PsL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM V5, #06
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New Programs For The Month
ForKeepsc (32-bit) 2.5 by Ragnar Hellspong. Reg.Fee: $34-$64
allows you to track and store downloaded CompuServe messages in Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\FK32TL.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
ZOC (32-bit) 3.03 by Markus Schmidt. Reg.Fee: $71
is a powerful communications package for Win95/NT. Features include support for a wide variety of file transfer protocols, solid terminal emulation, an online JPG/GIF viewer, ISDN and telnet support, a phone book with up to 500 entries, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\ZOW303.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

ByeLines 3.2 by YakWorks Software. Reg.Fee: $10
allows you to create E-mail or newsgroup signature files. It works with any program that uses ASCII files for a signature, such as Netscape, Agent, Pegasus, Eudora or Microsoft's E-mail and NewsGroup programs. It will append taglines to your signature and change the tagline periodically.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\BL322.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
AutoPage (TN) 1.04 by Terry Neckar. Reg.Fee: $25
allows you to schedule pages to your alphanumeric pager any time you need to be reminded. It can also schedule pages for groups as well as individuals. Pages can be scheduled on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, or just single reminders. Requires a modem.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\AUTOV104.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Cookie Pal 1.0 by Kookaburra Software. Reg.Fee: $15
s a complete Internet cookie management system for Win95/NT. This works with Internet Explorer 3.0 and Netscape Navigator 3.0 to give you complete control over the cookies which are accepted by and stored on your system.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\CP1SETUP.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Java Newsletter #015 by Glen McCluskey & Associates. Reg.Fee: $0
is a newsletter for Java programmers. In this issue: Introduction to Java Security Part 2, books on Java, Comparing C/C++ and Java Part 15, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\JAVNL015.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Rasputin by Basta Computing. Reg.Fee: $10
helps your computer remain connected to the Internet by simulating network activity. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\RASPUTIN.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
DialupPro 1.00 by YakWorks Software. Reg.Fee: $15
is a Remote Access Service (RAS) package that automates many jobs related to connecting to the Internet, such as dialing, tracking time, launching programs, etc.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\DUP100.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
FTP Map 97 by FastWare. Reg.Fee: $28
makes it easy to transfer files to your FTP account. It places itself as an icon on your desktop, and you simply drag and drop files or directories on the icon to transfer them to the FTP server set as default in the setup.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\FTPMAP97.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
eFTP Explorer (32-bit) 1.10 by ediSys Corp.. Reg.Fee: $20
makes browsing FTP sites as simple as using an Internet browser to browse the World Wide Web. Using a familiar Win95 Explorer interface, it provides a view of an FTP site much like any other network type drive.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\EFTP32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
eScout (32-bit) 1.00 by ediSys Corp.. Reg.Fee: $20
combines your Internet Explorer Favorites and your Netscape Bookmarks into one convenient window.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\ESCOUT32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Zoot 3.1 by Zoot Software. Reg.Fee: $79
is a powerful Internet information manager for Windows that includes a URL tracker, web page grabber, file searcher, and pop-up note-taker. Other features include compatibility with most browsers, the ability to extract URLs from HTML documents, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\ZOOT31.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

WebTrail by Alston Software Labs. Reg.Fee: $20
is an Internet monitoring package for parents who want to view what their kids have been seeing on the Internet. This includes the ability to look at images, search stored web pages for user-defined words, and optionally delete these or start up the browser to view the page in question. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\WEBTRAIL.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
NewsSniffer 1.0 by Michael Volz. Reg.Fee: $15
is a highly automated offline Newsreader that makes the use of the Usenet as easy and as cheap as possible. Features include automatic download of headers/articles from different newsgroups on different newsservers, scheduling of the automatic download at any desired time or polling for new articles, automatic decoding of encoded articles, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\SNIF1610.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
MassMail by Logyx Computer Corp.. Reg.Fee: $59+
can automatically mail a message to a list of e-mail addresses. Requires Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\MASSMAIL.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
MailThing 1.2 by Webster Image. Reg.Fee: $23
is an E-mail checker/notifier which will monitor up to 15 POP3 mailboxes. In addition to informing you about messages stored in mailboxes, it allows you to preview, save, delete and print messages in any monitored mailbox. You can also associate an external mail client for every mailbox for easy access. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\MTHING12.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
TurboWeb 2.1 by TurboWare. Reg.Fee: $15
uses a loose leaf ring binder as a metaphor for storing web site information. Tabs along the left provide for multiple categories within each database. Multiple databases of web site information can be maintained.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\TRBWEB.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
BisonWare FTP Server 2.02 by BisonWare Software. Reg.Fee: $19
allows you to quickly and easily set up an FTP server in Win95. This version only allows a maximum of two users to be logged into the server at any time, and users are limited to five downloads.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\BISONFTP.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
WFinger32 1.0 by Alexander Danileiko. Reg.Fee: $0
is a 32-bit Finger and Whois Winsock compliant client. Features include DNS lookup, a Finger address book, text search capabilities, the ability to copy output to the clipboard, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\WFNGR_32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
db Web Builder 1.1 by Bluestem Technologies. Reg.Fee: $99
helps generate HTML files from a FoxPro compatible DBF database. It supports a wide variety of xBase expressions that allow you to format field data, insert date and time information, and create IF statements that allow for conditional HTML output. You can easily add and format data from character, numeric, date, logical, and memo fields.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\DBWEB.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Ad 2.1 by Mark Qian. Reg.Fee: $?
