PsL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM V5, #09
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New Programs For The Month
Pumpkin DeskBrain 3.5 by Pumpkin Software. Reg.Fee: $20
is a powerful desktop management system for Win95. Features include one click access to 30 user-defined applications, My Computer, the Control Panel, and 10 user-defined Quick Folders. Other features include the ability to clear the entire Documents List, a password manager, the ability to restart/shutdown Windows, a quick file launcher, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\DBRAIN35.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
SS Calculator 1.0 by Krzysztof Stolarek. Reg.Fee: $20
is an enhanced version of a Windows 95/NT desktop calculator. In addition to the normal functions of a regular calculator, it also includes a list of all the calculator's operations that are available for recall any time during the session.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SSCALC10.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

ProKalc 5.6 by Harold Schwartz. Reg.Fee: $15
is a scientific/financial calculator for Win95/NT. Features include full 15 digit accuracy with no rounding errors, integrated help on all functions, 10 memory locations, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\PROKAL56.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
NFL Calendar (32-bit) 1.0 by 100% Cotton Software. Reg.Fee: $15
is a perpetual desktop calendar that displays and prints the entire NFL schedule (in three different formats) or an individual team's schedule using city or team names. You simply double-click on a date to see the games scheduled for that day.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\NFLCAL10.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Horas 2.1 by Basta Computing. Reg.Fee: $15
helps you keep track of the time around the world by letting you create several clocks corresponding to different time zones. This also includes a time converter, a quick time lookup tool, and takes very little space on your desktop. Requires Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\HORAS.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
EZ Macros 1.1 by American Systems.. Reg.Fee: $30
is an easy to use keyboard and mouse macro recorder for Win95. This is handy for performing repetitive keystrokes and mouse actions with one keystroke. You can also have it launch a program by hitting a hot key.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\AMEM11.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
TASQ Recorder by TASC. Reg.Fee: $40
can record and playback mouse and/or keyboard actions in Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\TRECORD.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Profile Picker 0.8 by Tao Yue. Reg.Fee: $5
allows you to use multiple configurations for a program by switching between different INI files. This works with 16-bit or Win32s programs.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\PROFLE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Panic Button 1.00 by Tamalpais Technologies. Reg.Fee: $18
instantly displays a fake spreadshet screen to hide what you are really doing from prying eyes. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\PBUTTON.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Resource Spy 1.02 by Cybercom Software. Reg.Fee: $10
displays system, user and GDI resources as bar graphs. Alarms can be set to alert you when resources reach critical levels.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\RESSPY.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
WinRescue 95 5.03 by Super Win Software. Reg.Fee: $20+
safeguards and restores Win95 so you'll never have to reinstall again. It restores the Registry and other configuration files in less than two minutes. A DOS program restores the Registry even when Win95 won't start.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\RESCUES5.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
WinSafe95 3.22 by Easy Desk Software. Reg.Fee: $25
allows you to backup all major Win95 bootup files. It automatically informs you when your configuration changes to allow current files to be saved. Files can be restored from the DOS prompt, in case Windows cannot initialize.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WINS322.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
101 Clippings 1.1 by Easy Software. Reg.Fee: $25-$40
allows you to save text clippings for future use. You can save up to 999 clips in each of 10 groups. It can be configured to pop up automatically when you cut or copy or you can call it from a hot key. You can also type clips directly into the save window.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\CLIP11.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Print Screen Deluxe 3.0 by American Systems.. Reg.Fee: $30
is a powerful and easy to use screen capture utility that allows you to capture your screen in many ways. You can capture the full screen, current window, a roped area, a window's client area, and much more. You may also crop the image, apply visual effects to it, configure your hot key, set a time delayed capture, capture DOS full screens, and even zoom in on your image.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\APD130.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Year 2000 Countdown Screensaver by Saturday*s Child. Reg.Fee: $0
displays the amount of days, hours, minutes and seconds left until the year 2000.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\Y2SETUP.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Holyear vs. Teethson 1.0 by Rhode Island Soft Systems, Inc. Reg.Fee: $0
is an amusing screen saver that spoofs the infamous Holyfield/Tyson boxing match. It displays an ear and a chattering teeth toy duking it out in the ring with excellent sound effects. When the ear butts the teeth, the teeth take a bloody bite out of the ear.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\TEETHSON.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Balloons in Flight Screen Saver 1.00 by Gulf Coast Software Corp.. Reg.Fee: $20
