This is a list of commands you can use in HWA for DOS and for Windows. \topic{Name} - start a new topic with the specified name. \topic{Name}{CS} - start a new topic that has a context string. \keyword{keywd} - specify a keyword for the current topic. \browse{seqno} - specify a browse sequence number for this topic. \xref{jump}{CS} - generate a cross-reference jump with its context. \defn{name}{CS} - generate a definition term with its context. \bitmap{name} - insert the file "name" here \bitmapl{name} - insert the file "name" on the left \bitmapr{name} - insert the file "name" on the right \bold{words} - render "words" in a bold font. \italic{words} - render "words" in an italic font \font{name} - change to another font from now on. \tab - output a tabbing command to the RTF file. \par - force a paragraph break here. \fontsize{num} - set the fontsize to "num" half points (default 20). \bscroll - makes the title scrollable One or more blank lines indicates a paragraph break. Any characters beginning with "%" and continuing to the end of a line are ignored as comments. The sequences "\\", "\{", "\}", "\[", "\]" and "\%" denote the characters "\", "{", "}", "[", "]", and "%" respectively. Make sure that after a command there is a space between the command and normal text. Otherwise, HWA for Dos will complain.