is to add the programs as usual to one of your program manager groups (or to any other shell you may be using). I hope you enjoy the programs! Don't forget, they are CHARITY WARE! See WINLOAD.TXT or TOPCLOCK.TXT for details! If you have any comments or questions or find any serious bugs, plesae e-mail them to the following address: Merry Christmas! 12/1/1991 HLS