is a Java applet that displays a user-specified scrolling window with sound.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\AD.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Talk (MQ) 1.1 by Mark Qian. Reg.Fee: $?
is a JAVA applet that plays user-specified sounds (au files) in different styles. It can play a primary sound once or repeatedly, as well as a series of secondary sounds.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\TALK11.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Web Page Builder Professional 2.01 by KTG Software. Reg.Fee: $25 Aust.
s a multi-document HTML editor used for creating Web Pages. This includes an extended version which requires MS Internet Explorer 3.01, and a standard version which works with most popular browsers. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\WBP201.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Map This 1.31 by Fresh Ground Software. Reg.Fee: $0
can be used to create, edit, and convert Clickable Image Maps for the Web. It allows you to actually draw the areas to be defined on the graphic you wish to use, attach HTML "url" references to each area, and save the image map data off into either NCSA, CERN, or HTML 3.0 format.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\MPTHS131.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

SitePad 1.0.1 by ModelWorks Software. Reg.Fee: $39-$69
is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for HTML and VRML. Features include the ability to add your own custom tools using JavaScript or VBScript, custom templates for creating new files, custom toolbars and menus, hotkey support, syntax keyword coloring, and much more. This version is limited to opening files files with less than 2500 bytes of data.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\MWSP62.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Kawa 2.0 by TEK-Tools, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $49
provides an integrated development environment (IDE) for Java that helps to build Java applications and applets directly in Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\KAWA20.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
JPadPro 3.1 by ModelWorks Software. Reg.Fee: $29
is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java with support for HTML. Features include a project manager with class/package/file views, the ability to add your own custom tools using JavaScript or VBScript, support for Sun's Java Development Kit (JDK) and Microsoft's Java Development Tools (MSJ), symbolic debugging using Microsoft's debugger, the ability to access JDK and HTML help files, and custom toolbars/menus. This version is limited to opening files with less than 2500 bytes.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\MWJPP62.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

freeDUM 1.02 by Sameer Kalidas. Reg.Fee: $0
is a powerful dial up manager for Win95. Features include dial-up automation, device and server time out, multiple phone numbers for each connection, sequential and random dialing, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\FDUMS102.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
RSU32 1.02 by Hans-Georg Michna. Reg.Fee: $98
updates the software on many individual workstation PCs connected to a file server. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\RSU32X.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
OpalisRendezVous 1.02-2 by Opalis. Reg.Fee: $?
is a file/database transfer and replication service for Windows NT. It allows you to automate copy, move, replication, transfer, archive, backup, mirroring of files and database rows between two or more computers, linked by a network or a dial-up line.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\OP_RDV_I.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Updates To Programs On Past CD-ROMs
Courier Plus for WinCIM 1.1 by EZ Software.. Reg.Fee: $49
retrieves all e-mail messages from your CompuServe mailbox (either the old ASCII mailboxes, or the new HMI boxes) as frequently as you wish. This checks for new e-mail in such a manner that, if no mail is waiting, it does not use any of your connect time.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\COURPLUS.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
ForKeeps 2.5 by Ragnar Hellspong. Reg.Fee: $49
allows you to track and store downloaded CompuServe messages in Windows.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\FK16TL.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
WinTel32 2.1 by SMSOFT. Reg.Fee: $45
is a powerful communications program for Win95/NT. It features file transfer using ASCII, XModem, YModem, ZModem, and Kermit; VT100, ANSI Color, VT52, and TTY terminal emulation; viewing GIF and JPEG images offline or while downloading; Telnet client for TCP/IP connection; uuencoding and decoding Internet files; and more. This version limits connect time to 15 minutes.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\WINTEL32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
WinTel 4.1 by SMSOFT. Reg.Fee: $40
is a full-featured communications package for Windows. Features include a phonebook which stores your remote service names, phone numbers and communication settings, ASCII/xmodem/xmodem1k/ymodem batch/zmodem protocol support, a realtime and an offline GIF/JPEG viewer, terminal emulation, redial and batch dialing capabilities, a programmable script language, chat mode, session capture with resizeable fonts, uuencode/decode support, and more. Online time is limited to 15 minutes in this version.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\WINTEL.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Cclink 1.5a by Gary Shaboo. Reg.Fee: $10
allow you to monitor your serial and parallel ports by displaying lighted LEDs on the desktop. This version works for 60 minutes before terminating.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\CCLINK15.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
EZDialup 1.84 by EZ Software.. Reg.Fee: $75
is a dialup file server system for Windows. It allows users to securely distribute files to remote callers using pre-programmed scripts. Commands include download, upload, zip, unzip, move up, move down, run programs and more, plus an automated remote-directory update function. Client-side software is included.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\EZDIALUP.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
CS2Exchange 2.02 by Merchantware. Reg.Fee: $?
