SOME WORDSTAR PROBLEMS, SOLUTIONS AND TECHNIQUES by P. L. Olympia, Ph.D. Darwin Systems, Inc. SUGI SIG/M RBBS Sysop, (301)963-5249 09/01/84 Recently, I had the pleasure of being confronted by a group of Government secretaries at a gripe session. The secretaries were irate because the powers-that-be have taken their beloved Wang OIS and replaced them with IBM XT's running WordStar (I have to confess that I helped push for WordStar). Now, there is no denying that WordStar is difficult to learn but people can and do learn it, and even come to love it. Over the years, I found that the people who had the most trouble in learning WordStar are those who were brought up with a Wang word-processor. There must be something about those endless menus and prompts that cause the brain to atrophy. Oops, I'm editorializing again... What follow are some of the complaints and my solutions to them. Included also are additional WordStar techniques that I have found useful over the years. And just to complete the set, a quick reference guide to WordStar is also included. NOTE: In this document, the caret symbol (^) means hold down the CTRL key; the symbol means press the key. 1. EDITING ONE DOCUMENT WHILE PRINTING ANOTHER The secretaries complained that the IBM XT slowed down considerably when a document was being edited and a second one was being printed. The most cost-effective solution to this is to install a memory print spooler software. The one I use is the excellent public domain program called MSPOOL2. I place MSPOOL2.COM in a subdirectory (\pd) where DOS can find it via the PATH command and add the following line to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the root directory: MSPOOL2 1 7 (for parallel printer in LPT1) -or- MODE COM1:1200,N,8,1 (for serial printer attached to COM1) MSPOOL2 1 7 1 (you need both lines) The syntax of the MSPOOL2 command may be changed for "unusual" situations. Here is the complete syntax: MSPOOL2 x y z where x = 1,2,3,4 depending on whether the printer is recognized as LPT1, LPT2, LPT3 or LPT4 y = the number of 7K chunks of buffer memory. In the above example, you are installing 49K (7x7) of buffer z = 1 or 2 used only if a serial printer is attached to either COM1 or COM2 For programs that do not work with MSPOOL2 (e.g., VPRINT or DSPOOL), I can remove MSPOOL2 from memory by just giving the command, MSPOOL2 x, and answering D(isable) to the prompt. 2. PAGE NUMBERS OF DOCUMENTS The secretaries wanted the document pages numbered (beginning with page 2) in their standard format which is at the top of the page and surrounded by a dash on either side. Here is the way it is done: o Place the .OP (Omit Page number) command near the top of the document o Scroll to the top of page 2 (use ^C or ^QZ), and place the following .HE (heading) command: .he - # - Note that the - # - should be where you want the page number to be. Keep in mind that the ".he " takes up four spaces of the screen display, but NOT of the printed page. REMINDER: You should NOT use the .PN (page number) command because it will negate the .OP command - you will have the page number on top and bottom of the page. By default, the heading line is printed two lines above the start of text on the page. You can control the line place- ment of the heading by using the .HM (heading margin), .MT (top margin), and .MB (bottom margin) commands. Remember that the default page size of WordStar is 66 lines (8.5 inches) but only 55 lines/page are printed because 3 lines (1/3 inch) are allocated to top margin space, and 8 lines (1.3 inches) are allocated to bottom margin space. 3. MARGINS AND TAB SETTINGS Secretaries complained that margins and tab settings are not "remembered" by WordStar and these have to be reset each time the document is edited. I offered to customize WordStar so that it will always come up with the margins and tab settings desired; unfortunately, the secretaries said that they work with many different sets of margins and tab settings. The next best thing is to create a file of many different RULER LINES, and then read that file (^KR followed by the filename) at the top of the document that one is currently working on. Anytime that a user wants to change settings, all she has to do is place the cursor anywhere in the desired ruler line, and give the ^OF (set margins/tabs from line) command. Those settings are in effect until one either exits from WordStar or changes the settings, for example, by moving the cursor to another (different) ruler line and doing another ^OF. Because the set of ruler lines are now part of the document, it is easy to make WordStar "remember" the desired settings by doing a ^OF as soon as the document is "opened" for edit. You do this to make a ruler line: o Begin a line with two dots (..), then do a ^P^M (or ^P, then ). The flag character "-" shows at the right edge of the line, and the cursor moves to the line below o Now type a ruler line with "-" and "!" (! indicates tab setting), for example: ------!-----!------!-----!------!----------------- The first "-" defines the left margin, and the last one defines the right margin. You can use "L" or "R" in place of these two hyphens to serve as a graphic reminder of the left and right margins. Use "#" instead of "!" if you want a decimal tab. 4. PAGE/DOCUMENT REFORMING Once margins and tab settings are changed, you can reformat several pages or the entire document without WordStar having to stop the process at the end of a paragraph or whenever it encounters a "hard" carriage return. Here is how it is done: o Make sure that hyphen-help is off (^OH toggles it on or off) o Place the cursor where you want reformatting to begin o Do a ^QQ (Repeat next command) o Do a ^B (Reform paragraph command) o Watch the fun and press any key to stop reformatting at any point 5. PAGE SCROLLING Secretaries complained that WordStar does not have a "GO TO PAGE" command, making it cumbersome to move the cursor to a specific page. Now, WordStar is a document-oriented software and not a page-oriented one, but the lack of a "go to page" command has never been one of WordStar's major drawbacks. Here are some techniques: One, if you know a unique text string in the desired page, you can easily get there with the ^QF (Find string) command. You can repeat this command indefinitely with