CON91100.ZIP 1370885 12-29-98 1st Contact (32-bit) 1.10.0 is a full | featured contact manager for Win95. Features | include the ability to hold information on | over 65,000 contacts, an Explorer-type | interface with a fully customizable button | bar, support for international phone dialing, | the ability to divide your contact list into | white and yellow pages, ten user defined | categories, support for Canadian postal | codes, and more. (Jesse Roberge) (Reg.Fee: | $25) DATACH09.ZIP 5687847 12-11-98 DataChart 0.93 provides a way to harness the | numeric information contained in database | tables, by creating charts as pictorial | representations. The flexibility of this tool | allow you to explore the information | visually, allowing faster interpretation of | patterns imbedded in the data. Requires | Win95/NT. (Stan Isbrandt) (Reg.Fee: $25) FXP26PRG.ZIP 59023 12-15-98 Fxp26Prg is a decompiler for restoring lost | or damaged source code from FoxPro 2.5/2.6 | executables or compiled modules. (Alexander | Lobanov) (Reg.Fee: $120) KNOWBASE.ZIP 463748 01-04-99 Personal Knowbase 1.1 is an information | organizer that allows you to store and index | text information using keywords. You can | enter information directly or read from text, | Cardfile, and HTML files. Tag commonly used | items for quick reference. (Bitsmith | Software) (Reg.Fee: $39.95) PTRACK1.ZIP 113734 12-30-98 P-Track 1.0 helps track and document the | security permissions in your Microsoft Access | 97 databases. (Steve Nyberg) (Reg.Fee: $0)