displays colorful pictures of balloons in flight on your Windows desktop. Thirty two dramatic transitions are provided.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SSBALLOO.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Botanical Beauties Screen Saver 1.00 by Gulf Coast Software Corp.. Reg.Fee: $20
displays the natural beauty of flowers right on your Windows desktop. 32 dramatic transitions are provided for a true visual experience.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SSFLOWER.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
2/3 is Water Screen Saver 1.00 by Gulf Coast Software Corp.. Reg.Fee: $20
showcases the waterways of the world on your Windows desktop. The graphics include serene streams, raging oceans, lakes and waterfalls. Combined with 32 dramatic transitions, this is a great screen saver for anyone who likes water in large quantities.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SSOCEANS.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Tropical Paradise Screen Saver 1.00 by Gulf Coast Software Corp.. Reg.Fee: $20
displays beautiful pictures of tropical scenery on your Windows desktop. 32 dramatic transitions are provided to complete your visual experience.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SSTROPIC.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Updates To Programs On Past CD-ROMs
PROcalc for Windows 1.1 by Jupiter Software. Reg.Fee: $35
is a printing financial calculator and adding machine. Features include mouse or keyboard data entry, a user configurable display, the ability to print and save the tally roll, full financial functions and user definable macros for repetitive tasks.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\PCALC11W.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Win Calendar 96 5.0 by G. L. Liadis Software, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $0
is a simple desktop calendar system for WIN31. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WINCAL.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Hebrew Calendar for Windows 8.0j by Calendar Maven. Reg.Fee: $29
is a powerful tool for any person or organization needing knowledge of important Jewish dates. It covers a 300-year span from 1900-2200, Hebrew 5660-5960. Features include conversion of dates form Common-to-Hebrew or Hebrew-to-Common, the ability to print full month calendars with Truetype fonts showing both dates/holidays/sunsets, holiday lists for each year, Israel/Diaspora preference selectability, annual Shabbat Torah/Haftarah readings, selectable date formats, and much more. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\HBCL80J.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Win CapClock 96 by G. L. Liadis Software, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $10
displays information such as the time, date, resources, memory and free disk space. It also allows you to set alarms for Windows resources/memory and attach sound files. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\CAPCLK96.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Music Alarm 1.03 by Intertek Co.. Reg.Fee: $10
is a clock utility for Windows that plays music for its alarms. Twelve different music files are included.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\MALRM103.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
PowerStrip 3.0 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $29
displays a clock and available system resources in a small strip on your Windows desktop. This also includes a pop-up phone book with dialer, a ToDo list, audio CD player, calculator, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\PSTRIP30.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Daily Notes for Windows 4.40 by PrimaSoft PC, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $15
is a note management package for Windows that can serve as a journal/diary. Features include sorting by subject or date, a notebook-like interface, the ability to print all or selected notes, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\AM_DN44.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Win PostPad 96 by G. L. Liadis Software, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $10
is a desktop notes utility that minimizes itself to the system tray next to the clock in the Task Bar in Win95. The right mouse button allows you to add sticky notes, save, view, edit and paste in any other application. You can also place the time, date, memory and resources in the title bar on the active windows. It also has an built in calendar, calculator, image viewer, instant control panel access, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WPPAD.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
TrayNote Plus 2.2 by AMF. Reg.Fee: $15-$20
provides a personal notepad which resides in your Win95 system tray, which can store free-form information, web addresses, email addresses, and phone/fax numbers. Double-clicking on web/email info will automatically launch your browser, and clicking on phone numbers will automatically dial them. Other features include quick-access buttons for a DOS prompt and run dialog, built-in calculator, and more. Requires the 32-bit VB4 runtime files.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\TRNOTE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
CallCheck for Windows 3.16 by John Jenkins. Reg.Fee: $25
is an easy-to-use program for finding dialing codes for countries and cities worldwide. It contains a comprehensive database of over 5,000 US and international placenames and their area codes. You can find an area code by entering the city, state or country name, or find the location of any US or international telephone (or fax) number simply by typing in the number.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\CALLCHEK.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
WinXs (32-bit) 2.1 by Mick Meaden. Reg.Fee: $30
implements a variety of UNIX commands and utilities in Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WINXS32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
WinXs 2.1 by Mick Meaden. Reg.Fee: $18
implements a variety of UNIX commands and utilities in Windows.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WINXS16.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Apple II Oasis for Windows 1.45 by Teodor Angeloff. Reg.Fee: $25
