InterMind Corporation

InterMind was founded in 1994 to pursue the development of new technologies for intelligent information interchange. Convinced early on of the potential for The Internet Adapter to open up graphical access to the Internet, InterMind partnered with Cyberspace Development in the design and execution of an entirely net-based customer service, ordering, and support system for TIA.

InterMind is also handling the "offline" sales of Host and Site licenses. If you have questions about Host or Site licensing that are not covered by our online documents, please feel free to send it to:

or give us a call at 206-545-7803. Our office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST Monday through Friday, but you can leave voice mail anytime and we'll return your call as soon as possible.

A note about Host/Site licensing: both Commercial and Academic pricing schedules are currently being finalized, and will be posted here soon. Until then, please contact us for a quote, as are committed to making TIA the most cost-effective solution available for dial-up TCP/IP access.

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