ANTS33.ZIP 274741 07-09-94 Ants 3.3 is a spelling game for children. The | object is to help the ants spell words by | dragging letters into the ant hill in the | proper order. If time runs out before the | word is complete, a giant tennis shoe... | well, you know. (Earl Paul TeBockhorst) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $8) AWORDS4.ZIP 870768 05-24-95 Animated Words 4.0 is a spelling program for | children from pre-school through first grade. | The child must match a word with its picture. | By correctly matching a word, pieces are | added to a puzzle making it animated. There | are a variety of words and animated puzzles | with digitized speech. Requires 640K RAM and | EGA/VGA. (Tom Gunthery, IV) (Reg.Fee: $12) B_SPL20.ZIP 788251 11-10-94 Spelling Beez 2.0 is a spelling program that | talks. It features sound board or PC speaker | support and high resolution graphics. You can | use the existing word files or enter up to | 500 of your own word files. It gives visual | and/or aural rewards for correct responses. | Requires 640K RAM and VGA. (DareWare Inc.) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $19-29) BL_SPELL.ZIP 103956 01-29-94 Balloon Speller allows children to play | three different spelling games using lists of | words you input. In each game, a hot air | balloon is moved around the screen to pick up | needed letters. In "Word Flash," the word to | be spelled is flashed on the screen and then | must be spelled from memory. In "Word | Jumble," the letters of the word are | scattered around and must be picked up in | proper order. In "Word Guess," the letter | must be guessed in a Hangman type game. | (KIDware) (Reg.Fee: $12) CAPFUN.ZIP 30745 04-04-91 Capital Fun 1.0 teaches children (grades 2-6) | the rules of capitalization. This is an | entertaining way to learn and is in use by | several school districts. Requires a color | monitor. (EnQue Software) (Reg.Fee: $10-$20) CSPELL.ZIP 340971 12-23-93 Custom Spell 3.3 can help your child learn to | spell. It will test their knowledge in | spelling, create a drill using the words they | misspelled, and give a percentage grade. | (Earl Paul TeBockhorst) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $8) CSVOC.ZIP 678745 12-23-93 CSVOC 1.1 is a set of additional VOC files | for use with Ants, Custom Spell, and SeaWord | spelling programs. (Earl Paul TeBockhorst) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0) FONETIC1.ZIP 317490 11-09-93 Fonetic Speling 1.0 translates text files | from normal spelling to phonetic spelling. | The program contains a list of 44,000 English | words, each with a phonetic equivalent. | Requires a hard drive. (Edward Rondthaler) | (Reg.Fee: $25) FONETIC2.ZIP 247325 11-09-93 See FONETIC1.ZIP FSPELL.ZIP 55826 02-16-91 First & Second Grade Speller is a simple | spelling program for first and second grade | levels. Requires EGA/VGA. (David G. Bartlett) | (Reg.Fee: $0) GREMS21.ZIP 111220 01-30-96 Spelling GREMLINS 2.1 will teach you to spell | correctly the 300 most commonly misspelled | words. (Bruce L. Baldwin) (Reg.Fee: $15) J_SPL20.ZIP 666780 11-10-94 Jurassic Spelling 2.0 is a fun spelling game | for children which also serves as a tutorial | on dinosaurs. The screen presents your child | with a word to be spelled. A human voice can | also be chosen to spell out the word as it | appears on the screen. The word then | disappears and the child must type in the | correct spelling. After typing several words | correctly, a colorful image of a dinosaur | will appear, along with a description. | Musical rewards can also be chosen for each | correctly spelled word. Jurassic Spelling | allows you to enter a set of words to be | spelled, such as your child's spelling | homework or a set of difficult words to | spell. Requires VGA and 640K RAM. (Dr. Andrew | Motes) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $24-34) RIDDLE10.ZIP 162519 07-06-95 Riddle Balloon 1.0 is an educational game | which drills children on spelling through a | series of riddles. Players choose answers to | the riddle by clicking on the balloons | containing the correct letters. (Robert J. | Deutsch) (Reg.Fee: $25) SEAWORD.ZIP 263669 06-22-94 SeaWord 3.4 is a