KIVIAT 1.0 ========== by Wolfgang Tremmel 1. Purpose The Kiviat - Graph is an easy way to watch some system parameters graphicaly. I use it while developing, to see if an application behaves bad, e.g. not freeing up all memory allocated. 2. Description of the sectors Started from lower right corner (yes I know that's unusual, but I was to lazy to turn the whole thing around), the sectors have the following meaning: - Absolute Free Memory 100% is set with SETUP - Largest free Block 100% is set with SETUP - Reaction time Kiviat sends a WM_TIMER message to itself, to update every N seconds. 100% is set, if the reaction is exatly this time. - Disk I/O - Time Time to do some writing on disk c: - Number of Tasks running - Filespace on Drives I add the source, so you can modify the measurement routines or write your own. If you find some interesting routine, mail it to me! Changes of this program are welcome. 3. Licence Read the GNU - Licence. One Difference to GNU: You are NOT allowed charge ANY MONEY for this program!!!!! Not even a "copy fee"!! If someone charged you money for this program, tell him to give it back to you! If you want to pay for this program, pay to ME! :-) My bank is the Sparkasse Karlsruhe (Germany), BLZ 660 501 01 My account - number is 20823324