Moraff's 3D-Jongg
is a Win95 version of the classic oriental board game with tiles that resemble wood and marble sculptures. In the triple MahJongg option, tiles are removed in triplets instead of pairs in this game, adding an exciting new challenge to the solitaire concept. Includes an hour of classical music.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\GAMES\3D_JONGG.ZIP] Calendar Builder (32-bit)
allows you to make your own custom calendars quickly and easily. This includes 13 calendar formats to meet a variety of needs. You can use any font, color, and header style you desire and create an unlimited number of style sheets. A selection of icon-like graphics (hearts, exclamation points, etc.) are included, and can be dragged onto any day of the calendar.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\UT_SYSTM\CB32.ZIP] D'Icon '98
hides all the desktop icons in Win95 and remembers the state of your desktop. This also includes shutdown and reboot commands.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\UT_SYSTM\DICON.ZIP]
Directory Snoop
allows you to examine your Win95 disk drives at a very low level. Features include the ability to view the raw DIRENTRY structures for any directory, view the device parameters and disk map for any drive, view the names of your "erased" files with the option to purge them, view the file allocation table, view raw clusters for any file or directory, and much more.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\UT_SYSTM\DS95.ZIP] DayToday
displays a day-to-day calendar in your system tray, next to the time. The colors of the icon can be customized to your liking.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\UT_SYSTM\DTDSETUP.ZIP]
is a collection of 8,000 32-by-32-pixel icons. Each icon has three keywords that facilitate locating specific images. Requires Win95.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\GRAPHICS\ICOSET32.ZIP] IronWare - Bin
allows you to securely delete data in Win95/NT by performing multiple wipe operations, with each wiping operation replacing your data patterns with either randomly generated or standard ones. A maximum number of 10 wipes will ensure that any attempt to restore your data using standard data recovery techniques will be unsuccessful.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\UT_DSKFI\IWBIN.ZIP]
LiquidFX Express
allows you to create your own homepages, without having a lot of knowledge of HTML. It includes many Wizards (templates) from which you can create dynamic looking homepages in minutes, or you can create your pages from scratch using the included libraries of backgrounds, images and unique headings.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\COMMUNIC\LIQUIDFX.ZIP] Brain Builder - Math Edition
provides over 500 million problems in a fun multimedia game. This helps to sharpen your problem-solving skills by tackling math problems in the form of puzzles that are presented at precisely your level. The problems are easy enough for a 3rd grader to master, but at higher levels will challenge even the brightest math wizard.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\EDUCA\MATHBB.ZIP] Mr. Notes
resides in the Win95 System Tray and allows you to have freeform reminder notes pop up when you start a session. You can use any font for the text and use any color combination you desire.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\UT_SYSTM\NOTES.ZIP]
72 Hour Emergency Preparedness
helps you learn about emergencies and all the things you will need to be ready for, so your family can prepare for disasters. It will assist you in deciding what to store for your survival and your family.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\HOME\PREP72W.ZIP] Wise Crack
allows you to compile a list of your favorite WAV sound files and play them from a pop-up menu on the Win95 System Tray. You can add descriptions to the files for easy identification.
Get the program ZIP file [\WIN\SOUNDS\WISECRK.ZIP]