GRADEB5A.ZIP 281088 10-06-98 GradeBook Power 5.01 is a comprehensive | gradebook program which can print over 20 | different reports. It is completely | menu-driven, and mouse support is provided. | It can be used by all grade levels, with many | special options available for both elementary | and secondary teachers. Gradebook Power | supports two nine-week quarters or three | six-week terms per semester, up to 36 | students per class, and up to 60 assignments | per student per quarter. (Terry L Jepson) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $59-$236) GRGID453.ZIP 480843 10-06-98 Grade Guide 4.53 allows teachers to list | students by pseudonym in a roster-like format | for posting grades for students to see. Up to | ten different grade classifications are | allowed and grade reports suitable for | handing out to students can be printed. (Jon | Kane) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $32-$40) TYPEEN57.ZIP 99064 10-27-98 Typemate 5.70 is a typing tutor for the | English, French and Dutch languages. It | teaches finger positions, words, sentences, | capitals, numbers and six lessons in which | the number of keys for touch typing is | gradually increased. (Martijn Y. De Deugd) | (Reg.Fee: $25)