The File Menu basically does what any other Macintosh application's file menu does - provides the commands for openning, closing, saving, printing and page setup. An addition to High Tea's File Menu is the Preview item which allows you to preview your document with the browser specified in High Tea's Preferences.
The Edit Menu again provides most of the basic facilities of any Macintosh Edit menu with Undo, copying, cutting and pasting all supported. In addition, there are also facilities for finding text in your document, and performing search/replace tasks. Finally, the Preferences item in the Edit Menu allows you to set the default font for display on the screen, and also the web browser, graphics converter and map editor that High Tea will call when viewing your document or editing images and maps. For more information on choosing browsers etc see the Setting Helper Applications section.
The Font Menu allows you to set the font for the text as it is displayed in High Tea's windows - this is purely for cosmetic purposes as it does not effect the font displayed when viewing the document in a browser.
As with the Font Menu, the Style Menu only affects the way text is displayed in High Tea's window and not the way it looks when viewed in a browser. All the usual styles and font sizes are there for you to choose from.
The URLs Menu essentially allows you to store commonly used URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) so that you don't have to keep on typing all the lengthy HTML syntax for the URLs. URLs can be stored in the URLs Menu itself by choosing either Add Most Recent (which adds the last URL link you inserted into your document) or Add Another URL (which adds a URL you specify). From then on, these URLs appear in the URLs Menu and you can simply choose them from the menu to insert them into your document. You can also manipulate URL lists by either editing the current list directly by choosing Edit URL List; save the URL list to a text file by choosing Store URL List; and retrieve an already saved list by choosing Load URL List.
The Images Menu does exactly the same as the URLs menu but with image file names rather than URLs - so you can add the last image inserted or another image to the Images Menu so that, from then on, you can simply choose the image name from the menu to insert it into your document. You can also edit, save and retrieve lists of images in the same way as URL lists.