PsL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM V5, #10
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New Programs For The Month
StoneBreaker 1.0 by Lomax Software Productions. Reg.Fee: $25
is a fantastic breakout game with superior sound effects, eight difficulty levels and beautiful 256-color graphics. As you break the stones, power ups become available to increase the size of your paddle, give you multiple balls, and more. At the higher difficulty levels there are also enemies to contend with. A mouse is required.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\GAMES\STONE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Vanguard ACE 1.0 by Imaginative Illusions. Reg.Fee: $35
is a vertical space shoot-em-up with excellent smooth scrolling rendered graphics, where you encounter multiple waves of both airborne and ground-based enemies. Features include realistic sound effects, a musical soundtrack, high score listing, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\GAMES\VGUARD10.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Combat Simulator 2g by Guglielmo Fanini. Reg.Fee: $20
is a 3-D flight simulator with F16 and Mig29 jets. Requires VGA with Vesa 1.2.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\GAMES\CSIM02.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Lomax Boulders II - Sea of Diamonds by Lomax Software Productions. Reg.Fee: $30
is a challenging sequel to the popular puzzle game where you must gather gems from a cave without being crushed by the surrounding boulders. Features include fantastic sound effects, 256-color graphics, five difficulty levels, a high score listing, and much more. Requires a vesa-compatible graphics card and a Sound Blaster compatible sound card. This version has five levels.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\GAMES\LB2.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Updates To Programs On Past CD-ROMs
Escape from Dr. Colosso 1.4 by Campana Productions. Reg.Fee: $35
is a challenging 3D adventure where you must fight your way to freedom. This multi-level game comes complete with weapons, sounds, music, and excellent 256-color smooth-scrolling graphics.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\GAMES\COLOSSO1.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Crossword Power 7.07 by Wisco Computing. Reg.Fee: $40-$160
is a powerful menu-driven crossword puzzle generator.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\GAMES\CROSSP7H.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
CrossLab 1.3 by Moroianu George. Reg.Fee: $20
allows you to create and solve on-screen crossword puzzles. Several sample files are included to help get you started. Requires a mouse and VGA.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\GAMES\CROSSLAB.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Find a Message 1.1 by W E Software. Reg.Fee: $10
is a word puzzle game. The objective is to guess the message that is created by small squares randomly appearing on the screen to form the block letters that comprise the message. Several puzzles are included, or you can create your own. Requires 386+, 1.2 MB of disk space and a color monitor.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\GAMES\FAM.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Vocabulary Power 3.07 by Wisco Computing. Reg.Fee: $40-160
creates word search puzzles, vocabulary bingo cards, and flash cards from your words and definitions. Word lists created with this program are compatible with Crossword Power. This was originally created for teachers, but can be enjoyed by anyone who likes word puzzles.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\GAMES\VOCABP3H.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Joergen's Clues Collection 2.0 by Joergen Olsen. Reg.Fee: $14
contains cheat information for over 400 PC games.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\GAMES\CLUES20.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
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