CTLWHWND.DLL Support function for getting the hWnd of any control. by Jonathan Zuck Copyright 1991 User Friendly, Inc. Greetings! I got tired of the dumb method of getting the hWnd to a control using GetFocus/SetFocus/GetFocus/PutFocus as suggested in the MSKB. Therefore, I create CTLHWND.DLL which contains only one function: ControlhWnd. This is an integer function declared as follows: declare function ControlhWnd% lib "CTLHWND.DLL" (Ctl as Control) you may then make use of it in a VB application using the following syntax: Wnd = ControlhWnd% (List1) (Text1) (Command1) (File1) etc., where the passed parameter is simply the CtlName of the control for which you want to get the window handle. Hope this helps people trying to make API calls. -=- Jonathan