Registration form for Magic Desk Spearwood Shareware Service is an authorized Australian dealer. They will forward your order electronically to the USA and you will receive the absolute latest version of this software by airmail directly from the author. This means there will be a delay of about two weeks before your order arrives. Thank you for your support! Prices current till Dec 1993. Mail To: Spearwood Shareware Service Phone (09) 434 3416 P.O. Box 121 Fax (09) 418 5721 Hamilton Hill 6163 Western Australia Your Name: ________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________ Quantity Total Price Check one: AUS$ 50.00 x _______ = ________________ ( ) 5.25" 360K disks ( ) 3.5" 720K disks ( ) Check or money order made out to Spearwood Shareware Service ( ) Mastercard ( ) Bankcard ( ) Visa Credit Card # ____________________________________ Exp. Date: _________ Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Billing address if different from shipping address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following information is entirely voluntary: Tell us where you found this program! _______________________________ DOS Version______ Do you have a hard disk?_____ If yes, what size?_______ Video Display:___ EGA ___ VGA ____________ Other Mouse ___ Y ___ N Which of the following age groups will be using Magic Desk ___ Pre-School ___ Junior High ___ Adult ___ Elementary ___ High School What are your comments about this software? (Use other side if needed)