Typing Tutors [DATAPRO] DataPro# (Howard, Fred; $22) hones your typing skills for data processing types of applications. For example, it times your entering of data into a payroll type of application, automatically advancing to each field, just as a program would do. It also drills you on use of the number pad for numeric input. This is an excellent way to practice your data entry skills or, if you are an employer, to test applicants. Also included are a warm-up program and a typing skill game. [FASTYPE] PC Fastype/CGA 4.4 (Trendtech Corporation ASP; $28) is a typing drill program for beginning, intermediate and advanced typists. It uses a graphics screen to display a picture of a keyboard on the bottom half of the screen. The key you should be hitting is highlighted on the keyboard while the word or sentence is displayed on the top half of the screen. This is very handy for beginners who might have trouble locating keys. [FASTYPEV] PC Fastype/VGA 1.1 (Trendtech Corporation ASP; $28) is an outstanding typing drill program for all levels of skill. The program displays a 3-D image of the keyboard and if you have trouble finding a letter, the key will go up and down on the keyboard after a reasonable amount of time. Our only complaint is that if you are typing quickly and miss a letter completely, instead of counting it as one error, all letters that you type after that letter are counted as errors until you get back in sync again. Otherwise, this is an excellent program which we can highly recommend. Requires VGA, DOS 3.3+, 512K RAM and a hard disk with at 800K of space. [FASTMONO] PC-FasType/Mono 1.4 (Trendtech Corporation ASP; $28) is a typing tutor program specifically designed for laptops, portables, and systems with monochrome monitors. Network support is provided, and an all-caps mode is available for small children. Timed exercises of up to 20 minutes can be run. [FINGERS] Fingers (Bedford, Robert; $5) lets you practice typing. [QUICTYP] Quictype 2.01 (Ratcliff, Matthew J. W.; $5) is for polishing your touch typing skills. The graphical interface, in which you must type a sentence as it moves down the screen, and before it reaches the bottom, adds a nice flair to the program. Features include a warm-up screen with graphical keyboard display and a separate "no pressure" practice display with on-screen keyboard. You can select different practice files from the game play menu. There are practice files, with tutorial information on typing technique. On completion of a practice session, it reports your typing speed and which letters you missed the most. You can input your own text files for typing practice or use what comes with the program. [TENTUTR] Tenkey Tutor (TNT Enterprises; $6) is an excellent excercise to increase your proficiency in 10-key data entry. There is a basic drill and a sample data entry screen for which your entry speed can be rated. (The authors are no longer at the address listed in the documentation.) [TYPEGAM] Type Games 1.0 (TexaSoft ASP; $19) is an Olympic typing practice game. A phrase is displayed on the screen, then you must type the phrase in an allotted amount of time, or your opponent wins the point. There are three levels of phrase difficulty, and 100 selectable speeds. The Olympic theme to this game is fun, including the playing of the winning country's national anthem. You can add your own phrases. [TYPETIM] TypeTim (Choudhry, Akber A.; $10) has two parts: a test of typing speed and a practice drill. We found the program to be simple, but effective. [TYPETMR] TypeTimer 1.0b (KIS Systems; $10-$23) is a 25K TSR that turns your text based word processor or editor into a typing test. It counts keystrokes for a specified period of time and reports statistics. This program does NOT support a graphics oriented or Windows editor. [TYPETRK] Type Trek 1.0 (Kretschmer, Joe; $20) is a typing tutor in Star Trek game format. It introduces the keys on the keyboard, starting with the home row keys, and adding more keys until the keyboard is mastered. Controlled drills are provided by typing words that fire phasers and photon torpedoes, move the Enterprise, dock and refuel, and more. Words-per-minute estimates are displayed as you progress through each game. [KEYPAD] Keypad (Nathan Alan King; $8) drills you on touch typing on the numeric keypad. [LRN2TYPE] Lrn2Type and Read-In (Pepper, Clement S.; $15) are typing training programs for the beginning and intermediate touch typist. Lrn2Type helps the beginning typist learn character locations. Read-In is for the typist who already has some touch typing experience. [PC_TOUCH] PC-Touch is a touch typing practice program. Also included is LETTERFALL which is a typing tutor program. [TENKEYER] Tenkeyer (ERSOFT, INC.; $20-50) trains and drills you on using the numeric keypad, as well as the top row of numbers on the keyboard. This skill is useful in data entry, accounting, using cash registers, etc. [TTT] Touch Typing Tutor (Gray, David P. ASP; $20) offers three different modes of operation. The Teach Mode has eight graduated lessons and adapts itself automatically to the user's skill level. Speed Mode is designed for professional typists and secretarial agencies to measure a typist's speed. Game Mode was added because all the commercial typing tutors seem to have one. Five skill levels. The game also adapts itself to the typist's skill, forcing the user to type faster and faster. Other features include a mouse interface, tutorial statistics, lesson threshold speed and the ability to record mistakes in tutorial and speed tests. [TYPEMATE] Typemate 5.20 (De Deugd Automatisering; $25) is a typing tutor for the English, French and Dutch languages. It teaches finger positions, words, sentences, capitals, numbers and six lessons in which the number of keys for touch typing is gradually increased.