LICENSE Kidware refers to all programs distributed on the Kidware diskette. Kidware is Copyright (c) 1992, WordSmith Document Design Inc., St. John's NF Canada A1B 3M9. Kidware is distributed under the Shareware software concept. Non- registered users of Kidware are granted a limited license to use Kidware for a brief period, to decide if the program is of value. Any other use of Kidware or use past this period requires registra- tion. Non-registered copies of Kidware used by a business or any educational institution are forbidden. A limited license is granted to copy Kidware for the purpose of allowing others to try it. However, the following conditions apply: Kidware must be distributed in unmodified form, including ALL programs, documentation, and other files. Bulletin Board system operators may post Kidware on their BBS for downloading by their users. Distributors of Shareware and Public Domain software may distribute Kidware without written permission. Individuals may copy the programs for friends and colleagues. ii REGISTRATION AND ORDERING INFORMATION Kidware registration costs $19.95. Checks and money orders are accepted for payment, as well as purchase orders for amounts of $39.90 and over. To place an order, please use the order form on the following page. Corporations and Institutions: Please see the section entitled 'Quantity and Corporate Purchases' for information on licensing mul- tiple copies of Kidware. Under no circumstances may an unregistered copy of Kidware be used in a corporate or institutional environment. iii Kidware - INVOICE Send to: WordSmith Document Design Inc., PO Box 8061 Stn A St. John's NF Canada A1B 3M9 Qty Item US Price ___ Kidware Registration................ $19.95 ea $________ (includes registration + program and printed instruction sheet) Subtotal $________ Canadian residents add 7% GST. GST $________ NF residents please add 12% PST + GST. Tax $________ Total $________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Payment by: ( ) Check or money order ( ) PO # _______________ Name_______________________________________________________ Company_______________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Phone(______)_________________ Bus.(______)________________ Where did you obtain Kidware? _______________________________________________________ Comments_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- iv QUANTITY AND CORPORATE PURCHASES Any commercial (i.e., business, school, government, or other in- stitutional) use of Kidware must be registered. Volume discounts and site licenses are available. Discounts are as follows: 1-10 copies no discount 10 - 30 copies 20% over 30 40% In the over 30 category, we provide a site licence, which includes instruction sheets, but only two master diskettes.