PsL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM V5, #06
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New Programs For The Month
WinDia by Said Baloui. Reg.Fee: $65
helps manage large collections of photographs and slides. Features include duplicate checking, user-defined information fields, powerful search facilities, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\WINDIA.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Collect! for Windows (32-bit) 3.0 by Whirlwind Technologies. Reg.Fee: $40
allows you to work with collections of any type. You can easily program your own collection information in just a few minutes or use one of the 15 pre-defined templates. This version only allows 50 entries.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\COLL_30.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Book Librarian for Windows (32-bit) 3.00 by TurboSystemsCo. Reg.Fee: $32-$90
helps organize and manage your books in Win95. Stores title, author, subject, edition, catalog number, record number, borrower, due date, memo field and more. It has a reporting system with query, print preview with zoom and more. Prints reports to screen, printer or disk.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\BLW32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
StampPro for Windows 3.5 by MMR Software. Reg.Fee: $20
is a stamp collector's database and valuation package. It will help you keep an accurate inventory of all your stamps and provide the flexibility to expand as new stamps are issued. It can also calculate the exact value of your stamp collection.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\STMPRO.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

VectorJockey (16-bit) 2.0 by Joel Castellanos. Reg.Fee: $10-$35
is an educational game designed to help teach the introductory physics concepts of Vector Addition, and to help students more fully understand differences between Velocity and Acceleration.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\VECTOR16.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

VectorJockey (32-bit) 2.0 by Joel Castellanos. Reg.Fee: $10-$35
is an educational game designed to help teach the introductory physics concepts of Vector Addition, and to help students more fully understand differences between Velocity and Acceleration.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\VECTOR32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Chemical Predictor 1.0 by Ivan Kassal. Reg.Fee: $?
quickly calculates whether one of nearly 65,000 oxidation reduction (redox) reactions can occur. It uses 254 different half-reactions which can be put together to form full reactions.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\CPREDICT.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

The Constitution Notebook for Windows 4.0 by TCNbP Company. Reg.Fee: $10-$50
is a comprehensive study aid for the United States Constitution with over 100 pages of rights commentary and interactive search and indexing abilities. Users can determine for themselves and to their own satisfaction what is written in the Constitution and what it means.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\TCNWIN40.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Historica by Roy Clough. Reg.Fee: $?
is a unique atlas of history that details the rise and fall of the great powers of world history. It can run in an automated "script" mode, or be operated interactively. This version covers events up to 450 B.C.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\POWERSW.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

DollarSkills 1.00 by Merit Audio Visual. Reg.Fee: $?
focuses on real-life math and business problems using the four steps of problem solving: numerical evidence, strategy, operation, and solution. Context-sensitive help is available as needed. A teacher utility allows program adaptation for use by both challenged and advanced students.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\DOLSKL10.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Math Flight 1.10 by Ronald Swerdfeger. Reg.Fee: $7.50
allows both children and adults practice basic arithmetic functions in Win95. Features include 7 difficulty levels, the ability to focus on specific numbers, report card and test printing, the ability to mix different types of math problem, a high score hall of fame, digitized sound effects, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\MATHFL11.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

NonEuclid (32-bit) 4.2.1 by Joel Castellanos. Reg.Fee: $15-$100
offers Straightedge and Compass Constructions in Hyperbolic Geometry (a geometry of Einstein’s General Relativity and Curved Hyperspace) for use in High School and Undergraduate education. It also provides a thorough introductory explanation of Hyperbolic Geometry, with over 25 pages of illustrated hypertext.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\EUCLID32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
NonEuclid (16-bit) 4.2.1 by Joel Castellanos. Reg.Fee: $15-$100
offers Straightedge and Compass Constructions in Hyperbolic Geometry (a geometry of Einstein’s General Relativity and Curved Hyperspace) for use in High School and Undergraduate education. It also provides a thorough introductory explanation of Hyperbolic Geometry, with over 25 pages of illustrated hypertext.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\EUCLID16.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

First Notes for Cello 1.0 by Carner Enterprises. Reg.Fee: $27
provides an interactive environment for cello students to learn to read the staff and identify the note names and finger numbers for first position. It may be used by children or adults, but is particularly well suited to younger students, especially those students using the Suzuki method. The program allows you to learn to read music while having fun creating melodies and playing along with the computer. Requires Win95 and a sound card.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\FNCELLO.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
The ABC and Me Learning Center 1.01 by Discovery I.M.P.. Reg.Fee: $0
uses digitized voices and a friendly owl to help introduce younger children to the alphabet. A sound card is recommended.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\ABCM01.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Mr. Coloring Book 1.0 by Faxtastic Software. Reg.Fee: $29
converts color or black and white graphic images into coloring book outlines. It accepts many popular image formats and can also create coloring books from clipboard captures. Pages created with this program can be easily printed out on paper for children of all ages to color with crayons or markers. A sample collection of images is included to help get you started. Requires VB40016.DLL. This version expires after 30 days of use.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\MCBSETUP.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