spelling game for one or two | players. Help the divers recover the sunken | treasure by correctly spelling each word. | Requires VGA. A sound card is required for | vocal pronunciation of words. (Earl Paul | TeBockhorst) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $8) SNS210.ZIP 181292 04-04-96 Show 'N Spell 2.10 is a graphic spelling bee. | It is a fun way to improve spelling skills. | Random pictures are displayed to be | identified and spelled. It features three | skill levels, the ability to play against the | clock, reveal clues and display word skeleton | dashes. Mouse support is included. Requires | EGA/VGA and a hard disk. (Philip P. Kapusta) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $10-13) SPELL210.ZIP 313676 09-12-91 SpellBound! is a spelling tutor for use by | one or multiple students, with records and | personalized word lists available for each. | In the belief that seeing the incorrect | spelling would create an incorrect visual | reinforcement, the program only allows the | correct letters to be displayed. Words can be | up to 36 characters in length and you can | shuffle words within a set so that they are | not presented in the same order. The program | has a "child mode" with music and graphics, | but it can also be used by adults for | learning professional or technical terms, | etc. Requires 384k RAM. (Kenneth R. Jr. | Casey) (Reg.Fee: $15-$35) SPELLB.ZIP 54472 10-20-93 SpellB 1.2 is a spelling tutor. The words are | displayed for only a second and once you have | spelled the word it lets you know if you did | it right or wrong. A score is given after | each session, and you can print a list of | words you spelled incorrectly. (Eric Jarrett) | (Reg.Fee: $13) SPELLER.ZIP 191500 07-21-95 Spellerific 3.1 is a game to help practice | spelling. Each time you spell a word | correctly, your team wins a point. If you | make a mistake, your opponent gains a point. | The winner is rewarded with a ceremony where | the national anthem is played and the flag is | raised. (Alan C. Elliott) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $19) SPELLERJ.ZIP 108882 01-29-94 SpellerJones is a spelling/vocabulary drill | for beginners and experts. There are | questions involving learning the alphabet, | simple monosyllabic words, word roots, and | advanced vocabulary words. This program may | helpful in preparing for the SAT, ACT and GRE | exam in verbal skills. (Jeremy C. Jones) | (Reg.Fee: $35) SPELLGM.ZIP 155913 02-06-93 Spell Games 3.0 is a spelling teacher | disguised as an Olympic game. Choice of | difficulty is allowed from very easy words to | difficult words. Words can be added to the | extensive list and the length of time the | word is viewed can also be altered. The | author of this program tells us that it was | tested by a fifth grade youngster for several | weeks who went on to win her school's | spelling bee! (Alan C. Elliott) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $20) ULTSPELL.ZIP 223342 01-14-94 Ultimate Spelling Tutor is a set of programs | which allow you to use your voice to create | custom spelling lists. These lists can | contain any words in any language. It can be | used for quizzing your child on weekly | spelling words. Requires a Sound Blaster or | compatible card and EGA/VGA. (Thomas Jacobs) | (Reg.Fee: $23) WONDER12.ZIP 451072 11-20-95 Wonder Word 1.2 is an excellent crossword | puzzle game for children. Clues are provided | by pictures with descriptions on the screen. | Zipper the monkey will be there to help you. | Complete the crossword to advance to the next | level. Music and sound effects require a | Sound Blaster compatible sound card. (Gregory | Lee) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $14-29) ZPLR410.ZIP 370247 01-17-95 Zpeller 4.10 helps improve spelling and | vocabulary. It can be used for an individual | or an entire classroom. The program works | with up to 19 students at once, each having | their own list of words, defaults, and files. | Seven different types of tests can be | conducted and there is an option of retest | for missed words after completion of the | first test. (Charles P. Schell) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $20)