BEYOND16.ZIP 262546 05-13-97 Beyond Compare (16-bit) 1.4a is a combination | directory compare utility and a file compare | utility for Windows. This version stops | working after 45 days of use. (Scooter | Software) (Reg.Fee: $30) BEYOND32.ZIP 272667 05-13-97 Beyond Compare (32-bit) 1.4a is a combination | directory compare utility and a file compare | utility for Win95. (Scooter Software) | (Reg.Fee: $30) DIRCOMP.ZIP 400112 02-13-97 Directory Compare 1.22 compares two | directories side-by-side in WIN31/95 and | highlights the differences. Files from each | directory may be copied, moved, deleted, and | renamed; sorted by file name, size, and date; | and more. Requires VBRUN300. (Glen A. | McGregor) (Reg.Fee: $10) DIRTKT.ZIP 245300 05-02-97 Directory Toolkit 2.55 is a directory | comparison utility for Win95/NT. It also | allows you to rename, copy, move and delete | multiple files using wild cards while | preserving long file names. (Mike Funduc) | (Reg.Fee: $20) NTDMATCH.ZIP 1461775 05-12-97 NTDMatch provides a side by side | display of two directories. This is useful to | see the differences between two directories | or disks. It can also take a snapshot of | directory contents for use in a later | compare. Requires Windows NT. (Larry R. | Waibel) (Reg.Fee: $25) SYNCTREE.ZIP 37554 03-31-97 SyncTree allows you to synchronize two | directory trees based on file dates. Files | are copied from one tree to the other if | either they don't exist or are newer. | Provisions are made for excluding specific | directories (sub-trees), and for excluding | files based on file mask. C source code is | include. Requires Win95. (Phillip Crews) | (Reg.Fee: $0) XCD.ZIP 17399 04-30-97 XCD provides an extended change directory | command, which, unlike the in-built Windows | 95 version, is able to accept wild-cards. | This is a boon in these days of long | filenames, which can take ages to type. (Mike | Granby) (Reg.Fee: $0)