ESL Demons 5.0 by Merit Audio Visual. Reg.Fee: $?
helps students cope with troublesome points of English grammar, usage, and spelling. Sentences contain up to four highlighted choices, one of which is an error, such as a word or phrase that would not be appropriate in standard written English. The material helps students recognize language that is clear and correct, and provides explanations that teach the underlying grammatical concepts.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\ESLDEM.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Accu-Reading 2.00 by Merit Audio Visual. Reg.Fee: $?
presents short factual paragraphs and promotes mastery of accurate reading. Diagnostic tests determine the student's reading skills and direct him/her to the appropriate lesson. Each set is self-correcting and allows the student to progress at his/her own pace without teacher intervention.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\ACCURD20.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Discovering English Demo 1.00 by Chatfield Software, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $45
is a tutorial in English grammar with a multimedia game included. No assumptions have been made about how much or how little grammar you know, so this is suitable for ages 12 through adult.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\CSDE1.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

PC Dictionary for Windows 3.2 by Edicom Systems. Reg.Fee: $16-$20
is a database of over 64,000 of the most frequently looked-up words with concise definitions. It also has a list of 800 word parts that will allow you to unlock the meanings of 40,000 related words that are derived from these parts.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\DIC32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

NeuroDiet 1.3 by Stephen Wolstenholme. Reg.Fee: $39
helps you learn how the foods you eat are related to your health and fitness. It produces a daily list of foods to avoid and a list of some of the foods you can include in your diet. It can monitor up to ten symptoms and thousands of foods. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\NDIET13.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
TravelJack 2.0 by Extension Software. Reg.Fee: $39
helps manage time zones, currency, and measurement calculations for world travellers. Requires Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\TRVLJK.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Arrangements 2.1 by TurboWare. Reg.Fee: $15
uses a loose leaf ring binder as a metaphor for viewing fill-in-the-blank information, freeform information and a list of activities for each travel arrangement you need to track. You can store many travel arrangements for each date that you select.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\ARNGMNTS.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Special Occasions 2.1 by TurboWare. Reg.Fee: $15
uses a loose leaf ring binder as a metaphor for viewing fill-in-the-blank information, freeform information and a list of card/gift ideas for each occasion you need to track. You can store many occasions for each date that you select.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\SPCLOCCS.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Party Wizzard 2.0 by Logic Solutions. Reg.Fee: $25
is a party planning package for Windows. Its database keeps track of guests, seating arrangements, and expenses. Printing options include mailing labels, RSVP lists, place cards, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\PARTYW20.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

WinAhnen 4.20 by Olaf Schilling. Reg.Fee: $19-99 DM
is a 32-bit genealogy package for Win95. Features include the ability to work with several genealogical files simultaneously, support for up to 2 billion data records, built-in backup tools, international support, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\WINAHNEN.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

AutoPro by Protronics SSI. Reg.Fee: $25
is an FM remote control for Reveal's Radio Card. It features a SmartScan feature that scans up and down stopping at only strong signals. It has 10 pre-programmed stations and recognizes a station's call-sign or name.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\AUTOPRO.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Dive Log 1.5 by Bruce Sackett. Reg.Fee: $30
allows you to create a comprehensive database of all your diving experiences. It provides entry fields for location, dive buddies, gear, conditions, visibility, a free form note field, and much more. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\DL15.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Household Register for Windows (32-bit) 5.10 by TurboSystemsCo. Reg.Fee: $25-$30
is an easy-to-use full featured home/office inventory program. Stores all the correct information so your insurance company pays in case of loss due to fire, theft, etc. Features include a toolbar with buttons for most database operations, a built-in print preview, comprehensive query and find functions, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\HRW32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