lets you run Apple II software in Windows environment. This package includes Apple II Emulator, Apple II Disk Manager, and Apple II Disk Server.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\APL24WIN.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Win Tray 96++ 5.0 by G. L. Liadis Software, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $10
provides a quick and easy way to add and run up to nine programs from the Win95 system tray next to the clock.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WTRAY.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
PowerBar 1.40 by PLEM. Reg.Fee: $15-$25
allows fast and easy one click access to your applications and programs groups. Other features include instant drive access, support for virtual desktops, shutdown/reboot options, drag and drop support, an analog clock, a free disk space display, and much more. Requires Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\PB140.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
QStart 3.1 by GT Technologies. Reg.Fee: $25
is a menu/ button bar program launcher for Windows that provides multiple tabbed "pages" with 16 launch buttons per page. Setting up the launch buttons is incredibly easy. Both 16- and 32-bit versions are included.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\QS31.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
ES-Control Icon-less Desktop for Windows 1.1 by Easy Software. Reg.Fee: $40-$45
is an interface for Windows. Features include security, file launch, file management. Attach comments to files to find your work files fast. Pick a work file and ES-Control launches with command switches before and after filename. Pick a program from the menu and ES-Control will display the work files directory and file filter.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\CTRL11.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
TooPAL 3.0 by Artistry, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $30
lets you create tool palettes to launch programs, command Windows applications, store and retrieve Clipboard objects, and manage nine virtual desktops. You can design buttons to execute 20 different actions. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\TP95.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Grouper (32-bit) 2.0 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $29-$39
provides a quick and easy way to organize and launch groups of files and programs in Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\GROUP32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
DeskView32 1.1 by Galt Technology. Reg.Fee: $29-$39
displays a small icon in the Win95 System Tray that pops up a menu with a list all files on your desktop. You just click a menu item to launch that file. There is also a menu item to see a list of your hard drives and the amount of free space on each one, and you can click on a drive to immediately open that drive under Explorer.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\DESKV32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Win SetTime 5.2 by G. L. Liadis Software, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $8
allows you to dial automatically and get the current universal time from the atomic clock. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\WSTIME.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
StepUp'98 4.04 by ChaoSoft. Reg.Fee: $30
contains a set of utilities which make working with Win95/NT easier and faster. This includes a user-customizable StepUp Menu, smart Folder Navigator, sophisticated Menu Designer, and a powerful File Handler. It also provides handy taskbar icons for fast exit, CD-ROM Autorun on/off, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SU98_404.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
File-Ex 2.10 by Cottonwood Software. Reg.Fee: $30
adds file Find, Copy, Delete, Rename, Move and MakeDir functions to most Windows applications' Open and Save dialogs. It also allows you to easily access the last 25 files and directories used.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\FILX210.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
DesqTop Solutions 3.1 by Brazos Bayou Software. Reg.Fee: $15
automates the changing of a pre-selected group of Win95 screen savers and system sounds, as well as wallpapers. These may be configured to change either randomly or sequentially at a selected time interval, or they may be changed manually. A convenient toolbar for launching your favorite applications is also available. A clock may be displayed which also doubles as a button to launch screen savers or change wallpapers.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\DESKSOL.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Tippy for Win95 1.34 by Matthias Wolf. Reg.Fee: $20
provides ListTips to the Win95 desktop, which are similar to ToolTips but appear whenever the mouse is on a list item in Report View and the column is not wide enough to display the full text. ListTips also appear on Tree Views if the item text is not fully visible. Once installed, this feature is automatically available to all 32-bit-apps that use the Win95 common control UI.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\TIPPY_95.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Lock Workstation 1.5 by Wibble inc Software. Reg.Fee: $10
is a system security package for Win95 that adds password protection to the following keys: CTRL+ALT+DEL, ALT+TAB, and CTRL+ESC. Features include a log file of the attempts to access your machine, the ability to play a wav file every time someone enters the wrong password, and the ability to display a custom message to the person that is trying to enter your machine. Requires the 32-bit VB4 runtime files.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\LOCKWKPR.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Folder Guard for Win95 4.04 by ChaoSoft. Reg.Fee: $30-$50
allows you to selectively hide folders and/or add password restriction to other resources. This makes folders invisible to any application, Explorer, MS Office, MS-DOS prompt, common dialogs, etc. This is highly customizable, and is suitable for both home and business use.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\FG95_404.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Meg 97 3.0 by Jim Tolliver. Reg.Fee: $25