helps you to transfer CompuServe email files to Microsoft Exchange. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\CS2EX20.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
FaxMail Network for Windows 5.17 by ElectraSoft. Reg.Fee: $59
adds faxing capabilities to Win95/NT applications. Features include an auto-print on receive option, background operation, custom cover pages, a fast fax viewer, timed sends, logging of all past and future fax events, and much more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\FAX_N517.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
AutoPing by Logyx Computer Corp.. Reg.Fee: $59
periodically checks on specified Internet connections and notifies the user if a connection fails. Requires Win95.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\AUTOPING.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Stay Connected! 1.3 by Bok Nan Lo. Reg.Fee: $20-$25
keeps Internet Service Providers (ISP) from dropping your connection after certain period of inactivity (usually 15 minutes). The program keeps the Internet connection alive by sending/receiving packets to a host at a specified interval. Requires Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\SCONN13.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Visual Office 3.10 by PIM Sarl. Reg.Fee: $50
allows you to store and track graphic files, Web pages, and multimedia files in Windows. You can clip together Web pages and files related by topic (regardless of their location), and add "Post-It" notes or a "to do" list to each file. It also provides 300 popular Internet site addresses.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\VOFFPE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
IQuote 2.1 by Logyx Computer Corp.. Reg.Fee: $29
allows you to download stock quotes over the Internet in Windows.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\IQUOTE.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
PrimaSoft AutoFTP 1.1 by PrimaSoft PC, Inc.. Reg.Fee: $15
is a client software for transferring files over the Internet. Features include: schedule auto-transfers for future date/time; automatic dial, connect; WIN 95 File Explorer-like user interface; multiple simultaneous transfers, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\32PSFT.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
File Dog 1.2 by Edge Publishing. Reg.Fee: $39
let you perform automated Internet file transfers. It supports FTP and HTTP transfers with user defined events. It includes fully functional Zip and manual FTP.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\FDOG120.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
StripIt for Windows 2.0 by MMR Software. Reg.Fee: $99
lets you extract thousands of Internet addresses in just minutes. All you need to do is capture the messages from your Internet source (ex. Usenet) and run it through StripIt. It lets you maintain separate files for all of your lists.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\STRIPIT.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
MailCat (32-bit) by Black Paw Communications. Reg.Fee: $55
is an off-line reader for Internet email. It allows you to create messages in a comfortable Windows environment, connect to the Internet, send all your messages, and download and save any mail waiting for you. Requires Win95/NT.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\MC20B_32.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Teleport Pro 1.28 by Tennyson Maxwell. Reg.Fee: $40
is a multithreaded file retrieving, offline-browsing webspider for Win95. It scans the Internet for files or sites of interest, and downloads them to your hard drive for fast offline access. Features include advanced file type/size matching, keyword filters, the ability to handle proxy servers and password-protected sites, automatic retries, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\TPRO128.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Trawler (32-BIT) 1.8 by Bitsafe. Reg.Fee: $35
allows you to interactively browse and gather information from the Web. It automatically follows links and retrieves pages to your hard drive. It can even follow links from different web databases simultaneously.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\TRAW3218.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
HTMASC 2.1 by Bite'n'Byte Software. Reg.Fee: $25
converts pages from the World Wide Web to plain text files, removing all HTML tags. It also provides full text handling capabilities with all the standard features like searching for text, using the Clipboard, printing, bookmarks, and an undo facility.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\HTMASC21.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Gif+Web 3.10 by Informatik Inc.. Reg.Fee: $20
converts GIF, bitmap, JPEG, and TIFF files to the transparent GIF files that are essential for web pages. Features include support for dithered color backgrounds, an option to make the background grey, and more. Requires VBRUN300.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\GIFWEB31.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
CButton 2.5 by Mark Qian. Reg.Fee: $0
is a demo of a JAVA applet that works as a command button with pictures, scrolling, and multi-line captions. Its on_click parameter allows you to open a given URL address when clicking. It also allows you display a message in the status bar when the mouse cursor moves over the applet.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\CBUTTON.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
CoolMap 1.5 by Mark Qian. Reg.Fee: $0
is a Java applet which works as an image map and also provides a built-in design center which makes image map design and maintenance visible. A sound will also be played when mouse is moved over a particular hot area. The corresponding URL will be opened when clicking at a hot area.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\COOLMAP.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
Network Assistant 3.03 by DinoSoft Inc.. Reg.Fee: $100
helps network supervisors to manage their Novell network in WIN31. It offers tools like custom defaults, bindery query, batch creation of users, easy login, and balloon help.
Get program's ZIP file (WIN\COMMUNIC\NETASST.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.
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