Your Internet Consultant - the FAQs of Life Online

Table of Contents (with examples of the questions covered in each chapter)

Foreword by Daniel Dern
1...Just What Is This Internet?
What kind of material is available on the Internet?
How fast is the Internet growing?
If the Internet is go great, do I need CompuServe or another online service?
2...How Do I Get Connected?
What's SLIP and PPP access?
What's a FreeNet?
What should I look for in a service provider?
3...How Does the Internet Work?
How do computers on the Net talk to one another?
What is Gopher? Veronica? WorldWideWeb? Why are there so many Internet tools?
How can I find out if a certain organization is on the Internet?
4...How Can I Communicate with People Around the World?
How do I send e-mail? How do I know if it got there?
How can I send programs and sounds though electronic mail?
How do I find someone's e-mail address?
What should I know about e-mail etiquette?
5...Where Can I Discuss My Favorite Film, Food, or Fetish?
What's Usenet? How does it work?
Which newsreader should I use?
How much stuff passes through Usenet?
How can I create a newsgroup?
6...How Can I Find and Use Software (and Other Stuff)?
How do I send files with FTP? How to I receive them?
My FTP'd files don't work. What could be wrong?
Where can I find software for my Mac? Windows? OS/2? Atari?
7...How Do I Track Down Information?
What libraries are on the Internet?
Where can I find national and world news?
Where can I find a recipe for gazpacho?
8...Can I Do Business on the Internet?
Can I get stock market info online?
People who advertise on the Net should be flogged, right?
How can I get an e-mail address like
9...Is There Government Information Online?
How do I get publications from the White House?
What Canadian government services are online?
10...Where Are All the Fun and Games?
What kind of games are online? Is it OK to play games on the net?
What's the Internet Hunt? Internet Talk Radio? Usenet Oracle?
How do I access the Internet Relay Chat? What about Multi-User Dungeons?
11...What Do I Need to Know about Internet Culture and Lore?
Did someone really look a toaster to the Net? A Coke machine?
How can I find love on the Internet?
What organizations protect the Internet and its users?
12...How Can I Keep My Privacy and Stay Secure?
Should I worry about security?
Is my electronic mail really private? Who could be reading it?
What's Pretty Good Privacy? How do I get it?
How can I send e-mail anonymously?
Appendix A...Internet Access Providers
Appendix B...Information About the Internet, on the Internet
Appendix C...The Internet Offline: Books and Magazines