PsL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM V5, #12
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Windows |
Utilities, System |
New Programs For The Month
Handy Clock (JM) 1.00 by Jason Morningstar. Reg.Fee: $15
is a simple digital clock for Windows.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\HANDY100.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Sticky Paper 2.0 by Diego Ng. Reg.Fee: $18
simulates sticky memo-notes on your Win95 desktop. You just write down what you want to remember on the program's "paper". The paper can be set on top at all times, and a double-click will create a new note. Options include paper size, paper color, text color, font, etc.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\PAPERW20.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Accent Composer 1.0 by Kovach Computing Services. Reg.Fee: $30
simplifies the process of entering accented characters and other symbols into any Win95/NT program. Instead of typing codes on the numeric keypad or pasting from the Character Map utility, it lets you create accented letters with easy-to-remember two character sequences. You can customize the hotkey as well as any of the sequences.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\ACOMP10.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Z-Desk by Gerhard K. Ziran. Reg.Fee: $15
provides a colorful single-click desktop environment for Win95. It allows easy access to programs and desktop items, the control panel, system information, user tasks, personal folders, and more. Requires MSVBVM50.DLL (SP2 version).
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\Z_DESK.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
TweakEzy 1.00 by Tim Verpoorten. Reg.Fee: $10-$15
helps correct the system time in Win95. This does not require Internet access, and is ideal for correcting time drifts greater than one minute per week. Clocks, date/time stamps, etc. will stay accurate to within seconds.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\TWEAK100.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
GTI Desktop+ (32-bit) 2.0 by GTI Software. Reg.Fee: $25 Pnds.
is a set of utilities to enhance your Win95/NT desktop. Features include a screen saver randomizer, random wallpaper changer, themes randomizer and a random startup/exit sound changer. It can also turn any screen saver into an animated wallpaper, and it lets you use JPEG images as wallpapers.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\GTIDESK.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
PowerLauncherII 2.01 by Exhedra Software. Reg.Fee: $15
is the ultimate shell extension for Win95 that provides an easy mechanism of finding and launching programs, easy access to the CD Player, Recent Documents, and the Phone Book and Dialer, useful Performance Meters that tell you how your system is operating, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\PLIIV201.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
PEsx by Johannes Plachy. Reg.Fee: $10
is a shell extension for Win95/NT that shows you which modules your application/DLL directly or indirectly depends on.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\PESX.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
BCM Diagnostics for Win95 1.01.02 by BCM Advanced Research, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $?
helps you diagnose problems of your PC running Windows 95. This includes a system information display, as well as individual tests for CPU, memory, audio, video, modem, graphics, hard disk, floppies, and CD-ROM. It also has a resource monitor.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WINDIAG.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
UnixDos (BE) by Professional Software Solution. Reg.Fee: $45-$50
provides over 80 Unix-based utilities for use in DOS/Windows systems. This includes utilities that move/delete/change files/directories, display/search the contents of files, list/find files/directories, compare/merge files, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\UNIXDOS1.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Spray Paint Screen Saver 1.00 by Rhode Island Soft Systems, Inc. Reg.Fee: $9
is a unique screen saver that allows you to type in some phrases and watch as your words are spray-painted onto the screen in the style of a graffiti artist.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SPSW10.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

My MultiMedia Screen Saver - 32 5.1 by Gulf Coast Software Corp.. Reg.Fee: $25
allows you to create a slideshow screen saver with your own pictures and audio files.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\MYMMSS51.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Tealeafs (32-bit) 4.3-95 by Eugene L. Woods. Reg.Fee: $27
is a screen saver for Win95/NT that provides over 20 animated abstract art scenes. Each scene has an individual speed control, as well as several other user-defined options.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\TEALEAFS.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Fractal Clouds 2.4 by Letizia Di Nunno. Reg.Fee: $8
is a screen saver that generates beautiful random "clouds" on the screen in an endless variety of forms and colors. Both 16- and 32-bit versions are provided.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\CLOUD24A.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Updates To Programs On Past CD-ROMs
Midget/32 1.21 by J. Andrzej Wrotniak. Reg.Fee: $10-$14
is a powerful replacement calculator for Win95. Features include 27 functions, 6 memories (variables), deg/min/sec, fractions, unit conversion, save/restore, and on-line help.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\MIDG32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Bill's Calendar (32-bit) 1.14i by SRO Systems. Reg.Fee: $20
is an easy-to-use desktop calendar package for Win95/NT. It can keep text and audio notes, schedule daily tasks, duplicate repetitive events and auto-purge its files. The Calendar and Schedule can also be printed in high quality with any Laser or Inkjet printer.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\BILCAL32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Bill's Calendar (16-bit) 1.14i by SRO Systems. Reg.Fee: $20