display two multipurpose graphs that show memory and disk usage in Win95. The Memory Graph can show Real Memory, Virtual Memory, Total Memory, plus within Windows 95 System, GDI and User Memory. The Disk Graph shows space utilization by directories and individual files.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\MEG97.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
VBSys Windows System Monitor (32-bit) 3.5 by Michael Krane. Reg.Fee: $10
monitors drive space, system resources, memory, and tasks in Win95. It can also display and set date and time, give system information, compact memory, run programs or files easily and much more. Requires the 32-bit VB4 runtime files.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\VBSYS32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
TechFacts 95 1.40 by Dean Software Design. Reg.Fee: $20
is a versatile Windows spy/trace utility that lets you examine your system's Windows, DOS, System and Network environments. There are four configurable resource monitors which let you monitor memory, heap or disk percentage available as well as a Win95 registry monitor to monitor CPU usage, disk and network performance. Multiple resource and disk alarms are also provided.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\TF95V140.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Instant Drive Access 1.43 by Jesper Lauridsen. Reg.Fee: $15
provides access to information on all your drives by the click of an icon in the Win95 traybar. Features include the ability to display summarized free space for all your drives, an option to tile the open windows on your desktop, instant access to the Internet, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\IDA143.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
NanoSecond 1.2.2 by Nanoware, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $10-$15
updates your Win95 computer's system date and time based on a time standard from either NIST or the USNO. A modem is required. This version will allow approximately 10 system time updates before requiring registration.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\NANOSEC.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
LaunchPad for Windows (16-bit) 2.5 by Cypress Technologies. Reg.Fee: $30
is an event scheduler that can be used to run programs, display messages, run DOS commands, send DDE commands and perform various other system tasks. Events can be scheduled based on dates, times, intervals and conditions.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\LP25.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
SuperClip 3.50 by AndroSoft. Reg.Fee: $39
is a Win95/NT Clipboard viewer that can save all or part of the image on the clipboard to a graphics file in BMP, GIF, or PCX format.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SCLIP.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Clipmaster 32 4.0 by Hermco Systems, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $25
automatically stores clipboard entries and keeps a running list of clips to choose from. This allows you to easily click on the one you want and paste it directly into the active application. It can also route Print Screen images to the default printer, and has a built in editor that supports word wrap and rich text. Requires Win95 and the 32-bit VB4 runtime files.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\CMSTR32P.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
All Screen 95 Pro 1.10 by Soft Concepts. Reg.Fee: $25
is a screen capture utility which lets you save ouptut in various file formats. For Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SCREEN95.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
SnagIt Twin Pack 4.0 by TechSmith Corporation. Reg.Fee: $40
is an easy to use screen capture utility for Windows. It captures your screen, window or region to the printer, clipboard, or a variety of file formats, including PCX, JPG, TIF, and BMP. This fully supports DDE and MAPI for easy integration into your applications, and supports all Windows video modes and rastering printers. Both 16- and 32-bit versions are included.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SNAGIT40.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
EZSaver 2.1 by EZ Software.. Reg.Fee: $22
allows you to create a personalized Windows screen saver using your own BMP images. Graphics can be made to spin, twirl, and skate across the background color of your choice. A bonus screen saver is included.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\EZSAVER.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
GTI JPEGSaver 1.10 by GTI Software. Reg.Fee: $10 Pnds.
turns your favorite image files into a unique personal screen saver slideshow, complete with transition effects. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\GTIJPEG.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
My Own Screen Saver/32 5.0 by Gulf Coast Software Corp.. Reg.Fee: $20
is a slideshow screen saver that lets you create an unlimited number of multimedia presentations using nearly any kind of image files. It can synchronize WAV files to images, play MIDI soundtracks, use 50+ transition effects, and more. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\MYSS32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
My Own Screen Saver 2.31 by Gulf Coast Software Corp.. Reg.Fee: $20+
allows you to create your own screen saver using your favorite images and pictures. You can combine selected BMP, DIB, and WMF files with 32 different visual effects.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\SSCR8R23.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Media Changer Deluxe 3.7 by Swoosie Software. Reg.Fee: $18
allows you to have different wallpapers, screen savers, and system sounds each time you start Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\MCHANGER.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
3aline Screensaver 1.10 by Seraline Pty Ltd. Reg.Fee: $20
displays beautiful floating 3D shapes on your Win95 desktop.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\UT_SYSTM\3ALINE11.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
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