HEXCONV 1.0 Hex / Decimal / Binary Converter for Windows Copyright 1991 by Dave Lord If you've used my Hex File Viewer (WINHV20) this program will look familiar to you. I originally wrote the Hex/Decimal/Binary converter as a modeless dialog box that popped up from that program. A couple of people told me that they would like to have it as a separate program so here it is. Using it is simple, you get a window with three edit boxes, labeled: Hex, Decimal and Binary. You enter a number into one in the appropriate form and the converted values appear in the other two boxes. ************************************************************************ * This program may be freely used and copied but * may not be sold except for a nominal copying * charge not to exceed US $10. This file should * be included with all copies of HEXCONV 1.0. The * author reserves the right to charge for future * versions. ************************************************************************ This program is distributed AS IS. The author assumes no liability for any dammages resulting from it's use.