Searcher V 01/24/93 This program, as far as I know, requires WINDOWS 3.1. It also requires that you have the Arial and MS SansSerif fonts installed. If you did a normal WINDOWS installation, then these files are already installed. To install this program, either run the included setup program under Windows or do the installation manually. Manual installation is performed by copying the SEARCHER.EXE File to a directory of your choice. You will also have to copy the VBRUN200.DLL and the GAUGE.VBX files into the WINDOWS system directory. Then add the program to a program manager group of your choice. This program is composed of the following files: SEARCHER.EXE located (by default) in C:\SEARCHER. SEARCHER.INI located in the WINDOWS directory. VBRUN200.DLL located in the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory. GAUGE.VBX located in the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory. SEARCHER.GRP located in the WINDOWS directory The program will generate SEARCHER.INI in the WINDOWS directory when it is run for the first time. VBRUN200.DLL may already be installed on your system by other programs. I wrote this program to help me locate files in the various bulletin board file lists that I have. You can enter (or pick) files to scan and enter a string and the program will attempt to locate files with the string in the name or description. If you double click on a description line in the big window, the program attempts to extract the file name to the smaller file window in the upper right corner of the program window. When you are finished searching for file names, click the Clipboard button and the contents of the small window will be copied into the clipboard. If this is done while you are connected to a BBS via a WINDOWS comm program, you can generally select a command for batch download and then do an Edit Paste or press Shift Insert to paste the filenames so that they may be downloaded. The exact procedures for this will be determined by both the BBS that you call and the comm program that you are using. As the program searches, the name of the file that it is currently working on is displayed in the title bar and the progress through the file is displayed on the bargraph at the bottom of the program window. The following information is also in the help box in the program. This program will scan selected filenames for search strings and place those lines into a window where the filenames can be extracted from them. It is primarily intended to be used to search BBS download file lists for a specific string and extract those filenames that it locates to the clipboard. This information can then be pasted to your comm program to download those files. Search Path - File specification to search Search String - String to search all files for Browse Button - Select file specification Start/Stop Button - Start/Stop search process Exit Button - Leave program Clipboard Button - copy filenames in small box to clipboard Large file box - Lines from the files described by searchpath that contain the search string are displayed here. Double clicking a line will attempt to extract the file name to the small box in the upper right corner. Should you find this program useful, I would appreciate a donation of $10.00. This would encourage me to continue to develop this program and others. Should you feel inclined to make a donation, send it to: Tandy Penn 3306 Daisy Circle Richardson, Tx. 75082 I also my be contacted by leaving a message in the FIDONET WINDOWS conference. LIMIT OF LIABILITY Searcher is distributed as-is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied. The author will assume no liability for damages either from the direct use of this product or as a consequence of the use of this product. Searcher may be used by any private individual or non-commercial organization for any purpose. You may distribute it to anyone, and you may place it on any archive or bulletin board system for wider access. You may not charge anyone for it other than a reasonable fee to cover your distribution costs. This program is written with Visual Basic 2.0 from Microsoft Visual Basic and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.