is an easy-to-use desktop calendar package for Windows. It can keep text and audio notes, schedule daily tasks, duplicate repetitive events and auto-purge its files. The Calendar and Schedule can also be printed in high quality with any Laser or Inkjet printer.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\BILLCAL.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
ItsTime! (16-bit) 2.1e by RKS Software, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $20
is an easy to use alarm list manager for Windows. Features include support for an unlimited number of alarms, repeating alarms, the ability to set alarms to ring on selected days of the week as well as at specific times, WAV sound support, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\IT21E16.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
ItsTime! (32-bit) 2.1e by RKS Software, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $20
is an easy to use alarm list manager for Win95. Features include support for an unlimited number of alarms, repeating alarms, the ability to set alarms to ring on selected days of the week as well as at specific times, WAV sound support, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\IT21E32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Stick Up for Win95 4.01 by Henning Associates. Reg.Fee: $15
allows you to create small desktop notes with any type of free-form information. Features include an alarm with a pop up note, support for up to 20 pages of information, a printing option, a handy date stamp button, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\STICK40.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Quotable for Windows 1.1 by Edusoft Technologies. Reg.Fee: $25
is a database of 200 famous quotations that allows you to add your own entries. You can view quotes by author, subject, or source. Powerful search facilities allow you to find any phrase in any quote. Other features include the ability to link to the Marquee screen saver, an export function, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\QTWIN11.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
CallCheck for Windows 4.01 by John Jenkins. Reg.Fee: $25
is an easy-to-use program for finding dialing codes for countries and cities worldwide. It contains a comprehensive database of over 5,000 US and international placenames and their area codes. You can find an area code by entering the city, state or country name, or find the location of any US or international telephone (or fax) number simply by typing in the number.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\CALLCHEK.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Macro Mania 4.0 by NorthStar Solutions. Reg.Fee: $18
is an easy-to-use macro program that works with any Windows program. It enables you to run programs (or switch to currently running programs) and then send keystrokes to that program with one simple command, just as if you had manually started the program and typed in the keys yourself. It can also be told to switch back and forth between programs to transport data via the Windows' clipboard using cut, copy, and paste functions. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\MACROM.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
WinXs 2.1a by Mick Meaden. Reg.Fee: $18
implements a variety of UNIX commands and utilities in Windows.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WINXS16.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
WinXs (32-bit) 2.1a by Mick Meaden. Reg.Fee: $30
implements a variety of UNIX commands and utilities in Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WINXS32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Ground Control 1.01 by Cypress Technologies. Reg.Fee: $40
lets you create Windows batch files. You have at your disposal around 50 functions to do everything from basic Window controls to the more advanced DDE and SendKeys features. You can use the Wizard to add commands to the macro window instead of typing them all in, or use the toolbars to add commands at the click of a button.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\GC.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
MomShell 32 2.12 by Manuel Onate. Reg.Fee: $25
allows you to quickly launch your programs and organize them logically by categories in Win95. The intuitive interface makes it easy to import of all your programs. It can also notify you when your system is likely to become unstable.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\MOMS3221.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
DeskView32 1.1 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $29-$39
displays a small icon in the Win95 System Tray that pops up a menu with a list all files on your desktop. You just click a menu item to launch that file. There is also a menu item to see a list of your hard drives and the amount of free space on each one, and you can click on a drive to immediately open that drive under Explorer.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\DESKV32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Buzof 1.41 by Basta Computing, LLC. Reg.Fee: $15
enables you to automatically handle virtually any message or dialog box. You simply drag the cross-hair icon and drop it onto the button you would normally click to dismiss or minimize the annoying window, and the program will periodically scan the desktop to get rid of the window if it appears again.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\BUZOF.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Shutdown Monitor 1.31 by Shenandoah Software. Reg.Fee: $20-$22
runs programs and/or stored commands when Win95/NT shuts down. It can query you when Windows shuts down and you can select which to run, what order you want to run them, or cancel the shutdown. It can also execute different sets for different user profiles.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SHUTMN13.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Sentry 95 2.11 by Philip P. Kapusta. Reg.Fee: $14
