Because you want your users to concentrate on using the information, not finding it.Your customers, employees, and partners need information--information that helps them make decisions, evaluate problems, and accomplish tasks. The longer it takes them to find the information, the more it costs.
Finding information with EINet client products is as easy as asking for it. And coupled with EINet secure servers, you control the information returned.
The Internet employs various technologies for finding and accessing information. EINet offers clients for popular Internet services:
And EINet clients are available for the major industry platforms:
EINet WWW Clients: MacWeb and winWeb
Information management would be easy if your users knew where to find
the information they need. But typically they don't. And most of the
time, they don't know exactly what they need either.
With EINet's World Wide Web (WWW) clients, users don't need to know where information is located. WWW technology is quickly becoming the predominant tool for information management. By simply clicking a button, users can view related information.
MacWeb, for the Macintosh, and winWeb, for Microsoft Windows, present information as documents. Some of the text in the documents is highlighted. To get more information, users select the highlighted text (called hypertext) and a new, related document is displayed.
The EINet clients find the documents, wherever they may be located. Documents might be on the user's local disk or on the local network or even on a computer in another country.
Users choose what they want to look at. MacWeb and winWeb locate and retrieve it.
And because documents are hypertext, users can easily look at additional information. If one document isn't quite what they want, users simply click a button to look at another document. And documents can be multimedia-they can contain text or pictures or sound or even movies. So information can be conveyed in whatever form makes it easiest to understand.
Users don't need to settle for what they can find--instead they can find what they need.
EINet clients don't force your experienced users to learn a new interface. MacWeb uses standard Macintosh commands for many tasks, such as printing, canceling, and customizing the window. And Windows users get a jump start with winWeb's toolbar.
MacWeb and winWeb fully exploit the Web's hypermedia technology while maintaining the look and feel of the operating platform.
MacWeb and winWeb can do more than locate and retrieve documents from WWW servers. They can also display information from gopher, news, ftp, and telnet servers.
EINet WAIS Clients: MacWAIS and winWAIS
Another widely used Internet technology is Wide Area Information
Servers (WAIS). WAIS is especially useful for large text-based
libraries of information. News services, publishing houses, and
technical support groups are just a few of the users of WAIS. To
access WAIS information, EINet offers
MacWAIS for the Macintosh and
winWAIS for Windows.
MacWAIS and winWAIS give users access to the many information sources that use WAIS technology.
To use the EINet WAIS clients, users make a request using natural phrases containing one or more words. The request is then sent to a WAIS server that searches its index. The server returns a list of the documents that contain the words. Documents can even be multimedia, such as text or pictures or sound.
A score for each document indicates how closely it meets the search criteria relative to the other documents in the returned list. The user can further refine the search using relevance feedback-telling the server to find documents similar to ones already found.
Giving your users quick access to information can reduce costs, but it can also introduce new issues-issues of security.
EINet clients include optional user authentication and access control features. To communicate with an EINet secure server, the user's identification and password is verified. And you can control what information the user can access with the client.
EINet clients are intuitive and powerful, and their optional, built-in security makes them the perfect partner for both secure and non-secure information servers.