CODE18.ZIP 246821 11-21-95 Australian Postcodes (TM) 1.8 is a database | of Australian post codes. You can enter any | town or suburb and receive the associated | post code or visa versa. You can also enter a | partial name or code and receive the nearest | match. (Tomas Martin) (Reg.Fee: $29) SWAC10.ZIP 244461 02-29-96 United States Area Code Database 1.0 is a | reference guide containing 350 pages of area | codes and zip codes for all fifty states, | 20,000 entries in all. The guide is in | self-executing format, allowing you to | scroll, search for text, set bookmarks, and | jump by page numbers. It can also be | installed as a 4K TSR to pop-up over any DOS | application. (Scott Smith) (Reg.Fee: $20) ZIPKEY.ZIP 224757 11-10-95 Zipkey 3.08e allows instant access to any of | the more than 43,000 zipcodes in its complete | city-level directory of five-digit U.S. zip | codes. In the non-resident mode, you can | search by zip, by state and city, or by city | only. In the resident pop-up mode, you can be | in a word processor or mailing list program | or database program, and when you enter a zip | code, ZipKey will automatically insert the | city name, state name or abbreviation, and | any other fixed keystrokes you specify in any | format you wish. The database can be loaded | into DOS RAM, in which case ZipKey will take | about 148k, or left on disk or put in EMS | memory, in which case it will take only 19k | of DOS RAM. It also provides the telephone | area code for each of over 30,000 cities in | its database. The zip code database has been | extensively checked for accuracy and | compressed to save space. Installation and | use is very easy, the price is reasonable and | it doesn't take much RAM. What's not to | love?. (Eric Isaacson) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30) ZIPZIP.ZIP 888244 12-05-95 ZipTest provides a variety information based | around zip codes in the USA. You can enter | zip codes to get city, county, state, and | geographic location data; enter state to get | all cities and counties; enter city, county | and state, or radius to get zip codes; or | enter two zip codes to get the distance | between them. (Richard Seale) (Reg.Fee: $0-59)