X-10 System Tray 1.00 by David Huras. Reg.Fee: $22.50
allows you to send X-10 directives at any time with two simples clicks of the mouse. A right-click on the icon in the Win95 System Tray will display a pop-up menu of user-defined X-10 commands, and a left click on the selected X-10 command will send the appropriate directive to the X-10 Computer Interface which will in turn impose the selected X-10 command onto the powerline.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\X10ST.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Updates To Programs On Past CD-ROMs
WinCharging 2.30 by MLR Enterprises. Reg.Fee: $29
is a credit card management package for WIN31. It can display outstanding amounts, monitor credit card limits, track target amounts for credit cards with rebates, chart/display/print tax summaries and card usage reports, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\WINCRG23.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Master Investor 2.20 by Owl Software. Reg.Fee: $130
is an investment management and analysis system for Windows that provides comprehensive portfolio management for stocks, mutual funds, bonds, options, cash, other assets and liabilities. It draws technical analysis charts including moving averages, candlesticks, stochastics, RSI and more. Other features include the ability to import downloaded stock quotes, a powerful report generator with 20+ custom reports, an more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\MI220.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
EEBond for Windows 7.0 by MMR Software. Reg.Fee: $20
is a savings bond database and valuation program. It will maintain a database of all your Series EE and Series E Savings bonds as well as Savings Notes, and compute their exact value.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\EEBONDW7.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Fund Manager for Win95 2.3 by Mark Beiley. Reg.Fee: $29
is a powerful portfolio management package that helps individual investors monitor and analyze their investments with a wide variety of easy to use graphs and reports. Prices may be entered manually, or imported from AOL, Prodigy, CompuServe, or Quicken.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\AFMW9523.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Fund Manager for Windows 9.3 by Mark Beiley. Reg.Fee: $23
provides a wide variety of both graphical and numerical information to help you monitor your investments. It can display many different types of graphs and reports over any time period specified. The program can also overlay markers on the graphs showing when you invested and received distributions.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\FUNDMN93.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
OptionPeer 2.1 by Gotham Options, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $19
is an educational package for learning how to use Option Contracts as an investment instrument. Its lessons point you to the software with a step-by-step template that have you set up the application, enter the data and observe the results. This version has limited functionality.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\OPEER2_1.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Amort.XLM 6.01 by Ohio Star Software. Reg.Fee: $15-$30
is an Excel macro that will generate fixed rate and variable rate loan schedules. Requires Excel 5 or greater.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\AMORTXLM.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Your Loan Partner (16-bit) 1.2 by Flying Pig Software. Reg.Fee: $20
is a loan calculator for Windows that provides amortization tables, as well as loan refinancing and comparison modules.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\LPV12_31.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Your Loan Partner (32-bit) 1.2 by Flying Pig Software. Reg.Fee: $20
is a loan calculator for Win95 that provides amortization tables, as well as loan refinancing and comparison modules.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\LPV12_95.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Generate Great Amortization Schedules 6.03 by Ohio Star Software. Reg.Fee: $15
is a Microsoft Excel application which will generate loan schedules. It allows for variable interest rates and extra principal payments. For variable rate loans, it can project a worst-case interest rate change based on the loan's maximum rate and maximum increase per adjustment period. It allows all components of the monthly payment (insurance, taxes, etc...) to be changed at any point in the loan. Amort.xls allows weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly and monthly payment schedules and it provides payment and balance graphs.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\AMORT.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Everything I Own! 1.5a by BlueCollar Software. Reg.Fee: $25
is a household inventory package for Win95 that can help you keep track of every item in your home or collection. Features include the ability to print a variety of reports, easy-to-use backup/restore options, powerful sorting and data filtering, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\EIOWN15A.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
CoinPro 3.5 by MMR Software. Reg.Fee: $20
is a coin collector's database and valuation program for Windows.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\COINPRO.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Computer Aided Alcohol Design Tools 2.0 by Old Dominion Press. Reg.Fee: $0
facilitates the building of alcohol compounds. The Periodic Chart and an Alkene Calculator are easily accessed through push buttons. Requires WIN31+.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\CAADT.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
ChemPen+ by Hilton Evans. Reg.Fee: $39
allows you to draw chemical structures that can easily be pasted into any word processor. It calculates molecular weight, molecular formula and elemental composition and includes a C-13 NMR calculator for saturated branched and linear hydrocarbons and a small expandable HOSE coded C-13 database for other types of molecules.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\CHEMPEN.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Europe! for Windows 2.5 by Torpedo Software. Reg.Fee: $15
provides a fun and colorful way to become familiar with basic European geography. It challenges you to locate countries, capitals, identify exports, and more. This is suitable for both children and adults.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\EURWIN25.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
KeyNote Music Drills (32-bit) 1.73 by H&H Enterprises. Reg.Fee: $20
helps music students learn to identify the notes of the bass and treble clef, and to locate their positions on the keyboard or guitar finger board. There are additional drills for the alto and tenor clefs. Options include timed drills, the ability to set the drill item count, visual feedback for elapsed time via progress indicator bar, and sound playback. Requires Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\KN32V173.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Diagnostic Prescriptive Grammar 3.0 by Merit Audio Visual. Reg.Fee: $149+
