PsL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM V5, #03
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New Programs For The Month
Easy 1099 1.1 by Clarence E. Riley. Reg.Fee: $40
allows you to easily prepare and print IRS approved 1099 forms. This supports most printers, and can also print name and address labels.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\FILLER.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Tax Help by EZ Software. Reg.Fee: $0
helps you track home, travel, and business expenses. Its reports can be used for budget purposes and tax returns, and you can set up to 28 expense categories.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\TAXHELP.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Easy TimeKeeping 1.14 by ABM. Reg.Fee: $?
turns your PC into a time clock for employees. It tracks complete information on your employees (name, address, phone number, pay rate, etc.) and lets them quickly clock in/out of work. Reports include an employee list, time cards, mailing labels, and barcoded ID badges.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\TK.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
JOC-CALC 1.0 by Jose Olive Civit. Reg.Fee: $25
is an easy-to-use spreadsheet package for DOS. Features include a pull down menu system with mouse support, a hypertext help system, support for block operations, built-in math/trig functions, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\JOCCAL.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Updates To Programs On Past CD-ROMs
EZ Business by EZ Software. Reg.Fee: $149
is an accounts receivable program that creates bills, reports, Rolodex cards, labels and account listings. It has constant balance updating. You can print bills for any time period. Requires a hard disk.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\EZBIZ2.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Medlin Accounting 1997 by Medlin Accounting Shareware. Reg.Fee: $25-35
is a double-entry general ledger program with accounts receivable, payroll and payables modules. All modules are very easy to use. PC-AR is the accounts receivable module. It allows a maximum of 2000 customers and 1500 charges per accounting period. PC-INV is a module which works directly with the accounts receivable module to generate invoices and post them to PC-AR. It will multiply quantity times price and insert the total and calculate sales tax. PC-PR, the payroll module, allows up to 500 employees and 1000 payroll checks per accounting period. PC-AP, the accounts payable module, can sort invoices by due date and will print checks. ouse support has been added to all programs..
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\MEDLIN97.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
The Invoice Store 3.1 by Software Store Products, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $99
is a powerful invoicing, POS and customer tracking package for the small business. It maintains customers, sales personnel, inventory management, vendors, invoicing, payments, packing slips, credits, refunds, and mailing labels. Other features include customized reports, network support, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\INV31AK.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Personal Calendar 14.96 by Funstuff Software. Reg.Fee: $39
displays a three-month scrollable calendar, a running analog and digital clock, and appointment and note lists. The program will alert you when a scheduled event is coming due or overdue. By swapping to EMS or hard disk, the program only uses 6k of DOS RAM. mproved use with Windows 95, improved rescheduling of multi-weekly repeating events, position of cursor now placed at most important position on each screen to help facilitate operation of speech-to-text interfaces for blind users.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\PCAL1496.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Business Clock Link 2.6d by BizMark Development. Reg.Fee: $153
is a PC time clock that monitors where workers are, what they are working on, and when they started and stopped. Features include real-time job reporting system, networkable time system, email, clock-in/out animation, on-line worker discipline, and ticker tape reporting of all transactions.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\BCLINK26.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Easy Renter 4.1 by Clarence E. Riley. Reg.Fee: $44-104
allows you to store and retrieve rental property information. You can prepare management and property owner reports in minutes. You can display or print year-to-date rent collected, management fees, and late fees for a single piece of property, a single group of properties, or for your entire organization. It will provide information needed for 1099's and print owners' monthly statements. It supports up to 99,999 units. It also prints receipts, invoices and address labels.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\RENT.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
KwikStat 4.14 by TexaSoft. Reg.Fee: $99-$129
allows you to analyze business and scientific data with statistical analysis, graphs, and reports, and will interface with dBase files. Requires 512K RAM, EGA/VGA, 2 MB of disk space.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\KSTAT414.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
MEDshare#1 1.08 by MEDshare, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $395
is a medical office management system. You can keep records of patients, doctors, and insurance companies. There are a number of reports and letters that can be easily read, maintained and printed. Patient accounts can be set up as regular or budget payments, or not to receive statements at all. Features include automatic insurance billing, use of the preprinted HCFA 1500 insurance forms, and optional use of custom statement forms. Other features include a receivables aging option, the ability to display the patient/account ledger,and multiple ICD-9 codes per CPT. You can use the patient recall function for generating letters. This version handles up to 100 patients, and HCFA-1500, Medicaid, and Medicare insurance forms are supported. Requires 640k and a hard disk.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\MED108_A.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
PC-Food II 9.0 by Schreck Software. Reg.Fee: $59
is a food costing system for restaurants. It lets you set up an inventory of ingredients with a cost for each and a record of which menu items the ingredient goes into. It will then calculate a required selling price for each menu item based on a desired gross profit and the food cost you have defined. After you have set-up the program for your operation, you will no longer need to guess or manually calculate food cost each time ingredient costs change. Just compare invoice prices with the inventory ingredient printout, edit any prices that have changed, and the program will instantly update all relevant food costs. The program also includes the ability to maintain a selling price based on a desired gross profit percentage and one based on a desired dollar gross profit. You can define six department names for inventory.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\PCFD90.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
The Video Store 2.0AA by Software Store Products, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $75
is a point-of-sale system for video rental stores. Use it to keep track of customers, inventory, sales, salesmen, rentals, payments, and late fees. It supports bar code scanners, standard printers and receipt printers, cash drawers, and modems.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\BUSINESS\VID20AA.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
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Copyright 1997 Nelson Ford, PsL