BRICKBAT.ZIP 180503 07-21-95 Brickbat 1.2 is a unique puzzle game for | Windows that puts a new spin on the old | sliding-square game. You control a flying | creature that must pick up bricks and | rearrange them back into their original | positions. Unfortunately, there is an evil | creature whose sole purpose is to move the | blocks out of position and drop them on your | head. This is a fun and challenging game. | (Keith Avery) (Reg.Fee: $0) ISPUZZLE.ZIP 389634 01-19-96 Ivydene Software Number Puzzle is a simple | sliding square puzzle for Windows. It | provides an on-screen timer to track your | progress. (Ivydene Software) (Reg.Fee: $0) SCRAMB95.ZIP 1101262 04-12-96 Scramble for Win95 1.0 is a 32-bit version of | the classic "sliding tile" puzzle. (Artchil | Gogava) (Reg.Fee: $11) SCRMBLE1.ZIP 409744 08-09-95 Scramble (ASD) 1.0 is a puzzle game for | Windows. It challenges you to rearrange | number tiles or a picture into the correct | order. (Artchil Gogava) (Reg.Fee: $11) SHUFFL.ZIP 17153 10-26-95 Desktop Shuffle transforms your Windows | desktop into a shuffle puzzle. You can watch | as your desktop gets mixed up and then solve | the puzzle, or let the computer do it for you | if you get lost. Requires VBRUN300. (Douglas | Teggin) (Reg.Fee: $0) TUZZL10W.ZIP 113993 12-11-95 Tuzzle 1.0 is a Windows version of the | classic sliding tile game. Sound effects are | provided for Sound Blaster compatible sound | cards. (Anthony Watson) (Reg.Fee: $10) WPUZZLE.ZIP 50905 03-05-96 Puzzle for Windows 1.0 is a version of the | classic sliding square number puzzle that | also allows you to use your own BMP images. | Requires VBRUN300. (Intuitive Software, Inc.) | (Reg.Fee: $10) ZZPUZZ11.ZIP 548773 04-18-96 Z&Z Puzzle 1.1 is a combination slider and | jigsaw puzzle for ages 4 and above. It | provides many options, including the unique | twist of having the pieces colored in only | when they are in their correct locations. | Requires Windows 3.x or above, 2 MB RAM, and | a mouse. A sound card is recommended but not | required. (Jason Balmuth) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: | $15-$30)