PsL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM V5, #04

Op.System Section
DOS Utilities, Disk/File

New Programs For The Month

AV 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
presents a listing of files in archives (ZIP, ARC, etc.) and lets you sort as desired. It also allows resetting of the file date based on the archive's contents.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\AV612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Easy Backup (LR) 1.3 by Leithauser Research. Reg.Fee: $20
copies all files on your hard disk that were created or modified after a specific date to a floppy or a hard disk directory.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\EZBU13.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Daily Sayings 1.0 by Griffin Software. Reg.Fee: $0
displays a randomly selected quote, and secretly captures the user's keystrokes to a file. This can help you determine if unauthorized persons are accessing your computer.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\SAYING10.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Updates To Programs On Past CD-ROMs

AVScan 3.21 by H+BEDV GmbH. Reg.Fee: $0
is a freeware scanner that can detect more than 4500 virus signatures.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\AVSCAN.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Integrity Master 3.11b by Stiller Research. Reg.Fee: $50
is an anti-virus and data integrity system. The author says it detects all known viruses. It can detect any form of file corruption, including disk errors or as-yet unknown viruses. Stacker, DoubleSpace, SuperStore and Bernoulli system files are supported. Identifies the new MS Word Macro viruses as well as over 640 additional viruses. It has an option to quickly disinfect diskettes.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\I_M311B.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Fortune (BG) 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
adds features to DOS's FOR command. These features can be applied to commands accepting regular DOS wildcards. Results of the command are written to a batch file which you can review before you run it. It also includes the ability to embed redirection indicators in a command, separate the file name and file extension, identify individual characters in the the file name and extension, specify incrementation in the file names, specify multiple statements on one command line, exclud e up to 10 file specifications from consideration, do PKZIP commands, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\FORTN612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

CMFloppy 1.6 by NoVaSoft. Reg.Fee: $10
is a utility for copying, formatting, and sector-by-sector viewing of diskettes. It allows you to store the image of a diskette on your hard drive as a file for later use in making diskette copies.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\CMFLOP16.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

DIRComp 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
compares two subdirectories and records the differences between them in file size, dates, and missing files. The program can also resolve these differences. If files in the primary subdirectory are more recent than those in the secondary, it can copy the files for you. If files exist in the secondary and not in the primary, the program can delete those files.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\DIRCO612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Eddy 8h by John Scofield. Reg.Fee: $30
is a full-screen directory editor and general purpose disk utility. You can edit directory entries, including name, date, time and attributes of files; sort directory display by file name, extension, size or date/time; copy, move, and delete files; look at or patch data in files, in RAM, or by physical disk sector; find strings of data in files, in RAM or by physical disk sector; locate files anywhere on your disk, by name with wildcards, by file attributes, and/or by file timest amp; and recover files safely.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\EDDY8H.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Paginate (BG) 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
reformats text files with embedded formatting codes. This handles things like titles, footers, indexes, alignment, justification, multi-column listings, etc. It also provides support for embedding tabular data in ASCII-delimited or dBase formats which can be embedded and/or sorted in your reports.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\PAGIN612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Convert (BG) 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
converts between the following data formats: from dBase, ASCII-delimited, and fixed field to Lotus WKS, ASCII-delimited, dBase, and fixed field.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\CONVR612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

FixText 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
allows you to apply a user-defined character translation template to any text file. This can be useful for changing an entire set of characters at once. Character translation tables can let you convert all lowercase characters to uppercase, translate IBM graphics characters into standard ASCII text, remove trailing spaces, etc. Input file specifications can include wildcards or external files containing the files to be processed.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\FIXTX612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Parse-O-Matic 3.90 by Pinnacle Software. Reg.Fee: $85-$99
is a programmable text-file parsing utility. It converts text files into formats which can be converted into other programs. You use a simple programming type format in configuration files to tell POM how to convert a file. This provides the maximum in flexibility and configurability while still being relatively easy to use.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\PSPA390.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

CopSince 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
searches a given directory for files that are newer than a given date or newer than a set number of days and copies them to another directory. Parameters can also be set in a control file for repeated use.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\COPS612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Fill (BG) 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
will fill up floppies with the maximum number of files that will fit into them.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\FILL612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

FILUPDAT 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
compares a list of files in a source directory to that in the destination directory and copies only files that are newer than those in the destination. The program uses a control file containing all of the appropriate directories, file names, and options, allowing you to easily perform this task on a regular basis.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\FILUP612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

File Selector 2.71 by Tomohumi Kodama. Reg.Fee: $35
is a file/directory manager and DOS menu program. It allows you to save the data of CD-ROMs and load them later at any time.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\FS271.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

DIRTotal 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
creates a report of desired files in the specified subdirectory or drive. It will also list number of files and directory space usage. It can search an entire drive or part of a drive and multiple drives, search for files based on attributes, date, or size, extract files from archives, and more. The program also supports CD-ROM and network drives.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\DIRTO612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Change (BG) 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
makes changes to text files of virtually any size. You can remove trailing spaces from files, specify different lengths for input and output strings, and perform changes only on lines that include a certain character string. The program can handle up to 30 change requests at a time. It can replace the original file with the resulting file or create a new changed file. Changes can be entered from the command line or from a control file.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\CHANG612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

BFind 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $50
searches text files for specified strings of text using boolean logic. For example, find any line with one string AND another one, or any line with one string OR another.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\BFIND612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

XFind 1.01 by Stefan Cordes. Reg.Fee: $15
locates the desired text in any file and displays the results in a scrolling list, including path, line of text, and the line before and after it.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\XFIND101.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Read (BG) 6.12 by Wayne Software. Reg.Fee: $0
allows you to view any text file up to 16,000 lines in size. You can also search for text within a document, split large files into smaller ones, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\READ612.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

List 9.2a by Buerg Software. Reg.Fee: $37-99
is the premier file viewing utility. It lets you do text searches, filter out garbage characters, change directories and select files to view from a directory list and much, much more. n option to display fixed length record sizes, support for Windows 95 with PIF and icon. NEW: an option to display fixed length record sizes, support for Windows 95 with PIF and icon.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\LIST92A.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Text file Viewer 2.3 by Tomohumi Kodama. Reg.Fee: $10
is an easy-to-use text file viewer for DOS. Features include super speed scrolling, the ability to handle files over 15MB, a word wrap mode that cuts long lines to fit them to the screen width, searching facilities, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\V23TK.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Backup Fugue 1.20 by Fugue Software. Reg.Fee: $47
is a hard disk backup program. It features compression, selective backups, master backup index, works across networks, tracks multiple file versions, and more.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\BU4D120.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Easy Backup 7.1 by Easy Software. Reg.Fee: $40
makes compressed, self-restoring backups. It backs up subdirectories automatically and has an archive option which will remove the backed up directory structure from the hard disk.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\EBAK71.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Hard Disk Copy 3.1 by DCF Software. Reg.Fee: $24
performs back-up from one hard disk or image file to another. It copies drives sector by sector, reducing the number of seeking functions and saving wear on the drive. It also supports Windows 95 long file names. The program can also be useful for setting up multiple systems with the same programs.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\HDCP.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

Bootit 2.02 by TeraByte Unlimited. Reg.Fee: $40
lets you create up to 255 "master" partitions on a hard drive. A customizable menu allows you to easily select the desired boot configuration. Other features include swapping drives A and B, and support for one or two hard drives up to 4 gigabytes.
Get program's ZIP file (DOS\UT_DSKFI\BOOTIT.ZIP) from the CD-ROM.

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Copyright 1997 Nelson Ford, PsL