will prevent all unauthorized users from accessing the Win95 desktop whenever your computer boots.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SENTR211.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Link Check 5.7 by Karri Software Limited. Reg.Fee: $29
lets you view the links between an executable file and the modules it requires to run on the system. It can also list missing modules when a program cannot run, and provides important version information on modules.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WLCHECK.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Link Check (32-bit) 5.7 by Karri Software Limited. Reg.Fee: $39
verifies links between executable files and modules/DLLs in Win95. It allows you to view version information, check modules loaded in RAM, analyze function calls inside DLLs, and more. This is extremely useful for analyzing those "Cannot find (filename) or one of its components" and "Call to Undefined Dynalink" system error messages.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WLCHK95.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
WinRescue 95 6.03 by Super Win Software. Reg.Fee: $20+
safeguards and restores Win95 so you'll never have to reinstall again. It restores the Registry and other configuration files in less than two minutes. A DOS program restores the Registry even when Win95 won't start.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\RESCUE63.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
SuperClip 3.60 by AndroSoft. Reg.Fee: $39
is a Win95/NT Clipboard viewer that can save all or part of the image on the clipboard to a graphics file in BMP, GIF, or PCX format.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SCLIP.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
QuickCopy 1.4 by CT Software. Reg.Fee: $12
creates a taskbar tray icon in Win95 from which you can copy text files very quickly to the clipboard. Requires VB40032.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\QCOPY14.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
BalloonSaver 1.2 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $19-$29
is a WIN31/Win95 screen saver with animated hot-air balloons that float across the screen, blown by the clouds and wind. A password protection option is available. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\BALLSAVE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
BirdSaver 1.2 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $19-$29
is a WIN31/Win95 screen saver with animated swans, parrots, pelicans, cardinals, pheasants and more. A password protection option is available.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\BIRDSAVE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
ClockSaver 1.2 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $29-$39
is a screen saver that displays a bouncing digital clock and tumbling 3D computer-generated objects on your Windows desktop. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\CLOKSAVE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
FishSaver 1.2 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $29-$39
is a WIN31/Win95 screen saver that features animated swimming tropical fish.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\FISHSAVE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
JurassicSaver 1.2 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $29-$39
is a WIN31/Win95 screen saver that displays animated dinosaurs on your desktop. A password protection option is available.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\JURASSIC.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
SkyDive Saver 1.2 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $29-$39
is a WIN31/Win95 screen saver that features animated sky diving (including chutes that don't open). A password protection option is available.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SKYDIVE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
SpaceSaver 1.2 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $29-$39
is a WIN31/Win95 screen saver with photo-realistic astronauts, a spaceshuttle, galaxies, the moon, and more. A password protection option is available.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SPACESAV.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
UFO Saver 1.2 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $29-$39
displays UFOs and alien spaceships blasting across your Windows desktop with full sound effects. Password protection is available.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\UFOSAVE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Waterfall Saver 1.3 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $19-$29
is a screen saver for WIN31/Win95 that displays an animated waterfall.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WTRFAL13.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
ScrnSaveSwitch/Plus (32-bit) 4.50 by Aaron Writes Software. Reg.Fee: $10
gives you fast and complete control over your Win95/NT screen saver. A click to a small button on your desktop lets you enable, disable, start, or configure your screen saver. You may set the screen saver delay in one second (rather than 1 min.) increments. It also provides quick and safe methods to log off, shut down or reboot your computer.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SSSW95NT.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
EZSaver 2.2 by EZ Software.. Reg.Fee: $22
allows you to create a personalized Windows screen saver using your own BMP images. Graphics can be made to spin, twirl, and skate across the background color of your choice. A bonus screen saver is included.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\EZSAVER.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Frontlets for Windows 3.02 by Philip P. Kapusta. Reg.Fee: $13-$17
is a Windows screen saver that displays a random Bible verse at a user-specified interval in large high-resolution graphics. Screen colors and fonts can be customized to you tastes, and password protection is available.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\FRONTW30.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
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