PsL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM V6, #09
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New Programs For The Month
MGA Estate 3.5 by MGA Software. Reg.Fee: $120
is a real estate package for Windows. Features include 1 phot per property, 1 memo field per property, 12 user-defined fields, user-defined checkbox filter based on 6 categories, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.

SupportSource 2.02 by Microhouse International, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $?
is the one-stop desktop command post for the PC technician. From one environment view every resource you need to solve technical problems. Choose among a growing list of subscription-based SupportSource Knowledge Modules that incorporate databases, real-world knowledge and internet-based resources you need for faster, easier response to service emergencies and installations.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Filmplanner by Niek's Software Design. Reg.Fee: $100
is a tool especially designed for movie-theaters. It provides an easy way of scheduling films in up to 14 theaters.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Omniquad Outlines 98 1.1 by Omniquad. Reg.Fee: $?
is a management tool allowing you to define the boundaries and general rules for use of the computer and Internet. The flexible program will let you configure individual outlines for each user for virtually any activity. The limitation and recording options lets you not only control actions performed, but are also excellent answers to time management issues such as keeping track of the time spent per activity.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Training Tools 3.0 by Milori Software. Reg.Fee: $39.95
is a suite of programs designed to make computer demonstration and instruction more effective. This includes PC Chalkboard, MagLens and Quick Sound.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
ViSionMILL 3.97 by ToolSoft Design. Reg.Fee: $69-$199
is a low cost, 2 1/2 Axis programming system for CNC Machining Centres. Designed and developed by CNC programmers for the needs of production machine shops, this package incorporates one of the "easiest user interfaces" in the business, coupled with the tools to build and cut the most complex of parts.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Officenter 3.0.0 by TitanSoft. Reg.Fee: $149
is a powerful In/Out board system for Windows. It allows you to define your own statuses rather that being stuck with simply in, out, etc. Features include full sorting of any column, a complete E-Mail System allowing file attachments and messages of any size, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
DataOne 1.0 by SoftCalc, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $21
is a multi-language, user-friendly PIM, that provides help on every field and screen. Features include separate screens for business and personal info, a free form note field, global search capabilities, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Electronic Assistant Pro 2.0 by Dante' Productions. Reg.Fee: $30
is a powerful Personal Information Manager for Win95/NT. The information is managed in six modules, including Organizer, Journal, Collections, Schedule and ToDo.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.

Locus16 1.01 by sharpsoft. Reg.Fee: $33
is a mathematical graph editor and data analysis application. It will plot graphs in cartesian, polar, parametric and implicit formats and will accept standard algebraic notation as input.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Locus32 1.01 by sharpsoft. Reg.Fee: $33
is a mathematical graph editor and data analysis application. It will plot graphs in cartesian, polar, parametric and implicit formats and will accept standard algebraic notation as input.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Updates To Programs On Past CD-ROMs
Expense Report 98 2.0 by Zoom Systems. Reg.Fee: $25
is an easy to use expense report package which is suitable for most business expenses. Several sample templates are provided, or you can customize any of them to suit to your needs. Requires Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Sales Tax Calculator for Windows 1.8 by Carter Computer Solutions. Reg.Fee: $15 CDN
is a simple program to calculate the GST, PST (or any two taxes), and total amount for any given subtotal, and which can also calculate taxes-included pricing. It's useful for consumers, who can save a little bit of time figuring out the total cost of an item, and useful for professionals who may have to write out bills at a client's site.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Financial Freedom Billing Manager PRO 2.0 by M & R Technologies, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $70
is a 32-bit accounts receivable and billing system for Win95/NT that provides fast BTREE management of over 100 million invoices, customers and products. Other features include support for deposits, partial payments, custom invoices, interest charges, batch printing ,deposits on account, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Dynamo 1.13 by eXpectation software. Reg.Fee: $65
is an analog simulator designed to aid in the analysis of complex dynamic systems (mechanical, electrical, etc.). It allows a designer to easily model real world components and interactions, studying the resulting responses with a computer rather than having to physically model the system.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Above & Beyond 98 98.17 by 1Soft Corporation. Reg.Fee: $50-149
is an advanced time management package for Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Project Risk Analysis 1.0 by Katmar Software. Reg.Fee: $80-$250
is for Cost Engineering and Project Management professionals who must develop cost estimates of known accuracy and risk on capital investment projects. It uses Monte Carlo Simulation to find the contingency needed to achieve any desired level of confidence. All statistical models are already set up. Output is in graphical and tabular form.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
BeachBox '98 2.01 by NetSQL Partners. Reg.Fee: $139/user
is a powerful time and project management package for Win95/98/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Power Clock (16-bit) 3.04 by Rob Fletcher. Reg.Fee: $89-$189
is a powerful time-clock package for Windows. Features include a familiar mechanical clock interface, automatic synchronization of files among different physical locations, a built-in email system, a wide variety of printed reports, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
Power Clock (32-bit) 3.04 by Rob Fletcher. Reg.Fee: $89-$189
is a powerful time-clock package for Win95/98. Features include a familiar mechanical clock interface, automatic synchronization of files among different physical locations, a built-in email system, a wide variety of printed reports, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\BUSINESS\ from the CD-ROM.
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