ATLUS.ZIP 108500 08-22-91 Atlus is an atlas of the United States. It | provides information about all the states, | the District of Columnbia, and more than 150 | cities. You can add more cities. When you | click on a city on the U.S. map display, | information about that city pops up. You can | have the program locate a city from a list or | have it quiz you on U.S. geography. (This | file is dated 1991 and the author can no | longer be reached at the address listed in | the documentation; however, the program is | still useful.) (Griff Jackson) (Reg.Fee: $?) GEO3D.ZIP 763340 05-03-96 Geo3D 1.3 draws detailed 3-dimensional maps | in Windows. You control viewing direction, | angle, vertical scale, and elevation colors. | Cities, rivers, lat/long lines and boundaries | can be overlaid on maps. This version | includes map data for Hawaii, San Francisco, | Mt. Rainier, Albuquerque and low-res U.S. | mainland, but you can also import your own | maps from U.S. government Internet files. | (Salt Creek Software) (Reg.Fee: $17) MAPDRW21.ZIP 93125 04-16-96 MapDraw 2.10 is a deed plotting system for | real estate and title professionals. It draws | maps based on metes and bounds descriptions. | High quality printouts can be produced on any | Windows-compatible printer. Requires | VBRUN300. (Informatik Inc.) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: | $89) MAPIT_W.ZIP 102555 05-11-94 MapIt for Windows 1.0 is a traverse program | designed to easily enable area and error | computation and mapping of simple boundary | surveys. Up to 300 sides may be entered. | Scale maps can be drawn on any Windows | printer. This is desgned to be used by those | involved with field area measurement for | agricultural, forestry, or research and | education purposes. (Fred Schatzki) | (Reg.Fee: $10) NCOMP_1.ZIP 141073 11-23-91 NCompass is a desktop mapping/travel | package. It combines the information of a | travel map with the graphic power of Windows. | Three maps are provided in this version: USA, | Michigan, and Grand Rapids, and other maps | are available from the author. The supplied | maps can be modified, or you can create your | own. You can also zoom in and out, and copy | all or part of your display to the Clipboard | for use in other programs. Great detail is | provided on the Grand Rapids map which allows | you to click on any intersection for street | information, and also shows hospitals, city | parks, and a few points of interest. VGA, a | mouse, and 1 meg of disk space are required. | (3cs Software) (Reg.Fee: $50) NCOMP_2.ZIP 50587 12-01-91 See NCOMP_1.ZIP SSNY.ZIP 9647 02-07-95 Street Smart NY locates Manhattan (NYC) | cross-streets for avenue addresses. Requires | VBRUN300. (Ron Benvenisti) (Reg.Fee: $?) US3DW.ZIP 686331 08-29-95 3D Atlas: Western U.S. 1.5 provides detailed | (1- minute resolution) elevation data for the | entire mainland U.S. west of Denver. Requires | WIN31. (Salt Creek Software) (Reg.Fee: $15) USAMAP.ZIP 40170 08-18-91 USAMap prompts you for cities you will be | traveling through on your trip, draws a map | of the U.S. and plots your route, displaying | the total distance you will be traveling. | Donald doesn't say how many cities and towns | are in the databank, but there are a LOT. He | says it took six months to type all the data | in. (Donald Harms) (Reg.Fee: $?)