The ability to edit QMODEM.FON is what Qfonedit is all about. It never has, tho, and never will do everything everybody wants. One occasional request is for Qfonedit to enable merging of .FON files. As an example, a .FON file is circulating which contains the names and numbers of FIDO boards which can be called via PC-Pursuit. It would be a major convenience to some users if they were able easily to merge that file with their current file. Qfonedit can do import/export or merge functions if used with SideKick or any other utility which provides "cut and paste" capabilities. I will describe here how to do so with SideKick. Run Qfonedit using the file from which you wish to extract listings (the "source" file). Use the SideKick NotePad to import from the screen into a file; import only the name and number fields. Change pages and repeat as needed. (Alternatively, print the source file to disk and operate on the print file to strip out all but name and number info.) Your file in the NotePad will look something like: = Atlantic Palisades 1 718 238 7855 Fargo 1 701 235 3982 Forbin Private 1 612 824 8101 = Use the SideKick search-and-replace commands to modify the file so it looks like this: = Atlantic Palisades^I1 718 238 7855 Fargo^I1 701 235 3982 Forbin Private^I1 612 824 8101 = where the ^I is actually an ASCII 9 character (tab). (Create this in SideKick with the ^P^I key combination.) The way I do this is to search and replace " 1 " with "^I1 ", then search and replace all " " with "" (two spaces replaced with nothing). Now mark the entire file (^K^B at the top, ^K^K at the bottom). Command ^K^E to export the file. At the SideKick prompt, select a function key as the "key to paste with", and select line mode. Run Qfonedit using the file into which you wish to merge the source file. (This second file is the "target" file.) Enter the Editor. Place the cursor on the first space of the name field on a line where you wish to place the first merged line. Hit the function key which you selected in SideKick. SideKick will paste the name and the number of the first line from the NotePad into Qfonedit, which will place it into the target file just as if you had typed it in. (I find that a slight delay factor is required in SideKick setup. The "paste delay factor" is set to 5 for my 8mz AT.) Repeat this, moving from line to line in the target file, as needed, until all new entries have been merged. Be sure to save the target file, and you're done! This is easier to do than to read.