Winders refers to all executables and documentation included in the Winders package. Winders may be distributed with the stipulation that only a nominal fee may be charged for duplication, media, and postage not to exceed 3 dollars per disk. However the software package may not be altered in any way by any distributor and still be called Winders. If you alter Winders you MUST change the name, leave the copyright notices, and MUST state in the documentation that this new version is your altered copy. You may NOT sell or package Winders with any item for sale without prior written consent of the author. You also may not sell or package with any item for sale any altered copy of Winders to any one without prior written consent of the author. The author retains the copyright to Winders. Any individual may use Winders freely. University, Commercial, or Governmental users must contact the author for permission before using Winders or be held in violation of copyright laws. Winders is offered on an "as-is" basis without any guarantee or warranty either expressed or implied. The author does not guarantee the software package to be fit for any specific purpose or use in any way. We believe this software package functions as stated in the documantation but the user(s) of the software package assumes all risk and liability involved in its operation. The user(s) signify acceptance of all risk and liability by any execution of the program. The authors are in no way liable for any loss of data, incidental or consequential damage resulting from the use of this software, or documentation. In simple terms use it at your own risk and don't come crying to me that it ate your computer. You can plainly see from the code it isn't possible. Hey, its free what do you want? Like I said too many people are releasing piddly little programs and demanding a registration fee. If you are one of those people my comment to you is "Get real!!!" The idea behind user-supported software is to reduce users cost not increase it. If you like and use this program please drop a postcard in the old mail box just so I'll know I didn't waste my time. Also please send your comments, suggestions, bug reports, and improvements. Address it to: EARL HARTSELL P.O. BOX 16223 Knoxville, TN 37996 inet: HARTSELL@UTKVX.UTK.EDU or Copyright (c)1992 By Earl W. Hartsell