GRGID451.ZIP 479746 03-31-97 Grade Guide 4.51 allows teachers to list | students by pseudonym in a roster-like format | for posting grades for students to see. Up to | ten different grade classifications are | allowed and grade reports suitable for | handing out to students can be printed. (Jon | Kane) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $32-$40) VARG604C.ZIP 677622 03-31-97 VAR Grade 6.04c allows you to grade your | class with the same methods you now do except | that the program does the tedious chores of | adding, plotting, and writing the scores. You | may grade using either letters or numbers. | You can change the worth of any exam by | changing the numerical weight of the exams. | You can analyze the exams by standard | statistical measures to see how the students | have done on each exam. You can also sum or | average student scores for any combination of | exams. Password protection is optional. Other | features include sorting the students by | name, ID, name & section, ID & section, or by | the grades from any exam, and list and choose | students by name or ID; temporarily drop | students from statistical measures (like | plots) and print out empty grids for | recording of grades. Printer support for all | dot-matrix, laser, and ink-jet printers. | Limited Mouse support and support for 43 line | EGA and 50 line VGA screens is included. | pdated printer drivers.. NEW: updated | printer drivers.. (Dennis Revie) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $30-$35)