PsL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM V6, #09
Op.System |
Section |
Windows |
Utilities, Disk/File |
New Programs For The Month
FILE Renamer 98 2.29 by Morten Salthe. Reg.Fee: $5
lets you rename multiple types of files or create a file series. With a feature called "Rename From List", you can create a list with all the files in a directory, modify the filenames on that list, and then rename the original files with the versions on the list. Or you can replace characters from an existing file series with another set of characters, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.

Sure Delete 1.0.0 by PCWeb. Reg.Fee: $0
takes the file you specify and deletes the original content and then adds its own lines, and saves the file again so all the data is gone, and then deletes the file by passing the Recycle Bin.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
Singularity 4.02 by WinAbility.Com. Reg.Fee: $39.95
is a powerful 32-bit file management package. Features include a double-panel frame, command prompt, user-customizable toolbar, drive bar, status bar indicators, and handy folder navigation tools.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.

Synops'Tools 3.2 by SYNOPS Editions. Reg.Fee: $9-$55
allows you to fully explore your drives by browsing and exploring more than 55 file formats (fonts, icons, texts, videos, pictures, sounds, and useless files). All files scattered in all the folders are automatically displayed, opened or played. They also enable you to copy your favorite ones in your Favorite folder and delete those which have become useless. Requires Win95/98/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
RenameWiz 1.5 by Igor Glukhov. Reg.Fee: $20-300
is a file utility that allows you to easily rename, number, and Copy As files in many ways, such as adding characters to the beginning or end of files, search and replace characters, rename file extensions, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
Recover 4 All by Steffen Kaus. Reg.Fee: $23
helps you recover files that have been emptied from the Recycle Bin.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
Where Is It? 1.24 by Robert Galle. Reg.Fee: $30-$37
is an easy-to-use media catalog program. Features include extensive search capabilities, archive file support, powerful report generation, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
SysBack by Ian Sparkes. Reg.Fee: $5
makes an automatic daily backup of the most important Windows system files.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
SafeInstall98 1.1b by iWin Software. Reg.Fee: $20
is a completely automatic system file protector for Win95/98. It monitors your system directory for any file deletes or overwrites of any 16 or 32-bit dll, ocx, or vbx files. It does not prevent the operation from occuring, but it will save the existing version and will compare the versions the next time you restart.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
Updates To Programs On Past CD-ROMs
ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus for Windows (32-bit) 8.07 by ESaSS B.V.. Reg.Fee: $125
is a Win95 front-end interface for use with the ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus Utilities version 6.05 or above.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
Waste Whacker 3.00 by Doesn't Byte Software. Reg.Fee: $15
helps get rid of temporary installation files, broken shortcuts, and zero byte files. It removes files based on the specifications you choose, including path, file spec, file size, and file age. Files can be moved to the Recycle Bin or completely deleted with a confirmation option.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
File Manager StepUp 3.42 by WinAbility.Com. Reg.Fee: $30
is an enhancement package for Windows File Manager. It adds history lists, browse buttons, the ability to create/view/edit/print files, a customizable execute menu, a screen saver launcher, restart/reboot options, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
File Manager Toolbar 2.29 by ChaoSoft. Reg.Fee: $20
provides a toolbar for the WIN31 File Manager like the one provided with Windows for Workgroups.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
File Manager Guard 2.13 by WinAbility.Com. Reg.Fee: $30
allows you to set up restrictions for the WIN31 File Manager. You can limit user access to selected drives, prevent them from performing any command of File Manager, changing its configuration, running programs or opening documents. Network support is provided.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
Shareware & Graphics Tracker 2.0 by ABIS Software. Reg.Fee: $40
allows you to keep track of all those files which you never seem to be able to find when you need them most. These files can be shareware files downloaded from the Internet, graphic, multimedia files, etc stored on any number of removable drives, CD-Roms or hard-drives with fast auto-entry which takes out all the hassle out of data entry.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
FileCode (MB) 4.2 by Matthew Bennett. Reg.Fee: $0
is an easy-to-use file encryption program for Windows.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
Encrypted Magic Folders 98.03 by RSE, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $59
is an automated and transparent encryption package for Windows. You simply select folders whose files you want encrypted and it makes those folders and files completely invisible to others. It also decrypts and encrypts the files automatically and transparently as you use them.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
Password Book 2.00 by PrimaSoft PC, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $17
allows you to track, control, and generate passwords in Windows. It uses a familiar notebook interface that is suitable for all levels of computer users. Features include the ability to quickly locate and retrieve information, print entries, sort by different fields, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
Password Tracker Deluxe 3.45 by Robert P. Cannalte. Reg.Fee: $15
helps to keep track of all your passwords in Win95/NT. Features include the ability to automatically send the password to the program, notification when passwords expire, and password protection of the tracking list.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_DSKFI\ from the CD-ROM.
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