is a developmental grammar lesson series that evaluates a student's work before moving him/her on to the next lesson. Each individualized lesson focuses on a specific grammar skill, is self-correcting, and allows the student to progress through each skill area at his/her own pace without teacher intervention. The student's progress is recorded for each lesson.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\DPG30.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Diagnostic Prescriptive Reading 5.0 by Merit Audio Visual. Reg.Fee: $149+
provides diagnostic tests to help determine a student's reading skills and direct him/her to appropriate lessons to improve performance. The program evaluates the student's work at each level before moving them to the next lesson. Lessons are self-correcting and allow the student to advance at their own pace.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\DPREAD.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Grammar Demons 5.0 by Merit Audio Visual. Reg.Fee: $?
uses a multiple-choice interface to help students cope with troublesome points of grammar. Each sentence contains up to four underlined choices, one of which may be a "Grammar Demon," a common error in usage, diction, idiom, grammatical relationship, or punctuation. In response to a wrong answer, the computer shows the corrected sentence and explains why it is right.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\GDEMON.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
MasterMind Typing 1.07 by Turnquist Foundation. Reg.Fee: $34
is an interactive touch typing teacher for Windows.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\MMTYPE07.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
True Multiple-Choice for Windows 4.02 by Nine-Patch Software. Reg.Fee: $15-60
is a multiple-choice test generation package that allows you to create tests with up to 50 questions. Tests may be interactively taken on the computer or printed out. Sample data is included.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\TRUEMC40.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Home Cookin 1.4 by Mountain Software.. Reg.Fee: $35
is an easy to use meal management system for Windows that includes a full featured recipe database, grocery list manager, and calendar/meal planner. Other features include a powerful search system, flexible batch operations, support for informational text, and the ability to import recipes from a variety of formats including Meal-Master, Computer Chef, and Mastercook II.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\HMCOOK14.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Stretch Break 2.1a by Para Technologies. Reg.Fee: $25
reminds you to take stretch breaks while in Windows. Animated figures demonstrate the simple techniques. You can control the time between stretch sessions and the number of stretches per session. This was developed by a team of health care professionals.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\STRTCH21.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Cross Trainer 2.4b by Innovative Logic. Reg.Fee: $35
allows you to track nutrition, weight lifting and aerobic exercise in Windows. It can create and schedule workouts designed for your level and sport, allowing you to set goals and print your workout before going to the gym. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\XTRAINER.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Recipe Box for Windows 4.1 by Sunrise Software. Reg.Fee: $30
is a powerful recipe management package for Windows. Features include a nutritional database, the ability to prepare a shopping list of ingredients, a tabbed user interface, the ability to search multiple cookbooks, enhanced category and measurement management, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\RBOX1641.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
The Recipe Processor for Windows 1.7 by Jay Lichtenstein. Reg.Fee: $25
allows you to store and print your favorite recipes. You can easily manipulate the number of serving the recipe will yield, instantly adjusting the amounts of each ingredient. It also includes a real-time calorie calculator which will report calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium for each serving. Other features include the ability to browse recipes by category or ingredient, Meal-Master and Compu-Chef compatibility, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\RPW17.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Quick Shopping List 5.10 by McCook Software. Reg.Fee: $15
helps you quickly and accurately prepare shopping lists and project shopping costs in Windows. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\QSHOP51.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Tracking the Eye 3.0 by GenCode Technologies. Reg.Fee: $20
is a hurricane tracking package for Windows. It can instantly determine the distance between any city on the Eastern seaboard and the storm it is tracking. Features include easy-to-use toolbars, graphing capabilities, printing options, and much more. Data for several sample storms is included. NEW: now includes both 16- and 32-bit versions.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\TRACKEYE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Club Secretary Club/Association Manager 1.0e3 by Cooman Software. Reg.Fee: $49
is a complete club/association management package for Windows with many powerful features such as financial tracking and form letters.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\CLUBSEC.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Measures 2.1 by R. M. Parks. Reg.Fee: $18
converts hundreds of U.S. and Metric measures including area, volume, speed, pressure, temperature, weight, etc. Requires WIN31+ and VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\MEASR21.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Aunt Annie's Crafts 1.4 by dot.ware. Reg.Fee: $25
allows children and adults to create impressive 3-D papercraft objects. This sampler contains charming finger puppets, whimsical pop-up greeting cards and envelopes, gift boxes and more created with paper, scissors, glue, and crayons. Each project includes patterns to print, easy step-by-step instructions, facts related to the project, something fun to do, and a story or poem. Requires VGA and WIN31.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\ANNIE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
X-10 Windows Control 1.20 by David Huras. Reg.Fee: $32
is an event scheduler for the X-10 CP290 Controller. It supports X10.DAT files, five undocumented CP290 commands, sunset/sunrise/DST, CP290 self-test, event sorting, and more. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\HOME\X10WC120.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
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