the ^L (repeat find/replace) command. You can also find the string forward or backward or tell WordStar not to distinguish between lower/uppercase. Two, if you keep going back to the same page(s), you can embed markers at strategic points (^Kn, n = 0-9), and get there with ^Qn n = 1-9). Three, there really are better ways of doing page scroll than that provided by the ^QZ (up) or ^QW (down) commands. Here are two of them: - Do a ^QQ^C (forward scroll) or ^QQ^R (backward scroll) - Alternatively, do a ^QF. At the "FIND?" prompt, respond with ^N then . At the "OPTIONS?" prompt give the number of lines to skip. ADDITIONAL WORDSTAR TECHNIQUES PROPORTIONAL SPACING WordStar has an undocumented command that will allow properly equipped printers to print with proportional spacing. That command is the ^P (enter it as ^PP) command. To take advantage of this feature, you must have a version of WordStar correctly installed for your printer, and your printer must be able to perform microspacing. The procedure is: o Near or at the top of the document, place the .UJ1 (microjustification on) command, and do a ^PP command o Enter/edit your text o Reform your paragraphs (^B, or ^QQ^B with hyphen-help off) The last step is necessary because without it, proportional spacing will stop at the last line of the paragraph. FILLING OUT PREPRINTED FORMS Use the command ^PC to make WordStar pause during printing so you can move the printhead to the appropriate place where required data will be typed onto the form. If you do not have a printer which allows you to manually move the printhead, you can design a form layout similar to the preprinted form and place ^PC at the appropriate places. DOUBLE SPACING WITHOUT MAJOR CHANGES TO THE DOCUMENT Often one is faced with the task of printing a draft copy of a document (created with single-spacing) in double space. Rather than make extensive changes to the document via ^OS, then ^B (or ^QQ^B), you can leave the document single-spaced and still get a double-spaced printed copy. This requires the MailMerge option. Here is how it is done: o Place the following dot commands at the top of the document: .pf on (turn on print forming) .ls2 (line spacing = 2) o Print the document using the "M" command (rather than the "P" command) at the WordStar opening menu. WHERE ARE YOU IN A DOCUMENT? If you ever want to know at which line of the document you are currently in, just do a ^OP (Page break display on/off). The status line, FL=xx, will show you that you are in line xx. The FC=yy in the status line shows you that you are in the yyth character. This is handy if you want to find out how many lines there are in the document. Just send the cursor to the bottom of the document (^QC) and then do a ^OP. Note that a second ^OP toggles you back to page break display on. With a little math, you can also figure out the approximate number of words in the document. QUICK REFERENCE TO WORDSTAR COMMANDS CURSOR MOVEMENT ^S Left CHARACTER ^D Right CHARACTER ^QS Left LINE ^QD Right LINE ^A Left WORD ^F Right WORD ^QE To Top of screen ^QX To Bottom of screen ^QR Beginning of file ^QC To End of file +--------+ | E | | up | _____________|________|_____________ | A | S | D | F | CURSOR CONTROL | left | left | right | right | | word | char | char | word | +-----------------------------------+ | X | | down | +--------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCROLL: ^Z Up one line ^C Up one screen ^W Down one line ^R Down one screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DELETE: ^G Char left ^RUB Char right ^Y Line ^T Word right ^QY to end of line ^QRUB to begin of line ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER: ^V insertion togle ^I Tab ^U restart command ^VN Insert (with WW) ^B Reform to para. ^P Overprint ^J Menu ^Q,J,K,O,P prefix menus -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAVES: ^KD Save ^KX Save & get CP/M ^KS Save & re-edit same [ in-progress save ] ^KQ Abort ^KP Print toggle -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOCKS: ^KB mark block begin ^KK mark block end ^QB cursor to block start ^QK cursor to block end ^KH Hide/restore marker ^KV move block ^KC recopy block ^KY delete block ^KW write block to file ^R repeat last command ^KJV help! ^QV Return cursor to block start --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT MARKERS: ^K 0-9 Set/Hide text marker ^Q 0-9 Cursor to marker --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIND/ ^QF Find ^QA Replace ^L Find/Replace next occurence REPLACE: options: the nth occurence G global replace or find last N replace without query B search backward U ignore case W whole word only -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL ^QH Block Write ^QR Read additional file FILES: ^QJ Delete File ^QP Print file -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL: ^O display current status ^OC center this line ^OL set left margin ^OR set right margin ^OI set tab here ^ON clear tab here ^OF set margins & tabs to match current line ^V..^P then ^O^F to store reusable non-printing ruler. ^OS set line spacing ^B reform to end of paragraph ^OX margin release ^OW word wrap ^OJ justify ^OT ruler ^OP page ends ^OD dot commands ^PO non-break spaces ^P overprint next line --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "P" Commands: Put a ^Char in the file ^PS Underscore start/end ^PB Boldface start/end cancel prefix < ret > overprint line follows -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOTs .PL paper length defaults to 11 inches .MT margin top " 3 lines .MB margin bottom " 8 lines .HM heading margin " 2 lines .FM footer margin " 2 lines .PC page # col. " 1/2 right margin .PO page offset " 8 cols. .PA new page .CPn conditional page .HE {or .HE #} header text .FO " " footer text .OP omit page numbers .PN start with page number .IG non-printing comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIALS: ^QCOP number of words in the text ^QQn Repeat: eg. QQZn scroll line at speed n (0-9) QQCn scroll screens ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSTAR HELP COMMANDS ^O Show me the current status ^JH Set level of prompts ^JD show dot commands and print controls ^JI command index ^JS status line ^JF flags info. ^JB paragraph commands ^JP place markers ^JM margins and tabs ^JV moving text - the end -